Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Will of William Watson Buller, Merchant St George the Martyr, Middlesex - The National Archives PROB 11/783/233, probated 9 Nov 1750

William Watson Buller the testator and his wife must have lived in Lisbon Portugal at some point as their daughter Sarah was baptized 19 Feb 1736 at the British Factory Chaplaincy, Lisbon, Lisboa, Portugal (C88000-1 - Family Search). A second baptism can be found for Elizabeth Watson Buller baptized 21 Mar 1734 at the same place (C88000-1 Family Search).

Under William Buller and Sarah I also found

Sarah Buller baptized 10 Nov 1726 (deceased by 1736)
Lucy Carolina Buller baptized 31 Mar 1728 (not named in the will)
Richard Buller baptized 5 Jun 1732

and all at British Factory Chaplaincy, Lisbon, Lisboa, Portugal.

I did find William Watson Buller  on a Peerage page saying that he was the son of a Richard Buller and Anne Watson and that this Richard was born circa 1637 and died in 1691. They lived at Shillingham Cornwall. Although the date of birth doesn't fit well he could perhaps be the Richard Buller baptized 24 Aug 1628 at St Stephen's by Saltash and son of Francis Buller and Thomas Honywood but very speculative. Not listed in the Visitation as having married anyone at all. The webpage is a personal one.

Then another interesting webpage on a Felizarda Guerhelmina Buller/Burmester who married firstly Ruddolfo Burmester and secondly Richard Buller. Richard being one of the sons of the testator and continued with his father's business being a merchant in England and Portugal. His parents being listed as William Watson Buller and Sarah Stert. This webpage viewed 13 Feb 2013:

I can not find the connection back to the Buller family at Shillingham by the Visitation.

Ancestry does have some information. The marriage of Elizabeth Watson Buller to Eman Walton 6 Apr 1758 at York, Yorkshire and a Charlotte Buller baptized 6 Aug 1738 at St George the Martyr, Queen Square, Middlesex, England with father William Watson Buller. The Burial of William Watson Buller is listed at St Dunstan and All Saints, Stepney, Tower Hamlets on 17 Nov 1750. He is listed as being brought to St Dunstan from St Anne Westminster. No other information on the original parish register lines. Tower Hamlets is rather interesting as that is close to where my Buller family lived in Southwark (St Olave and St Mary Magdalen Bermondsey). I wonder now what is crossed out! The lines for the baptism of Charlotte in the original parish Register show them as living on Great Ormond Street at the time of her baptism.

Interesting line and I shall have to keep an eye open for records on this family. An interesting Bill and answer at the National Archives. Isaac Lusitano de Pinna and Maria Ayres his wife (widow and administratrix of Manuel Mendes Monforte, deceased late of Bahia, Portugal) versus William Watson Buller, merchant, of London, and Peter Ford alias Gabriel Lopez Peneiro with the date of the bill 1739. By the baptism of Charlotte it is known that they have been in England at least in 1738 and they are living at Great Ormond Street and this is the location of William Watson Buller in his Will.

He asked to be buried in the Family Vault at Stepney which would presumably mean St Dunstan Parish Church. The only record I found online from the parish registers for St Dunstan was the marriage of John Buller of Lower Waping mariner and Margaret Hicks 21 Sep 1644. William Watson Buller was probably born around the end of the 1600s so somewhat distant from this record but does bring into question the connection back to the Shillingham family.

The marriage of the eldest daughter Anna Maria to Henry Leaves and this is perhaps the Henry Leaves baptized 14 Jun 1629 at St Nicholas Cole Abbey, London son of Henry Leaves (C02263-2 Family Search) I have not yet found.

There is a baptism for William Leaves (mentioned in the will as second eldest grandson) and he was baptized 27 Jun 1749 at St James Westminster, Middlesex, England with mother Anna Maria (C13553-9 Family Search).

Writing out his son James Buller is quite fascinating in this time period. I now have a Buller line possibility in the London area which I can look at. There are more wills in this area though and it is possible That James simply took ill at some point and was unwell for whatever reason and he has been written out of his large inheritance and given eighty pounds per year to live on. But did he marry and leave progeny? Richard appears to be accounted down past 1763 so not likely my line.

