Sunday, November 26, 2023

Bible Reading from 1 Corinthians 15:35-58

Todays Bible reading from 1st Corinthians and it includes an audio discussing "How are you using the gifts God has given you?". This particular version is also very interesting to read although I think I prefer the Revised King James translation. But the last verse I always find very poignant. 

"My dear friends, stand firm and don't be shaken. Always keep busy working for the Lord. You know that everything you do for Him is worthwhile."

Eyes a bit tired today but I have completed John coming down from Augustine and working on Robert's lines now. One set of Siderfin descendants I never could locate in England but amazingly I did find them. I have autosomal DNA matches that I believed were Rew-Siderfin and these two Siderfin brothers would have been first cousins to my 2x great grandmother Elizabeth (Rew) Pincombe living in western Canada. Checked the 1921 Census and 1931 Census of Canada and there they were but dreadful spelling! So a great find for sure but my cutoff is 1920 so not a lot of detail in the book. But today I shall take a day of rest for my eyes and it is God's day for me - Sunday. Also Church is online for me at my Anglican Church here as it is Christ the King Sunday. 

Teatime, Church time, exercise time and the day will pass so very quickly but I shall think about the next Pincombe Newsletter as the time is fast approaching (1st of December). 

I think knowing little Emily just nine (turned nine as a hostage) is home with her father once again is such welcomed news. A little girl whose mother died of cancer when she was just 2 and a half years of age is finally home once again with her daddy. One prays that her captivity can be left behind from her mind so that in the future it never comes back to haunt her. More hostages home once again though is wondrous news. We await this day's return of hostages.

Bombing Kyiv again, who does supply the Satanic Nazis Russians with all these weapons of war? God be with the Ukrainians and help them to push these Russians out of their land.

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