Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Will of Peter Blake of Andover - The National Archives, PROB 11/408/228,229, probated 3 Feb 1692

The will of Peter Blake provides more questions than answers in the ongoing story of the Blake family of Andover. He does not name anyone as his sibling other than Dorothy Smyth but rather refers to a number of Blake members as Kinsmen/Kinswoman and these particular ones are Nicholas Blake at Gravelacre and his brother Richard Blake and their sister Jone Blake. Nicholas Blake I am familiar with in terms of his buying property from William Blake (brother to this Peter). But what is his actual line? That is something I am still working on. There is one other problem that I have with Peter Blake and how he fits in.

The Visitation of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight 1686 lists the genealogy of Peter Blake (late High Sherriff of the County of Southampton aged 66 years in 1686 (will probated 1694) and married to Margaret daughter of Vincent Smith 1st wife and this shows his children as mentioned Peter Blake aged 20 years 1686, Elizabeth aged 18 in 1686 (died by 1689 date of will) and Sarah 17 years in 1686 and he has by then married his second wife Elizabeth daughter of James Gould of Dorchester (by 1686).Since he is 66 in 1686 he was born circa 1619/20 and he was indeed baptized the son of William Blake and Dorothy Madgwick 5 Apr 1619 at Andover. This matches the Visitation and continuing with the Visitation Peter Blake's will is shown as probated in 1694 but his was done in 1692 and his son Peter's will was probated in 1694. Peter is correctly shown as the son of William Blake and Dorothy Madgwick. This William is said to be the son of Richard Blake of Andover and Joane (daughter of William Blake of Easton Town). Then Richard's parents are identified as William Blake of Easton Town and Anne Tutt of Chilbolton. It is this last relationship that I rather question and I think it is in error. This visitation refers you back to the Visitation of London 1634 and Richard Blake of Tower Ward is listed as the son of Richard Blake of Andover and Jone daughter of William Blake of Easton Town.

So far so good but then I look at the Visitation for Blake also in the Visitation of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight and it refers back to William Blake of Easton Town and lists different children from William's will which I believe the time has come for me to add a transcription to my blog and that will be tomorrow's effort. The children this William identifies in his will (along with his wife Elizabeth) bear no resemblance to the Visitation. It is the source of my thought that there were two William Blakes living at Easton Town in the same time frame. The Visitation for Blake lists the children of William as John (married to Margaret daughter of William Blake of Easton towne), Peter Blake of the Inner Temple, William Blake of Eston towne and a daughter Agnes married to Roger Hyde. John and Margaret have two children listed namely William Blake of Hales House in Middlesex JP and Sara married to William Rolfe. William of Hales House (married to Mary Beverley) have two children William and John. William Blake has listed as children (no wife mentioned) William married to Anne Tutt and sons Peter and Nicholas. One notes Peter is listed as a brother in this chart and indeed William Blake of Eston Town son of William and Elizabeth and brother to Richard married to Jone Blake has a son William married to Ann Tutt and a son Thomas. Peter and Nicholas remain a mystery. William (married to Ann Tutt) may have left a will though and I need to transcribe that one if it comes to the top of the pile. I shall investigate whether or not I have acquired one. It is possible it is with the Hampshire Record Office.

