Monday, May 27, 2024

Hamas strikes Tel Aviv

The terrorist Hamas has struck Tel Aviv once again with rocket fire. Just because Israel can defend itself doesn't mean that they cannot take aggressive action against these terrorists. The Palestinian people deserve far more than Hamas will ever let them have. Stand up Palestinians and take back this land that was given to you; make it work for you and create a heritage for your children. Do not let it be the burial ground of your children. The land has much promise and you can bring it to flower; Hamas is killing your children. 

Cherry red tomatoes are in the ground and the planting of the bedding plants begins. Once that task is completed then the lawn can get some care and the hedge - the rest of the black earth goes there. We have nearly finished our task although weeding is ahead as always whilst we wait to see the plants grow. Not a gardener by any means but there is a simple pleasure in the growing of food; knowing you grew it and collecting up the harvest. Then preparing that harvest for the evening meal - it is a very relaxing way of life. I am of course convincing myself because my daughter does love to garden. And it is true that gardening is very good exercise and probably saves money although by the time you add up the earth, the plants I do wonder about that but have always kept that thought to myself. But then I am retired so time is no longer money!

Continuing with the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter and it is the 27th, Five more days to publication. 

On to the day and it is cataract surgery day so no breakfast. It is strange to be looking forward to this surgery but it has been a long time getting organized but now the first surgery day has arrived and everything is ready. Taxi to the hospital and then picked up later when the surgery is done. My father, I have his eyes apparently according to our ophthalmologist at that time, felt the surgery went very well as he could read his cross word puzzles and do them way into his 80s and that was fourty years ago! He actually lived to be 94 years, 4 months and  six days. On the 21st of December we traveled to see him as my mother had said he was not doing well. We wanted to say goodbye in person and December was, in those days (1998) the usual wintry mess but it was important. I spent most of the day the 22nd with him and he was very weak but his eyes still had that bright luster of my childhood and he was happy to see us. Edward and the girls went off to take my mother shopping and they spent the day together doing that. Then back home the next day but one could see that soon the phone would ring to tell us that he had passed. It was one of the only times that Edward spoke to me about dying (his brother had died two years earlier) and he didn't want to be alone he said and he was not. We were all there with him that last evening and he was content. 

I would say that my eyes are ready for sure; my sight is not what it was but the reading glasses are too strong now for me to use them any length of time. My regular glasses let me read with a good consistency. We will see how it all goes. 

On to the day.

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