Wednesday, October 11, 2023

80 years strong, the FDR of the 21st Century

 As I listened to President Biden address the American people I marveled that a man of his age who should be sitting at home with  his grandchildren about his knee was able to absorb all of the horrific details committed by the evil Hamas against the children, women and men of Israel just living their daily lives. There he stood before his people, the American people, and told them what they wanted to hear. America would defend the rights of the Israeli people to exist on the lands where they have lived for thousands of years (our oldest book, the Bible, tells the story of the people of Israel; it has been ingrained in the history of the world and will always be there). He told the American people that America would stand with Israel in their fight against the evil Hamas as long as it takes. Myself, I have been in favour of a two nation solution for Israel and Palestine for many years (but people parading in the streets of Canada flying flags other than our own and praising the Hamas butchers is unacceptable; they do great damage to the cause of the Palestinian people). Flags are for celebration not for Hamas barbarians. Hamas has made it clear that they only want a one nation solution and they showed their solution - murder of the innocents - infants killed in their wanton lust for blood and the destruction of the Israeli people. How disgusting; would that the entire world would rise up and see you for what you are - criminals, butchers, unworthy to be called human. Here in Canada we once gave freedom to such people in order to free a hostage from the UK. But one hopes and prays that if you escape that no one will give you a place; that you will have to flee for the rest of your lives and know the fear of being sought and butchered.

I admire President Biden, he has done and is doing a great job to this outsider looking in from next door but I am an outsider and refrain from talking about our neighbour's politics. It is something that the American people have to work through; not my business or anyone else's that isn't American. Our business is just to be good neighbours. As he stood there though I was reminded of another President's strong stand against terror - Franklin Delano Roosevelt. That job cost him his life I think and one prays that President Biden can withstand the torture of knowledge and continue to serve the American people as he has for most of his adult life. Beside him though were his Vice President and his Secretary of State ready to share the burden of power if need be just as the members of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's government stood by him. Thank you America for being so strong and giving the Free World your American President and the World is proud to know him showing his strength even at 80 years of age. 

Not yet dawn here but soon to come. Free the hostages Hamas; give Palestine back to the Palestinians and the PLO so that they can go back to working with Israel to create a two nation solution. It takes a very long time to solve problems that are very old.

Prayers continuing for Afghanistan that their rescue efforts will be successful.

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