Now that I have finally transcribed this will of Peter Blake I will  relate it to the information contained in the Visitation and the discussion follows. This particular discussion will go on and on as I work my way through all the wills. With Peter having identified himself as a brother to Dorothy Smyth (which I think could have a double meaning as there were a couple of Smyth families) and the other name mentions I hope to find an answer to the Visitations. It does raise questions that I have thought about before with regard to the Visitation and the will of Richard Blake of Tower Ward (London) already transcribed:

Richard Blake of Tower Ward, London identifies his sisters Joane Baylie, Dorothie Burningham, Ellen Hinxman, and Margaret Savadge and these are the daughters of Richard Blake and Jone Blake amongst others including Elizabeth Hapgood (deceased), Alice (died young) whom he does not mention. Richard's will is written 23 Mar 1643/44 and probated 19 Dec 1644. Richard was the second eldest son of Richard Blake and Jone Blake and he is identified in the Visitation  as having two young sons in 1634. In his will he does not mention a wife or children so they have likely predeceased him. Locating Richard helps with Peter as Richard was baptized 30 Sep 1593 at Andover and Peter was the son of his eldest brother William (baptism circa . Richard in his will mentions this William's eldest son and his name is Richard although he refers to him as cousin. Richard has a brother Peter and he apparently has five children whom he refers to as cousins rather than nieces and nephews (Richard, Dorothie, Jane, Mary and Joane). The question in my mind at this point is which godson Richard Blake is this - one lives at Andover and the other lives at Longparish. Again he refers to Joseph Hinxman as his cousin but he is his nephew. He also mentions his brother Nicholas Blake of Galligar. Richard at the time of his death is 51 years of age. His will reinforces the will of his father Richard and his mother Jone in naming his siblings. Re reading the will reminds me that I have not yet acquired any new information on Nicholas Blake married to Deborah (unknown) and living at Galligar (one of Richard's brothers). More on this particular topic later but thought I would put down my thoughts for the moment before I move on to the next will to transcribe. Although I rather think I will publish William Blake (probated 1582) next on my blog just to get a handle on the daughter's marriages which helps to solve the riddle since their brothers have tended to be generous towards them in their wills.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 26 September 2012
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/408/228
Name of testator: Peter Blake
Place: Andover, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated:, 9 Sep 1691, codicil 9 Sep 1691, probated 3 Feb 1692
Read: Electronic file images
Condition: script, middle English writing, 17th century
[In margin] 174 T[estato]r
[In margin] Petri Blake

 1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Peter Blake of Andover in the County of South[amp]ton Esq[uir]e being in
3    good health of body and perfect memory praised be God unto whom
4    I commend my Soule through whose infinite mercie and the
5    merritts of Jesus Christ his onely sonn my Saviour I hope to
6    obteyne Everlasting life and salvation revoakeing all former
7    wills by mee made doe make and ordeine this my Last Will
8    and Testament in manner and forme following My body I
9    committ to the Earth from whence it was taken to be decently
10    buried at the discretion of my Executor hereinafter named
11    willing him that at my funerall he expend not above fifty
12    pounds I desire Mr Benjamin Cullnin if Vicker of the towne
13    of Andever at the time of my death to preach my funerall
14    Sermon for his paines I give unto him as much B[lac]k Worsteed
15    as shall make him a Gowne and to be made into that garment at
16    the charge of my Executor and as much b[lac]k Serge for a Pulpit cloth
17    as shall cost me Tenn shillings and these to be taken out of my
18    Shopp if I shall die possest of it also these to be bought and in mony
19    I give him Tenn shillings and this to be in full of all dues what
20    ever may be claimed or pretended to be due As concerning all
21    other worldly goods which it had pleased God to Invest mee
22    with and I shall dye possessed of I give and bequeath as follow-
23    eth Item to the Ancient poore people of Andever I give and
24    bequeath Tenn pounds to be by my Executor in fiftie daies
25    delivered to the Church Wardens and Overseers of the Towne
26    of Andever for the time being and by them to be distributed
27    to the said poore Item whereas on a Treaty of Marriage between
28    James Gould Sen[io]r of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Esquire
29    deceased Father of my now wife in his life time I was assured
30    by him that his daughter my now wife had of her owne pro=
31    per Estate and in her Custody in money Jewells and Plate to
32    the vallue of Three hundred pounds and that he would give
