Sunday, December 17, 2023

In the Twelfth Generation proofreading and indexing

 I moved into the Twelfth Generation yesterday and there are about 70 pages left to proofread and index in this chapter. I will then make a package of Thomas and the lead pages to send off to my cousin to have a look. I then just have the autosomal chapter, the appendices and the Index to organize into headings and I will give it one more read and then start to serialize it. The Creative Commons Licence is in process. 

So an excellent day of work yesterday . Today, the Third Sunday in Advent and the Lessons and Carols at 4 online. This is a lovely service. 

Some more Christmas shopping to do and will accomplish that very soon but perhaps tomorrow when it will not be quite so busy. Hard to believe that December is half over already. This month has passed very quickly. 

My mother was certainly the perfect Grandmother; I do not think I have ever met anyone who was a better grandmother for sure. She was also a very good mother.

Forward and onward as I want to start serializing this book by next weekend at the latest.

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