Friday, October 20, 2023

Another excellent day on the 10th Generation of the Siderfin family

Another excellent day working on the 10th generation of the Siderfin Family and just one family line to complete this generation. I shall move on to the 11th generation tomorrow. I am fairly pleased with the result ad should have realized that I would be nit picky about the references. I tend to use my own style rather than the approved style. As I like them to be fairly comprehensive and let me take away some of the heavy text so that running through family lines is easier to visualize without so much extra material in the actual text. It does make some of the footnote area quite large though as a result. 

Still thinking about the autosomal DNA results and how to express them. I have a lot in my lines because so many of my Pincombe cousins have tested and for some reason a lot of other lines coming down from Robert Siderfin and Grace (Kent) Siderfin have also tested. I have a number of matches in England, Canada and the United States. There may be Australian but I have not taken a long look at all of the matches yet. I may paint them and use those images as it will be helpful to people to see where the pieces of chromosome that are passed down through the generations actually are located. 

Do I think any other chapters are necessary? Not really I do not think I will add things like where they lived or properties owned or anything like that. It doesn't interest me as it is too far in the past. Life moves on.

On my proofreading run through I will do the indexing and generate at least a name index. I will contemplate generating a place index. It is better actually that I have decided that I will publish mid-December but I am still contemplating starting to serialize the book beginning in early December.  The chapters look like:

Table of Contents
Preface and the Ancestry of James Sanders     5
Acknowledgements                             8
History of the Siderfin Family of West Somerset    10
First Generation                            12
Second Generation (Children)                    14
Third Generation (Grandchildren)            18
Fourth Generation (Great-Grandchildren)            25
Fifth Generation (Great Great-Grandchildren)    51
Sixth Generation (3rd Great-Grandchildren)    71
Seventh Generation (4th Great-Grandchildren)    83
Eighth Generation  (5th Great-Grandchildren)    98
Ninth Generation (6th Great-Grandchildren)    118
Tenth Generation (7th Great-Grandchildren)    132
Eleventh Generation (8th Great-Grandchildren)    166
Twelfth Generation (9th Great-Grandchildren)    215
Autosomal DNA Results    250
Appendix 1    252
Appendix 2    259
Appendix 3    268
Appendix 4    272
Appendix 5    277
Appendix 6    278
Appendix 7    281
Appendix 8    287
Appendix 9    291

List of Figures
Figure 1: Elizabeth (Rew) Pincombe daughter of Elizabeth (Siderfin) Rew    2
Figure 2: Family Chart created by the original author James Sanders    6
Figure 3: Relationship chart - 9 generations (Elizabeth (Blake) Kipp)    9
Figure 4. Latin text for Brigford in the Hundred Rolls    10
Figure 5: First seven generations of the Siderfin Family of Luxborough, Somersetshire    12
Figure 6: Pedigree of the Siderfin Family (original chart)    13
Figure 7: Visitation of the County of Somerset 1623 - Ignobiles    23
Figure 8: Visitation of the County of Somerset 1623 – Carhampton Hundred    23
Figure 9: Fourth-Fifth Generation – The William-Line    31

A little longer than I planned but it may shorten as I footnote (but it might not!). The appendices may become shorter as I have simply thrown all the text in that I didn't use and some of it I think it might be interesting but may not repeat it as James Sanders had it in his book.

There are more figures, I just haven't added the citations yet. The 12th generation brings the families to my mother\s level as in Canada we respect the privacy of 100 years on births although that appears to have been reduced to 92 years  as anyone 92 years or older could be on the 1931 census now released, 75 years for marriages and that remains and twenty years for deaths.

My fingers are starting to itch to get into the Pincombe book but I did not plan on starting before January or February sometime so no rush. There are some items I need to get from the Archives of the UK which I may start in motion as they do a check to see if the number referring to the document is the actual document that I want to have. 

Another beautiful day in God's World  Would that peace was part of that and perhaps it is just around the corner. Rain today so not likely raking the front lawn after all. Will see how the day goes. Definitely I need to rake the front lawn. I will wait for all the leaves to come down before I rake the back yard. There are now four trees that contribute to the leaf haul that there is in the back yard and last year I think it was about 20 bags off the back yard with just two off the front yard. 

I did listen to President Biden's speech to the American nation. I expect a lot of people around the world listened to the President's speech. He is very much in control and ready to lead his nation forward in support of both Israel and Europe. But the Europeans are strong and well armed and ready to deal with Russia trying to break out. They will not attack though but they will support Ukraine until Russia has retreated back to their borders as established at the end of the Soviet Union. An entity that should never have expanded if Churchill's warning had been followed. Churchill was so right; the Russians would have continued to side with Hitler except Hitler invaded them and they had a fight for their life where we helped them; no gratitude there at all! A traitor never changes their stripes for sure.

The British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has also gone to Israel to show support from the peoples of the United Kingdom. Although I do love the United Kingdom I am a Canadian first. My heritage I can love at home because Canada deserves all of my attention and love and loyalty. My father was born in England coming here with his parents as a child of nine in 1913 but his first thoughts were for Canada  through his life because it became his home. Three of my grandparents were born and lived in England to adulthood and beyond (I only knew two of them). My grandfather truly loved England to the end of his life; it was his soul but he was 39 when he came here but he also loved Canada and when his family tried to draw him home he stayed with his ever growing number of grandchildren. He saw all but one of us - seven grandchildren and just one child of his own. My grandmother was 20 (my mother's mother) and she was a proud Canadian; she loved Canada first but she also loved England as she would talk about living there as a child. Not much about her family but about England - the flowers, the birds all remembered with love by her as well as her cousins left behind. All of them talked about their cousins, aunts and uncles but more so my grandfather and father. Heritage demonstrations that are not Canadian in their content (our First Nations people often remind us of the ancient past of this country) can be divisive in a country and should be something practiced at home or in private. Tribal attitudes cause many of the troubles of the world.

Glory to Israel. Glory to Ukraine. We can not lose these battles against Satanists; the evil of the world lies in the psychopathic Nazis Putin and his enablers and the psychopathic terrorists Hamas and anyone who supports them.

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