33    me with her my now wife as her Marriage Portion one thou=
34    sand pounds in money and that he would pay unto me the
35    said summe in some short time after our intermarriage and
36    my said wife assured me she would as she was married have
37    more of her said Father Two hundred pounds all which said
38    summs Amounting to the summe of fifteene hundred pounds
39    in consideration of which said summe of fifteene hundred pounds
40    as a marriage portion to be paid unto me as aforesaid I pro=
41    mised and by my bond did obleige myselfe to settle some lands
42    of Inheritance of the yearly value of one hundred and fifty
43    pounds on my said wife for her Joynture and the heires of my
44    body on her to be begotten Nevertheless although the said sum[m]es
45    of Three hundred pounds nor the summe of Two hundred
46    pounds nor any part thereof hath bin paid unto me nor have I
47    at any time since our Marriage received one penny or penny=
48    worth in money goods or else Except the afore mentioned one
49    Thousand pounds yet being willing and desireous on my part
50    to make good my Agreement promise and obligation I doe hereby
51    give and devise unto my said wife and the heires of my body on her
    [Page 2]
52    begotten or to be begotten All that my Farme and Manner of
53    Bently in the Parrish of Mottisfont Lockerly and Enderly in the
54    said County of South[amp]ton now in the possession of Gabriell Hack
55    his Assigne or Assignes of the yearly vallue of Eighty pounds or
56    thereabout and all those my Lands and Tenements in St Mary
57    Borne in the Parish of Downe Hursborne in the possession of
58    Robert Carter his Assigne or Assignes of the yearly vallue of
59    Forty pounds or thereabout and alsoe I doe devise unto my
60    said wife and the heires of my body on her begotten or to bee
61    begotten one Annuity or yearly rent of Thirty pounds lawfull
62    mony of England to bee Issueing and goeing out of all my Lands
63    Tenements and hereditaments lying and being in Andover
64    aforesaid to be paid unto my said wife by my Executor herein
65    after named and to the heires of my body on her lawfully by
66    me begotten or to begotten at the most usuall feasts or termes
67    in the yeare that is to say att the feast of the Annunciation of
68    the blessed Virgin Mary and of St Michael the ArchAngell by
69    even and equall portions the first payment to be made at such
70    of the said Feast daies as shall first happen next after my decease
71    or within fifteene daies of either of the said Feast which said
72    Lands and Annuity soe devised unto my said wife and the heires
73    of her body soe begotten or to be begotten I will and desire may
74    be Accepted and taken by my said wife and her friends in full
75    discharge and satisfaction of all such Lands and joynters as I
76    was ingaged to settle on my said wife and the Issue of her body
77    and in full Barr and Satisfaction of all such Dower and Thirds
78    which my said wife may have or claime to have out of any of
79    my Mannors and Tenements and hereditaments whereof
80    I shall be seized dureing the Coverture Nevertheless Excepting
81    All manner of Timber Trees growing or that shall be growing
82    on the aforedemised Mannors Farme and Lands to be at any
83    time by my said wife or her Assignes cut or felled save for the
84    necessary and needfull repaire of the dwelling houses Barnes
85    and Stables on the same And as A further Testimony of my
86    love I give and bequeath unto my said wife the summe
87    of forty pounds lawfull money of England to be paid unto her
88    by my Executor within six Moneths next and immediately after
89    my death and the best peece of my Plate as she please to make
90    Choice of and I direct that my brother in Law James Gould of
91    Dorchester in the County of Dorset Esquire or such person in
92    whose hands the bond or other security shall be at the time of my
93    death which I gave for setling of the said Joynter and Lands
94    on my said wife and the heires of her body lawfully to be begotten
95    shall deliver up the said bond and security unto my said Execu=
96    tor within three moneths next and immediately after my decease
97    or that all the bequests made in this my will unto my said wife
98    and alsoe to the Issue of her body to be begotten as aforesaid
99    be utterly void Item I give unto my sister Dorothy Smyth one
100    Annuity or yearly Rent of six pounds to be paid unto her yearly
101    that is to say three pounds halfe yearly viz[ a vi]t att the feast of
102    Th[e ]annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary and St Michaell
103    th[e]archangell by even and equall portions the first payment to
    [Page 3]
104    begin and to be made on the first of the said feast daies that shall
105    happen next Imediately after my decease or within tenn daies
106    next after either of the said Feasts Item whereas I have severall
107    goods of divers sorts in my Shop if I shall dye possessed of them
