Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Another heavy cleaning day accomplished

 My heavy cleaning day all accomplished and at 78.5 years I am thinking that is not too bad actually. It is good to know that I can still complete that in a timely fashion and pretty much as I have done for quite a few years! I do need less stuff though that is for sure. This summer in the downsizing I want to have everything in this one room that would go with me to where ever I end up one day whilst living. It is mostly in here but still a little work to do in that regard and a few more items to downsize like a very large dresser which I do not use to store clothes. My bed has two drawers and that is my storage. I prefer that in my old age; it is sort of like being a child again but still with an adult mind!

The hostages that Hamas took from Israel they continue to be centre in my thoughts; I have no idea why Hamas gets to have so much say to be honest they are a terrorist group with no interest in other than committing genocide against the Jewish people; they have no interest in Palestinians except to use them as fodder in their war against the Jewish people (i.e. the State of Israel which does include more than the Jewish people); they have no interest in creating a "home" for the Palestinians promising them the land of Israel when they have killed all the Jews. They should just be told what to do or put them in jail; they are terrorists with no rights as far as I am concerned. They gave up those rights of freedom when they attacked Israel on October 7th last. But that being said I would like to see the hostages freed unconditionally and immediately; no six week delay as Hamas slowly release them using the news of the world to try to make themselves look good. 

Prayers continuing for the Russian people as they work through their grief on the loss of their citizens. It was hard to listen to the comments of some of the people supporting Putin's war against Ukraine as they tried to bring the two horrors together in a rant against Ukraine (and NATO unbelievably) to get the people of Russia to support the war against their blood cousins. The ignorance of Putin and his enablers is immense; it is like they were never educated and just live on some heinous nazi level where no one matters but them; any lies can be used and told. But my prayers do continue for those who were killed and especially for those fighting for their lives in the hospitals following the attack by ISIS. Perhaps Putin would agree to an unbiased interrogator that wasn't going to beat these prisoners so violently or promise them favour to carry on the interrogation and learn the truth - from the look of the prisoners they are terrified and beaten.  God will deal with them as the time comes and burn them in the fires that will cleanse them eventually.

Conrad Black produced an interesting editorial on the War against Israel by Hamas. I think he is an amazing writer. Although I do question the Palestinians as being descendant of the Philistines in general as the Philistines were mostly killed but as some historians say there could be descendants in both the Jewish population and the Palestinian population. But overall I liked the way the editorial flowed. I agree that the Conservative  Party has taken the right side of this whole discussion by voting against the recent bill in parliament with which I also disagreed. 

The day commences and it is exercise time, teatime and latin. I did start my French a little earlier than the fall at the very basic level just to once again get into practice speaking French. It will be slow likely getting back to that ability but I have decided I would like to do that. I can also start to watch French Television as I improve. 

Prayers for King Charles as he battles cancer and prayers for the Princess of Wales as she too battles cancer. 

It is amazing one of the large Christmas Cactus pots flowered (just one flower); the pots are very large about 30 centimetres diameter and 28 centimetres high. I am definitely not a plant person but can be amazed to see it flower for sure; the greenery is very nice all these years but actually a flower after all this time! And just as Holy Week begins that little flower just opening amazing.

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