The surname Watson is interesting as there was a marriage of Rebecca Buller (daughter of John Francis Buller and Rebecca Trelawney) to Vice Admiral Sir Charles Watson (circa 1720)

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 14 Feb 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/783/233
Testator: William Watson Buller, Merchant
Place: St George the Martyr, Middlesex, England
Date of document: 28 Dec 1748, probated 9 Nov 1750
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: William
[Margin]: Watson Buller

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I William Watson Buller of Great Ormond Street in the
3    parish of Saint George the Martyr in the County of
4    Middlesex Merchant being at present praised be God almighty
5    in perfect and sound good health and Memory and desirous
6    and wishing to settle and bequeath the small Fortune and
7    Estate which God hath been pleased and Gracious to bless
8    me withall in the manner and form following viz[a vi]t
9    Impri[mi]s - I Give and Bequeath unto my Sister Anna
10    Maria Josepha Martin Widow of the late Reverend James
11    Martin if living at the time of my decease the Sum of
12    forty two pounds for Mourning
13    2dly - I Give and Bequeath to my Brother Richard Buller
14    the sum of twenty one pounds for Mourning
15    3dly - I Give and Bequeath unto my youngest daughter Charlotte
16    Buller the sum of two thousand pounds to be paid unto her
17    when she arrives at the Age of twenty one years or sonner
18    upon the Day of her Marriage provided the somme be with the
19    consent and Approbation of her Mother my wife Sarah but if
20    otherwise not to be paid her untill she is fully twenty one
21    years old
22    4thly I Give and Bequeath unto my next daughter Sarah
23    Buller the sum of three thousand pounds to be paid unto
24    her when she arrives at the Age of twenty one years or
25    sooner upon the Day of her Marriage provided the same be
26    with the consent and Approbation of her Mother my Wife
27    Sarah but if otherwise not to be paid her untill she is full
28    twenty one Years old
29    5thly I Give and Bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth
30    Watson Buller the sum of three thousand pounds to be paid
31    unto her when she arrives at the age of twenty one years
32    or sooner upon the day of her marriage provided the same
33    be with the consent and approbation of her mother my wife
34    Sarah but if otherwise not to be paid her untill she is full
35    twenty one years old
36    6thly I Give and Bequeath unto my youngest son Richard
37    Buller the sum of three thousand pounds to be paid unto
38    him when he arrives at the age of twenty one years or
39    sonner at the discretion Will and pleasure of his Mother muy
40    Wife Sarah but not otherwise
41    7thly - [crossed out and illegible] [Word] Will [in margin]
    [Page 2]
42    8thly Whereas my eldest daughter Anna Maria is marryed
43    unto Henry Leaves Esquire with whom I gave three
44    thousand pounds for her portion and therefore I now
45    Give and Bequeath unto her only Fifty two pounds  ten
46    shillings or fifty Guineas for Mourning
47    9thly I Give and Bequeath unto my Grandson and Godson Henry Leaves
48    the sum of one hundred Guineas or one hundred and five
49    pounds to be layed out in Bank Stock and the Interest or
50    Dividend thereof from time to time as the same becomes
51    due to become principal Stock in the Bank of England and
52    when he comes and arrives at the Age of twenty one years
53    the whole principal together with the Interest or Dividend
54    thereof to be paid unto him
55    10thly I Give and Bequeath unto my beloved Wife Sarah
56    Buller all my Jewells, silver plate and Linnen together with
57    all my household Goods and furniture likewise my coach
58    and Chariott which I shall be in possession of at the time of
59    my death desiring my Wife Sarah that upon her death she
60    Give and Bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Watson her
61    best and largest Diamond Ear Rings and the Rest of her other
62    Jewells to give unto my other Daughter or Daughters She shall think
63    fitting
64    11thly I do hereby Will constitute and appoint my Wife
65    Sarah Buller to be whole and sole Executrix of this my last
66    Will and Testament ordaining and appointing her sole
67    Guardian for the Management and education of all my
68    aforesaid five children which I recommend unto her best
69    and tender care in all respects
70    12thly Whereas my Brother in Law Arthur Stert is at present
71    my partner in my house in Lisbon in the Kingdom of
72    Portugal him I therefore Will and appoint and constitute to
73    remain and be Trustee to this my Will and Testament
74    desiring him to adjust all accounts and so make up and
75    Ballance our company Books as soon as possible to be
76    done immediately after my death in order for him together
77    with my Wife and Executrix to go depositing into the
78    Bank of England and without loss of time the several Sums