108    then I give and bequeath unto my kinsman William Warren of
109    Dorchester in the County of Dorsett and to his brother Peter
110    Warren an Apothecary in London to each of them soe many of
111    the most invendible of the said goods as cost mee when bought which
112    will appeare by the severall marks on them the summe of Sixty
113    pounds to be by my Executors herein after named delivered unto
114    them severally in one or Two Moneths next and imediately after
115    my decease Item I give unto my son in law Edmund Lambert
116    Esquire the summe of five pounds and to my daughter Sarah
117    Lambert his now wife the summe of five pounds to be paid to
118    each of them within three Moneths next and Imediately after my
119    decease Item I give unto my said daughter one Silver Tankard
120    one diamond Ring and her Mother's Wedding Ring if I dye
121    possessed of them to be delivered to her within one month next
122    and imediately after my decease Item I give unto my son Peter
123    Blake whome I doe make Constitute and ordaine Sole Executor
124    of this my Last Will and Testament All my severall Mannors
125    Farmes Lands Mills houses Tenements and hereditaments of
126    what nature or kind soever not here in before by me bequeathed
127    and alsoe the Revertions and Inheritance of the severall Lands
128    herein before by mee bequeathed unto my wife after her death
129    without Issue of her body by me begotten And alsoe all my dwell=
130    ing house household goods Shopp and Shopp goods Merchandize
131    Moneys Jewells Rings Plate Books Books of Account and what=
132    ever else I shall dye possessed of or which is oweing and Re=
133    maineing due unto mee in any Nature of kind whatsoever
134    bee it by Mortgage Bonds bills books Rents or Arreares of
135    Rents And all other my personall Estate whatever not herein
136    before by me bequeathed And my Will and meaning is that
137    this my Executor shall out of my severall manners farmes
138    Lands houses Tenements and hereditaments moneys Jewells
139    Rings Plate goods Merchandizes and other my personall Estate
140    pay satisfie and discharge all my funerall expences bonds and
141    all other my debts be it by bonds bills or other Obligations of
142    what nature or kind soever and all my severall Legacies and
143    bequests herein before by mee bequeathed And my Will and
144    meaning is that my said Executor shall he prove this my will
145    enter into such convenient security by bond to the Overseers of this
146    my last Will and Testament hereinafter named for the surrtene
147    satisfying paying and discharging my funerall expences
148    and bequests herein before by me given and bequeathed and all
149    other my debts of what nature or kind soever be it by bonds or
150    else and for the better enableing him soe to doe I advise that with the
151    Assistance and Advice of the overseers of this my last Will and
152    Testament hereinafter named he expose to sale and doe sell my lands
153    in St Mary Bourne called Chandlers which some times since I
154    purchased of Mrs Rebecca Thornburgh of Andever and the Lords
155    and Trustees of Wallop Esquire and Hopper Esquire which Lands are now in
    [Page 4]
156    the severall Tenures and possession of Robert Thorngate James
157    Waight and others Together with my three Coppices with the Barne
158    called the Parsonage Barne and Meadowes and Lands thereto
159    adjoyning And alsoe all that houses and Orchards lyeing and being
160    in Andover in a Streete there called Frogg Lane in the severall tenure
161    of William Beare Nath[aniel] dines And alsoe all those my Tenements
162    in Andover in a Streete there called Brickkill Streete and two Te=
163    nements in a Lane leading to Barbers Mill and the Gardens thereto
164    adjoyning in the severall Tenures of Michaell Crouch Francis Barrett
165    and others And alsoe all my Lease hold and Coppyhold lying and
166    being in Shaborne in the County of Berks[hire] together with the Mill
167    thereto belonging further my Will and meaning is that if my said
168    Executor shall depart this life ere he be Married or make any law=
169    full settlement on the Issue of his body in Marriage Lawfully to be
170    begotten then my Will and meaning is that my daughter Sarah
171    Lambert aforenamed shall be the sole Executrix of this my Last Will
172    and Testament and that she shall possesse and enjoy all my Severall
173    Manners Farmes Lands houses Tenements and hereditaments
174    household goods Merchandizes Shopp goods moneys Jewells Rings
175    Plate Bonds Bills debts books books of Account Rent Arreares of
176    Rent Leases Revertions Mortgages and all other my personall estate
177    of what nature or kind soever to her and the heires of her body
178    Lawfully begotten in Marriage for ever And that shee observe and
179    performe all those severall directions by Bond or else which my said
180    son her brother should have done if hee had been my Executor shee
181    paying and dischargeing my funerall expences Legacies and bequests
