Tuesday, March 19, 2024

What value has the NDP brought to Canada?

 Listening to the proposed legislation that the NDP brought forward in the House has reaffirmed the opinion I have had of the NDP throughout my life. Although the introduction of Health Care was and remains the best work that they have done (and it is good but that was the brain child of Tommy Douglas and the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation Party in Saskatchewan). I do not think the NDP, successor to the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation Party, have continued to be relevant. They take on issues that do not need to be brought forward in the house and working in unison with the Liberals the last couple of years has really shown me that they belong in the Liberal Party and not an independent party. As a taxpayer they use up some of that tax money that goes to parties in the house. I think it should be a voluntary donation (or give a percentage that must be donated of one's taxes) and I would then donate personally what I wanted to the party that suited me (that would certainly let the parties in power and in opposition know the temperature of the Canadian tax paying public!). Business tax, if any of that goes to the parties, would be distributed as it is now to prevent big business from dominating politics. Listening to the amendment to the legislation last evening one can see that Canada benefits from legislation brought forward in the house that has been carefully vetted and does not go against our core values. 

The NDP created real problems for Ontario when they were in government that we are still sorting our way out of thirty years later (their idea of closing hospitals for Rae days continues to be one of their worst ideas amongst others). Their "extreme liberalism" complicates the Canadian scene rather than adding to it. However, their ideas could be part of the Liberal Party and brought forward in that capacity. I do not think legislation recognizing Gaza as a State is at all appropriate at this time so long as one member of Hamas remains alive in Gaza. They are a terrorist organization and in power - perhaps the best illustration of that was the hospital staff cheering apparently as hostages were brought in on that dreadful day following the October 7 massacre. How could they, if they had any humanity, cheer such an event. As a child I did cheer the death of every Nazi that the Jewish Secret Service tracked down but I was a child and realized as I came into teenage years that it is inappropriate to cheer at a death or when people are treated as the Jewish (and others) were treated on that 7th of October last when the hostages arrived at a hospital. Gaza could become a state one day when there are enough adults in the room; when they realize that they can farm the land and grow their own food and not take away from people truly mistreated daily, weekly, monthly all of their lives like the Rohingya have suffered through and others. That is the purpose of the United Nations; not supporting "hate" education. When I was a child Palestinians were murdering Jewish children; it does have to stop. Bombing Israel was always going to get an answer back; raping, murdering babies, infants, children, women and men was always going to get an answer back; enslaving, taking of Jewish hostages Israel should always respond back. Israelis have the right to defend themselves. Hamas has never rescinded their desire to commit total genocide against the Jewish people - Hamas is a constant threat and should never be given even the idea of statehood in Gaza. So long as they are there I do not want to see one bit of Canadian money go to the rebuilding of Gaza. Constantly I have written why do the Palestinians in Canada not bring the children (the 2 to 8 years olds) to Canada; that would take a huge section of the most vulnerable population out and rebuilding when this is done can be accomplished without the little ones underfoot. Plus I doubt that they require any clearance other than their DNA so they can be returned to the appropriate individual.

Release the hostages now and unconditionally Hamas as the International Court of Justice stipulated two months ago.

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