79    of Money and Legacies bequeathed and given unto my two
80    sons and three daughters as well also unto my Wife Sarah
81    in the manner hereafter appointed and bequeathed and
82    given unto her for into the Bank of England (at price
83    currant from time to time) I do hereby Will and appoint that
84    my whole Estate and Fortune be put in and made all principal
85    stock that is to say all that may appear to be due and
86    comming unto me and my family both from the company
87    Books of my house at Lisbon as well also from my own
88    Books in London in like manner
89    13thly I Give and Bequeath unto my partner Arthur Stert
90    of Lisbon the Sum of fifty Moidors[?] of Gold at 46 800 each
91    for his care and trouble of Trusteeship in settling and adjusting
92    all my Accounts as well also in Assisting my Wife and
93    Executrix in the due and true executing the contents and
    [Page 3]
94    Meaning of this my Will and Testament appointing him
95    Trustee thereof as before declared hereby willing and
96    ordering that nothing be done executed or transacted by
97    him without the consent and approbation of my wife and
98    Executrix first had and obtained under her own hand and seal
99    14thly I Give and Bequeath unto my Wife Sarah Buller the
100    Sum of (I say) the Income and full Interest or Dividend of
101    Eight thousand pounds which sum of eight thousand pounds
102    more or less I do hereby Will ordain and Appoint to be laid
103    out in buying Bank Stock and so to become Capital Stock in
104    the company of the Bank of England in order for my Wife
105    Sarah Buller to Enjoy and receive the Interest or Dividend
106    thereof to be made Yearly or half Yearly for the same during
107    her own natural Life in the nature or manner of a jointure
108    and upon the Death or Demise of my Wife Sarah I do hereby
109    will ordain and that that her aforesaid jointure of eight
110    thousand pounds more or less She will give bequeath and
111    divide unto my sons and daughters in the best manner
112    she shall please and esteem most proper and necessary to
113    be done for their future advantage in marrying or otherwise
114    15thly I doe hereby declare order and appoint my wife Sarah Buller
115    to remain and go sole and only Guardian unto my aforesaid
116    two sons and three daughters I mean whilst and during
117    her remaining my widow but not otherways I do then the
118    Interest and Dividend of the several Sums of Money left and
119    bequeathed unto them as aforesaid shall from time to time
120    be received by her from the Bank of England and do expended
121    and belayed out in common for the Maintenance of herself
122    and my two sons and three daughters together for the better
123    Education of my aforesaid sons and daughters my Intent and
124    Meaning being nevertheless and I do hereby also Will order
125    and appoint that in case my wife Sarah should marry
126    again after being my Widow Then in such case whatever
127    child or children of mine as shall be then still Minors or
128    under age of twenty one Years Then the full Interest and
129    Dividends of his her or their Fortune or Fortunes shall be
130    fully and wholly received and enjoyed by themselves only and
131    independant from their Mother for their own and separate
132    better Living and Education and do thereby become Independant
133    also from their Father in Law in case it should please God
134    so to happen
135    16thly In order the better to explain the true meaning and
136    Intent of the aforesaid fourteenth article my Will and
137    pleasure is And I do hereby Will and Order that my
138    Executrix and Wife Sarah Buller do in the first place
139    adjust pay and discharge all my debts oweing at the time
140    of my death in the next place for her to make good and
141    pay the several Legacies bequeathed and given unto my
142    children Relations and other persons declared in this my
143    Will and Testament as aforesaid And Lastly all the Remainder
144    of my personal Estate to go to my wife Sarah Buller and by
145    her to be enjoyed as her own property whether the same be
    [Page 4]
146    be more or less than the eight thousand pounds declared
147    and bequeathed unto her agreeable to the Tenore and
148    true Intent and Meaning of the fourteenth Article as
149    aforesaid
150    17thly I Give and Bequeath unto Arthur Smythe my present
151    Book keeper the sum of Twenty one pounds as Legacy
    together with a compleat suit of Mourning which my
152    Executrix is hereby desired to give him with a Mourning
153    Ring also
154    Lastly I desire to be buryed in the Family Vault at
155    Stepney in a decent and private manner with only two
156    coaches and six horses attending my corps humbly recommend-
157    ing my soul unto God Almighty my sole hope and redeemer
158    and Saviour Amen and Amen hereby declaring this to be
159    my last Will and Testament As Witness my hand and seal this
160    twenty eight day of December one thousand seven hundred