182    herein by mee before given and bequeathed and likewise satisfying
183    and paying all my debts by bonds bills or other Obligations whatsoever
184    and that before she prove this my Will if she bee a single person doe
185    enter into such Bond or Obligation to the Overseers of this my last
186    Will and Testament hereafter named as they shall approve of for the
187    due performance of this my said Will and that if she bee at such
188    time Married that then she with her husband shall both enter
189    into such Bond for the due performance of this my said Will
190    as before directed And if it shall happen that both my son and
191    daughter before mentioned shall depart this life before the tyme
192    of my decease and that neither of them my son Peter Blake nor my
193    daughter Sarah Lambert shall leave Issue of their body in Marriage
194    Lawfully begotten Then I give and bequeath all my severall Estates
195    Mannors Farmes Lands Tenements Leases Revercions Houses house=
196    hold goods Merchandizes Shopp goods and all other such personall
197    Estate as I shall dye possessed of to my Right heires forever And
198    that such heire ere he possesse himselfe of the same doe give such
199    sufficient Security as the Overseers of this my Last Will hereafter
200    named shall approve of for the satisfying paying and discharging
201    my funerall Expences and my severall debts on Bond bills and
202    other Obligations with my severall Legacies and bequeaths herein
203    by me before severally given and bequeathed And further my will
204    is that if neither my said son Peter Blake nor my daughter Sarah
205    Lambert shall live and become the Executor nor Executrix of this
206    my last Will and Testament nor have Issue of either of theire
207    bodyes in Marriage Lawfully begotten but that it shall descend to
    [Page 5]
208    my right heires that then such heyre shall within one yeare
209    next after my decease pay unto my above named William Warrin
210    the summe of Three hundred pounds of Lawfull money of England
211    And alsoe pay within one yeare next after my decease unto
212    my kinsman Peter Warrin the summe of fifteene hundred
213    pounds of like Lawfull English money And to the above named
214    Mary Smith Elizabeth Warrin and Mary Warrin her Sister to
215    each of them the summe of fifty pounds a peece within one yeare
216    next after my decease And farther my Will is that if it shall hap=
217    pen that the summe of Thirty pounds hereby before given as an
218    Annuity or yearly Rent Issueing and goeing out of all my Lands
219    Tenements and hereditaments in Andover payable to my wife
220    And the heires Male of her body Lawfully by mee begotten or
221    to begotten shall be behinde and unpaid for the space of one
222    Moneth in which the same ought to bee paid as aforesaid that
223    then it shall and may be Lawfull after Lawfull demands thereof
224    made by my said wife and the heires Male of her said body by me
225    begotten their Assigne or Assignes to enter into any or all my said
226    Lands Tenements and hereditaments in Andover aforesaid to
227    distreyne for all or any the said Annuity or yearly Rent hereby
228    before by me given and bequeathed And for the Arreares thereof
229    if any shall be And the distresse and distresses then theire found
230    to Lead drive take carry away and Impound and the same in=
231    pound to deteyne and keepe untill the said Annuity and yearly
232    Rent and the Arreares thereof shall be fully satisfied contented
233    and paid And further my Will and meaning is that if any person
234    or persons to whome I have hereby given any Legacy or bequest
235    shall not be contented and shall endeavour to disturbe alter Change
236    frustrate or make void in any respect or point this my Last Will
237    and Testament and the Contents of the same or any parte thereof
238    that then hee or shee soe offending shall Loose the benefitt of this
239    my Last Will to all intents and purposes and the Legacies to any
240    of them given and devised by the same The Overseers of this my
241    Last Will and Testament I desire to bee my kinsmen and friends
242    Gabriell Whistler of Combe in the County of South[amp]ton Esquire John
243    Pollen of Andover aforesaid Esquire William Hinxman of Ha=
244    therden in the Parish of Andever Gentleman unto each of them I
245    give the summe of three and Thirty shillings and four pence
246    desireing theire acceptance And that they please to be aiding and
247    Assisting to my Executor above named giveing willing and grant
248    ing unto them and the Longest Liver of them full power and
249    Authority to determine deside and end all Ambiguityes doubts
250    questions and debates whatsoever which arise betwixt my said
251    children or any other to whome I have by this my Last Will
252    made my Legacy or bequest Item I give unto the widdow Sarah
253    Crosse the summe of Twenty shillings to bee paid to her within
254    three moneths nexts after my decease In witness whereof I the
