Sunday, May 8, 2011

Rhéaume family

I did a preliminary search of the web on the Rhéaume family and found this excellent website devoted to this early French Canadian family.

This particular line diverges quickly from the line that I am working on but is an interesting discussion on the early history of the Rhéaume family.

Céline Rhéaume married Félix Lanoie 24 Jul 1878 at Cyrville (now part of Ottawa), ON. Their marriage lines give the parents of Céline as Isidore Rhéaume and Adèle St Amour. The date of birth for Céline of 26 Aug 1856 at Saint André Allevin I have from the census and the death registration. I need to find her baptism.

Isidore Rhéaume and Adèle St Amour were married 1 Jan 1850 at St Eustache, Deux Montagnes according to published accounts. I have yet to find this marriage and I spent some time today going through the St Eustache parish registers in 1849 - 1851. I also looked at St André, St André Avellin in the same time period. Perhaps presumptive of me to think I might find it when others have been unable to do so but more and more material is coming on line at the pay and the free sites.

I decided to look at the collateral lines and the sister of Adèle, Elisabeth, married Félix Boivin 7 Jan 1852 at St André Avellin. Elisabeth was about six years older than Adèle. If Adèle married in 1850 she was only 18 years old. Although this was productive in showing the same parentage, it did not lead to finding the marriage I was seeking.

A baptism of Isidore Rhéaume took place 24 Aug 1826 at St Eustache (Deux Montagnes).

Le vingt quatre Aout mil huitieme vingt six ___ nous
curé sossigné a été  baptisé Isidore née hier, du Légitime mariage
de Charles Réaume journalier et de Marie Amarendgher
de cette paroisse parain Joseph Guilbau, marain Evran
ne Mousel qu'ons deéclaré ni savoir signer

L Paquin

A second Isidore Rhéaume was baptized  at Ste Scholastique 15 Aug 1825

Isidore Réaume née hier to Charles Réaume
cultivateur de la Paroisse et l'Archange Lapierre
légitimé mariés, présente par son père et ___
les _____Baptismaux par Antoine Pervoyaux et Ursule
Stomalin qui ____ ont déclaré ne savoir signer a été baptisé
par Vous Pretre soussigné ce quize Aout mil huit cent vint cinq

P G de la Mollee Petre

Is one of these the correct Isidore Rhéaume? The census show him to be born consistently earlier in the 1820s - closer to 1822. His burial indicates a birth date in the range of 1822 but neither of these sources can be used to accurately say that he was born in 1822. Which one? Both are descendant of the same emigrant ancestor.

Next step is to look at all the children's baptisms to see if there is any usage of siblings' names.

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