Thursday, February 28, 2013

Will of Stephen Buller, Coal Merchant of Saint Giles without Cripplegate, City of London - The National Archives PROB 11/767/394, probated 23 Feb 1748/49

Stephen Buller the testator identifies his two daughters Alice and Susannah with Alice married to Ryall Wells. His wife is identified in the Probate as Mary.

I could not find anything for this family on LDS or Find my Past including Boyd's Inhabitants of London. However on Ancestry Stephen Buller is listed with the London, England Land Tax Records in 1723 at Cripplegate within. Once again in 1735 near Crown Court in Cripplegate without. 

I also found the Marriage Bond and Allegation 27 Jul 1747 between Ryall Wells and Alice Buller mentioned in the will. The original Image is available on Ancestry and it is a full page document to be transcribed below:

Know all Men by these Presents, That we Ryall Wells of
the Parish of Saint Giles Cripplegate London Cooper and
are bolden and firmly bound to the Worshipful Thomas Salusbury
Doctor of Laws Commissary General of the Worshipfull the Dean and Chapter
of the Cathedral Church of St Paul London in and throughout the whole peculiar

Jurisdiction lawfully appointed in one hundred pounds
of lawful Money of Great-Britain, to be paid to the said Thomas
Salisbury or his certain Attorney, his Executors, Administrators,
or Assigns: To which Payment, well and truly to be made, we bind our-
selves, and each of us by himself for the whole, our Heirs, Executors,
and Administrators, firmly by these Presents. Sealed with our Seals
Dated the twenty seventh Day of July
in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven Hundred and forty seven

The Condition of this Obligation is such, That if hereafter there shall
not appear any lawful Let or Impediment, by reason of any Pre-Con-
tract, Consanguinity, Affinity, or any other lawful Means whatsoever; but that
the above bounden Ryall Wells a Bachelor and Alice Buller

may lawfully solemnize Marriage together, and in
the same afterwards lawfully remain and continue for Man and Wife, accord-
ing to the Laws in that behalf provided: And moreover, if there be not at this
present time any Action, Suit, Plaint, quarrel, or Demand, moved or depend-
ing before any Judge Ecclesiastical or Temporal, for or concerning any such
lawful Impediment between the said Parties: Nor that either of them be of any
better Estate or Degree, than to the Judge at granting of the License is

And lastly, if the same Marriage shall be openly solemnized in the Church
in the License specified, between the Hours appointed in the Constitutions Eccle-
siastical confirmed, and according to the Form of the Book of Common Prayer,
now by Law established; then this Obligation to be void, or else to remain in full
Force and Virtue

Sealed and Delivered            Ryall Wells seal
in the Presence of Wal[te]r Gough

This is probably not a line for me to pursue. However Susannah can not be traced down by me.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 15 Feb 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/767/394
Testator: Stephen Buller, Coal Merchant
Place: Saint Giles without Cripplegate, City of London, England
Date of document: 15 Jul 1747, probated 23 Feb 1749
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Stephen
[Margin]: Buller

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Stephen Buller of the parish of Saint Giles without
3    Cripplegate London Coal Merchant being of Sound and
4    disposing Mind Memory and Understanding do make and
5    declare this my last Will and Testament as follows Whereas
6    upon the Contract of the Marriage of my Daughter Alice
7    with Ryall Wells of the parish of Saint Giles without
8    Cripplegate London aforesaid Cooper I entered into one
9    Bond or obligation to the said Ryall Wells bearing date
10    the fifteenth day of July instant in the penal Sum of Six
11    hundred pounds with Condition thereunder Written for
12    securing to the said Ryall Wells the Marriage portion
13    intended and agreed by me to bee given and paid to him
14    with the said Alice my Daughter at and upon the Contingencies
15    in the said Condition mentioned Now in pursuance of the
16    said Condition I do hereby give devise and bequeath all my
17    Freehold Estate in Golden Lane in the parish of Saint
18    Giles without Cripplegate London aforesaid in part of
19    which I now dwell and also all other my Real Estate whatsoever
20    unto my good Friends William Grant of the Burrough of
21    Southwark Waterman and Simon Ring of the Parish of
22    Saint Giles without Cripplegate London aforesaid Cook and
23    their heirs upon Trust to permit and Suffer my loving Wife
24    Mary Buller to receive and take to her own use the Rents
25    Issues and Proffitts of the said premisses during the Term of
26    her natural Life and as to my personal Estate my Debts
27    and Funeral Charges being thereout first paid I give the
28    same and every part thereof to my said Friends William
29    Grant and Simon Ring and the Survivor of them and the
30    Executors and administrators of such Survivor upon Trust to
31    permit and Suffer my said Wife to hold and enjoy the
    [Page 2]
32    same for and during the Term of her natural Life and from and after
33    the Decease of my said Wife in Case my said Daughter Alice shall
34    have any Issue of her Body then living Then I give devise and
35    bequeath the one half part of all my Estate both Real and personal
36    after the payment of my Debts and Funeral Expences unto the said
37    Ryall Wells and my said daughter Alice To hold to them their
38    heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns forever and the other
39    part thereof I give devise and bequeath to my Daughter Susannah
40    To hold to my said daughter Susannah her heirs Executors
41    Administrators and Assigns forever But if it shall happen that
42    my said Daughter Alice shall not have any Issue of her Body
43    living at the time of the Decease of my said Wife then from
44    and after the decease of my said Wife I give all and Singular
45    my Estate both real and Personal of what nature kind or Quality
46    soever the same be or shall consist at the time of the decease
47    of my said Wife as aforesaid unto my said Daughter Susanah her
48    heirs Executors administrators and assigns forever she paying
49    unto the said Ryall Wells thereout the Sum of Two hundred
50    pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain in Three Months next after
51    the Decease of my said Wife and I do hereby charge my whole
52    Estate both Real and personal with the payment thereof and I
53    give the said William Grant and Simon Ring Ten pounds each for
54    Mourning and I do make ordain Constitute and appoint my said
55    Wife Sole Executrix of this my Will and I do revoke all former
56    and other Wills by me at any time before the date of these
57    presents made and do declare this only as and for my last Will
58    and Testament and none other In Witness whereof I the said
59    Stephen Buller the Testator have hereunto set my hand and
60    Seal this fifteenth Day of July in the Twenty first Year of the
61    Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace
62    of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender
63    of the faith and so forth and in the year of our Lord one thousand
64    seven hundred and forty Seven Stephen Buller Signed
65    Sealed published pronounced and declared by the said Stephen
66    Buller the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament In the
67    presence of us who Subscribed our Names as Witnesses hereunto
68    in his presence and at his request Tho[ma]s Stagg attorney in Red
69    Cross Street London Tho[ma]s Harvey Willm Shield Cl to Mr Stagg
70    This Will was proved at London the Twenty third Day of
71    February in the Year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred
72    and forty eight before the Worshipful George Hay Doctor of
73    Laws Surrogate of the Right Worshipful John Bettesworth also
74    Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative
75    Court of Canterbury lawfully Constituted by the Oath of Mary
76    Buller the Relict of the said and Sold Executrix named in
77    the said Will to whom administration was granted of all
78    and Singular the Goods Chattells and Creditts of the said
79    deceased being first Sworn duly to administer.

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