255    said Peter Blake to this my Last Will and Testament have sett
256    my hand and Seale the fourth day of June in the first yeare of
257    the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady William and Mary
258    King and Queene of England etc Anno domini one Thousand
259    six hundred eighty nine Item I give to every of my Servants
    [Page 6]
260    that shal[l ]be liveing with me at the time of my decease the summe of
261    forty shillings to be paid to each of them in One Moneth next and
262    imediately after my decease Item I give unto Mrs Anne Rutley of
263    Andover widow Twenty shillings to be paid to her in one Moneth
264    next and imediately after my decease Peter Blake [signed] Signed Sealed
265    published and declared to be the Last Will and Testament of Peter
266    Blake In the presence of Rich Baker Roger hall Will Beare
267    Further my Will and meaning is and I doe declare it as my last
268    Will and Testament and to be reputed and taken as a further part
269    of my said Will whereby I have given and bequeathed to my Sonn
270    Peter Blake my severall Mannors Lands Tenements Estates goods
271    and Merchandizes and constituted him my sole Executor on severall
272    provisors in my said will exprest and on his fayleing or not ob=
273    servant and performing of the same I have given and bequeathed
274    to my daughter Sarah Lambert my severall Mannors Farmes Lands
275    Houses and Estates and made and constituted her my Sole Execu=
276    trix of this my Last Will and Testament under such restrictions
277    and conditions as therein and above are exprest my Will and
278    meaning is that if it shall please God my said sonn Peter Blake
279    shall depart this life ere he be possessed of these my Mannors
280    Lands and Estates etc to him by me bequeathed and my daughter
281    Sarah Lambert shall become Executrix to my said Will and that
282    she shall depart this life without issue of her body lawfully begotten
283    That on such faileing or failure I give and bequeath unto my above
284    named Nephews my several Estates Mannors Farmes Lands
285    and houses to be to them and the heires Males of their bodies
286    and the Survivor of them that is to say to William Warrin my
287    said Nephew my Mannor and Farme at Bently Lockerly and En=
288    derly in the Tenure occupation and possession of Gabriell Hack
289    or his Assignes my Farme and lands in St Mary Boarne In the
290    possession of Rob[er]t Thornegat Rob[er]t Carter James Waight and
291    others or theire Assignes these in the Parish of down hursborne
292    my Lands in uppersborne al[ia]s hursborne Tarrent in the possession
293    of William Mills th[e ]elder and William Mills the Younger or theire
294    Assignes my Land and Tenement In Overton in the possession of
295    Edward Chapman or his Assignes with all Woods and underwoods
296    thereto severally belonging from and imediately after the expiration
297    of such Settlement as are on the same made to Elizabeth my wife
298    in Joynture to whome for a farther increase of her joynture over
299    and above what I have in this my last Will and Testament other doe
300    sett and bequeathed as her Joynture and in full of all further claimes
301    and demands as declared and enconditions further my Will and
302    meaning is and by these I farther give and bequeath unto Elizabeth
303    my said wife dureing her naturall life and as an increase of her
304    said Joynture all those my aforementioned Lands in hursborne
305    Tarrant al[ia]s Uphursborne in The tenure and possession of William
306    and William Mills or theire Assignes and farther I give and bequeath
307    unto Mr. Nic Blake of Gavelacre and to Mr Richard Blake his Bro=
308    ther my Kinsman forty shillings to each of them to Mrs. Jone Blake
309    theire sister my Kinswoman Twenty shillings to Sarah Rosdall one
310    [Page 7]
311    of our Servants maide Twenty shillings to each other Servants maides
312    as shall be resident and dwelling with us at the time of my departure
313    out of this world Tenn shillings To George Willy my Apprentice Forty
314    shillings these severall Legacies and bequests to be paid unto them by
315    my Executor or Executrix which of them it shall fall to be in three
316    Moneths next and imediately after my decease this above written
317    I declare to be part of my Last Will and Testament and by way of
318    Codicill to be Annexed to my said will written with my owne hand
319    by the help of God and by Peter Blake of Andover in the County of
329    South[amp]ton Esquire and published to bee my last Will and Testament
321    being praised be God in good and perfect memory although weake
322    and fraile in body dated the Ninth day of September One Thousand
323    Six hundred Ninety and one witnesse my hand and Seale Peter
324    Blake [signed] Signed Sealed published and declared to be the last Will and
325    Testament of Peter Blake of Andover Esq[uir]e in the presence of James
326    Chator Edward Harding his marke Richard Goodall

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