161    and forty eight or 1748 in Ormond Street London Wm Buller
162    Memorandum that the seventh article of
163    this my Will remains blotted out with my own hand making
164    the same Will and of no effect nor validity and in lieu and
165    place thereof my Will and pleasure is and I do hereby order
166    will and appoint my Wife and Executrix Sarah Buller to pay
167    into and deposit in the Bank of England three thousand pounds
168    making the same Stock as Security for her receiving the
169    accustomed Interest or Dividend thereof in Order for her
170    paying my Eldest Son James Buller a pension or Annuity
171    during his natural Life of Eighty pounds per Annum in four
172    Quarterly Payments of twenty pounds each payment And
173    further my Will and Pleasure is that upon his death or demise
174    of my son James Buller the aforesaid Three thousand pounds
175    deposited in the Bank of England and made capital Stock be
176    immediately paid and received by my other son Richard Buller
177    or by his heirs as his or their own lawful property hereby bequeathed
178    unto them without any Let or Molestation from any other
179    person or persons whatsoever Whereas in the Eight Article I
181    have bequeathed and given unto my daughter Anna Maria
182    Leaves fifty two pounds ten shillings only for Mourning but
183    instead thereof I now Will and Bequeath unto her five hundred
184    pounds in all and no more to be paid unto her by my Executrix
185    and Wife Sarah Buller And Whereas my Grandson Henry Leaves
186    being dead I therefore now give and bequeath unto my Godson
187    and Grandson William Leaves the Sum of one hundred Guineas or one hundred
188    and five pounds to be paid him when he arrives at the Age of
189    twenty one years in the Interim said Money to be laid out in Bank
190    Stock by my Executrix Sarah Buller and the Interest or Dividend
191    She goes receiving from time to time to be made principall
192    Stock for the better advantage of my aforesaid Godson William
193    Leaves In Witness my hand in Hampton this twentieth day of
194    April Anno domini one thousand seven hundred and fifty or 1750
195    Wm W Buller
    [Page 5]
196    Appeared Personally Henry Clive of the Inner
197    Temple London Gentleman and Henry Leaves of the Parish
198    of Saint James Westminster in the County of Middlesex
199    Esquire and severally made oath that they knew and were
200    very well acquainted with William Watson Buller late of
201    the Parish of Saint Ann Westminster aforesaid deceased for
202    several Years before and to the time of his death which
203    happened in the said Month of November and with his
204    manner and character of hand writing having often seen
205    him write and subscribe his Name and having now viewed
206    and perused the paper Writing hereunto annexed purporting
207    to be the last Will and Testament and Codicill thereto of the
208    said deceased the said Will beginning thus "In the Name of God
209    Amen I William Watson Buller of Great Ormond Street in the
210    parish of Saint George the Martyr in the County of Middlesex
211    Merchant Ending In Ormond Street London and subscribed
212    Wm W Buller The Codicill beginning thus Memorandum That the
213    seventh Article of this my M remains blotted out with my
214    own hand making the same Will and of no Effect or validity
215    Ending As Witness my Name in Hampton this twentieth Day
216    of April Anno domini one thousand seven hundred and fifty or
217    1750 and subscribed Wm W Buller now these deponents
218    depose and say that they verily believe the whole series
219    of the said Will and Codicill beginning and Ending as aforesaid
220    and subscribed as aforesaid is of the proper hand writing
221    of the said deceased and they these deponents further
222    depose that they verily believe the obliteration made
223    between the sixth and Eighth Article in the first side of
224    the said Will was done by the said deceased and also the
225    word Will wrote in the Margin of the same is as they
226    verily believe wrote by the said deceased Henry Clive
227    Hen: Leaves 9th Nov[embe] 1750
228    The said Henry Clive and Henry Leaves were sworn to
229    the Truth of this Affidavit before me Rich[ar]d Smalbroke
230    Surrogate present Tho[ma]s Adderly No[ta]ry Publ[ic]
231    This Will was proved at London with a
232    Codicill the ninth day of November in the year of our Lord
233    one thousand seven hundred and fifty before the
234    Worshipfull Richard Smalbrooke Doctor of Laws and
235    Surrogate of the Right Worshipfull John Bettesworth also
236    Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the
237    Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted
238    by the Oath of Sarah Buller Widow the Relict of the
239    deceased and sole Executrix in the said Will named to
240    whom Administration was granted of all and singular
241    the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased being
242    first sworn duly to administer.

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