Thursday, December 21, 2023

Footnoting completed and Indexing organization

I have completed the footnoting in as much as I am going to do that; there are lots of non-Siderfin names not footnoted. Unless they belong to the family they are pretty much not footnoted. But one can search the electronic file so not particularly a big deal in these modern days. 

I am still working on my wording where I establish the descendants of the seventh/eighth generations which affects only James Sanders actually. My cousin had pointed out to me that James Sanders had not attached himself to the correct son of Augustine Siderfin. Gradually as I work my way through the wills I am agreeing with him on that but want to make sure that the evidence used to establish that is all there and complete. 

Other than that it is a go with just administrative things to do and I will work at that today and tomorrow and hopefully can keep with my deadline of producing the first serial of the book on Saturday's blog. 

Cleaning of the basement all accomplished yesterday and gradually I am streamlining the cleaning so that it does take less time and involves less lifting on my part. As I move towards 80 I need to keep it in my mind that my ability to do some of this will slightly diminish as the years pass. But on the other hand, I am increasing my chosen exercises so probably doing the same amount but not in a fashion that causes extreme strain like moving heavy things. 

Where is the world at today? We continue having to listen to Hamas refuse to give up the hostages. Hamas are thugs out for the money; fleecing people around the world with all sorts of lies. The more damage to Gaza the more money they think will come their way; it is really just a huge fleecing of the peoples of the world who sympathize with the Palestinians in Gaza. None of that trickles down to them particularly but the world thinks it does except now we know it doesn't. The money builds tunnels with the sole purpose to hurt Israel whom they hate (and for them to hide in like the cowards they are; they radicalize people to do the fighting and dying) rich homes, all luxury for Hamas. It is surely money that drives them rather than any other motive although they do concentrate on radicalizing people where ever they can to have supporters who will go in and die. Hamas does see a them and us with us being the Jews, the Christians, the non-believers and the non-Muslim. Reminder, to them you are not a Muslin unless you are born a Muslim. To Hamas only Muslims should live. Hamas are basically liars, thieves, murderers, rapists and terrorists. They are not nice people. So why do the Palestinians protect them? Weird really, Israel has been much kinder to them. God must look down and wonder why people follow Hamas since they are so evil, so satanic. God no longer walks or talks to man. I believe we survived Armageddon (Hitler and his Satanic troopers in the Second World War). So the rest of the story is unknown basically; we are writing our own history now and will it be a world that respects people or a world that succumbs to the Satanists Iran, Russia, and their cohorts.

Prayers for the First Nations as they combat an opioid crisis.

Prayers for Israel, Ukraine and Sudan.

Prayers for those in the earthquake in China and in the volcano eruption area in Iceland.

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