Monday, October 2, 2023

Cleaning Day and continuing the Tenth Generation

Today is the basement cleaning day. I am up early and it is just 12 degrees celsius and clear but dark. Winter is slowly arriving in Canada.

Yesterday good accomplishment on the Tenth Generation. I am almost finished the first time through which sees the descendancy added to the individuals born to this generation. I do not include female line descendants unless they are illegitimate (have their mother's surname). They belong to another family line and although some do record the lineage with the mother numbered I do not. 

Swept leaves yesterday and have a green bin full. Got the patio, the car (which was covered) and part of the laneway accomplished. Will wait now for the rest to fall which should be in the next couple of days. But today cleaning and I start in the basement so the easy day today and the long haul tomorrow. It works well for me though as I do not drag the vacuum up two flights in order to start at the top and come down. Can not think why it took me so long to work on that for sure. Glutton for punishment I guess. 

The organ music was lovely once again at the service; I do enjoy the music and miss it in the summer. 

Not a great deal of thinking about world situations these days. Will be glad to see Russia get out of Ukraine but it does seem like a long haul and will likely end up with peace keepers although Russia will fight that for sure; they seem to be unable to get past their mistake and will keep on with it until they hope everyone weakens and lets them have what they want. The typical two year old and definitely we do not need that in our world. Two year olds need to be reined in and corralled if necessary in a playpen. That works very well. Just lock them in until they grow up and join the real world. It is becoming more and more obvious that Russia would readily have continued with their agreement with Hitler and taken as much as they could get. What a different world it would be perhaps if Hitler hadn't attacked Russia. One wonders. Certainly the British and the Commonwealth defended Britain and prevented that takeover which resulted in Hitler going to the east where it would be easier he thought. How the world turns and here we are again with a Nazi aggressor nation but this time it is the psychopathic Nazi Putin and his enablers trying once again to dominate. Glory to Ukraine. 

 God always in my thoughts; my best friend in all the world for sure and has been as long as I remember. That is as it was meant to be really; Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and importantly as well love your neighbour as yourself. Jesus brought those words to us and they have been treasured down through the ages. 

On to breakfast, starving this morning although my chicken stew was very filling and hearty but all that leaf clearing was a lot of work for this 78 year old.

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