Friday, February 22, 2013

Will of William Buller of Exeter - The National Archives PROB 11/1541/14, probated 1 Feb 1813

It always pleases me when I can tie wills together and this third will following the will of William Buller, Surgeon and Mary Buller, Widow both of Honiton does just that. This is William, the eldest son of William Buller and his wife Mary and within his will are references that take me back to both of these wills. By this time Ann Buller has married Robert Pearce and there are three children John Buller Pearse, Maria Pearse and Ann Pearse. He mentions Elizabeth Maynard and Janet Bradbord. A nice linking will but I, at this time, have no ideas on the parentage of William Buller. Living in the Honiton area they are both close geographically to the Buller family in Somerset and the Buller family in Exeter and other parts of Devon.

Elizabeth Buller Maynard married Thomas Colyer at Honiton in 1784 (Boyd's Marriage Index - Find my Past).

Anne Buller married Robert Pearce 4 Dec 1780 at Honiton On Otter, Devon.

William must have drifted away from his family. His father mentioned that he had been very well educated and set up in business and the results of his labour show in his benevolence towards his siblings' children. One nephew has been named and he is John Buller Pearse leaving one to wonder if John Buller (son of William and Mary) did not survive. The three daughters have married and Ann is widowed with three children John Buller Pearse, Maria Pearse and Ann Pearse, Elizabeth has perhaps died although her daughter is mentioned and has married a Thomas Colyer and they live in America, Mary Broadford/Bradford has one daughter Janet whom William also mentions. Although the link between William Buller, Surgeon is somewhat tentative, the link between Mary Buller, widow and William is proven with the mention of the married names of his sisters.

The parentage of William Buller, Surgeon is not known by me. is a rather interesting document that is a transfer of mortgage. The actual document may pertain to these wills but especially the date and two of the signers namely,  4 Jan 1780 and the two signers Richard Buller Surgeon of Honiton in the County of Devon and Robert Pearse also Surgeon of Honiton in the County of Devon. They are friends of one of the signers Thomas How. The document is for sale for £4.25 but the actual content doesn't actually interest me. It is just interesting to see these two names in this time period. Richard Buller was a son of William Buller Surgeon and Robert Pearse was the name of the husband of Ann Buller. 

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 10 Feb 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1541/14
Testator: William Buller
Place: Exeter, Devon, England
Date of document:  16 Sep 1811, probated 1 Feb 1813
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: William
[Margin]: Buller

      I William Buller now
1    residing in the City of Exeter do make this my Will and Testament
2   I give and bequeath unto my Sister Ann Pearse and unto
3    my Nephew John Buller Pearse and unto my esteemed
4    friend the Reverand J Douglas one thousand pounds on trust
5    that they place out the same on good security either on a
6    Mortgage of land or on Government Security as they may
7    Judge expedient and pay the interest thence ensuing to
8    my Niece Maria Pearse during her life the same to be
9    independant of the debts contract or Engagement of any
10    person whom she may hereafter marry and at her decision
11    the said principal sum of one thousand pounds to be
12    disposed of as she may or will direct I give and bequeath
13    unto my said trustees above named the farther sum of
14    one thousand pounds on trust for the use and benefit
15    of my Niece Ann Pearse to be secured and paid in like
16    manner as above directed respecting her Sister Maria
17    Pearse I give and bequeath unto my said trustees above
18    named the farther sum of one thousand pounds for
19    the use and benefit of my Niece Janet Bradford to be
20    secured and paid in like manner as above directed for my
21    other Nieces during her life but in case she should dye
22    without issue only one moiety thereof to be at her disposal
23    by will the other moiety to revert to my residuary Estate
24    I give and bequeath unto my said trustees above named
25    the farther sum of Five hundred pounds In trust for the
26    use and benefit of Ann Brott daughter of my late Niece
27    Margaret Brott to be secured and paid in like manner
28    as above directed for my Niece during her life and at
29    her decease to be disposed of as she may by will direct
30    and whereas Thomas Collier who married my
31    Niece Elizabeth Maynard and now resides in America
32    is indebted to me for his bond dated the ninth day of Feb[uar]y
33    1789 for the sum of three hundred and twenty pounds
34    I give and bequeath the said bond to my trustees above
35    named in trust for the use and benefit of his wife the s[ai]d
36    Elizabeth Collier during her life and at her decease to
37    be disposed of as she may by will direct I give and bequeath
38    to my trustees above named the farther sum of Five
39    hundred pounds in trust for the use and benefit of my
40    said Niece Elizabeth Collier in case she should return
41    to reside in England the interest thereof to be paid to
42    her during her life and at her decease the said principal
43    sum to be by her will disposed of to such child or
44    children as she may have but if she should die
45    without any surviving issue the said principal sum
46    to revert to my residuary Estate I bequeath unto my
47    Sister Ann Pearse the use of such part of my household
48    furniture as she may chuse to retain during her life and
49    the residue to be divided between her daughters Maria
50    and Ann in such time in manner and proportion as she may
51    In expedient I desire that no part of my household
52    furniture be disposed of by auction or sale and all the
53    residue of my Estate and Effects of what nature or kindsoever
54    I give and bequeath unto my Nephew John Buller
55    Pearse except such part thereof as I may otherwise dispose of
    [Page 2]
56    of by Codicil annexed to this my will and testament
57    and I hereby constitute and appoint my Sister Ann
58    Pearse and my Nephew John Buller Pearse Ex[ecut]ors
59    of this my will written with my own hand this sixteenth
60    day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand
61    Eight hundred and Eleven William Buller
62    I William Buller do make this Codicil to this my will
63    I bequeath unto my faithful servant Mary Blate one hundred
64    pounds towards purchasing an annuity for her life
64    and all the Furniture of the room on the attic story which
66    she is accustomed to occupy as her Bedchamber and
67    all such part of my wearing apparel as is suitable and
68    ten Guineas for suitable mourning
69    In the goods of William Buller deceased
70    January 27th 1813
71    Appeared personally James Townsend of
72    Honiton in the County of Devon Gentleman and
73    Thomas Maunder of the same place Gentleman
74    and made oath they knew and were well acquainted
75    with William Buller late of the City of Exeter Esquire
76    deceased for some time previous and up to the time of his
77    death and also with his manner and character of
78    handwriting and subscription having several times
79    seen him write and subscribe his name and having
80    now carefully perused the paper writing hereunto
81    annexed purporting to be and contain the last will
82    and testament with a Codicil of the said deceased the
83    said will beginning thus I William Buller now
84    residing in the City of Exeter ending thus written with
85    my own hand this sixteenth day of September in the
86    year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred
87    and Eleven and thus subscribed William Buller and
88    the said codicil beginning thus I William Buller
89    do make this Codicil ending thus and Ten Guineas
90    for suitable mourning they further made oath
91    that they verily and in their consciences believe the
92    whole series and contents as well of the said will as
93    of the said Codicil to be of the proper handwriting
94    and subscription of the said deceased Jas Townsend
95    Thos Maunder Same say the said James Townsend and
96    Thomas Maunder were duly sworn to the truth
97    hereof before me Richard Lewis Cornet
98    Proved at London on the 1st February 1813 before the Judge by
99    the oath of John Buller
100    Pearse the Nephew and one of the Executors having been first
101    sworn by Commission duly to administer power reserved
102    to Ann Pearse Widow the Sister and other Executor.
103    Proved at London with a Codicil of 8th January 1823 before
104    the Judge by the Oath of Ann Pearse Widow the Sister and
105    other Executor to whom Adm[inistrati]on was granted having
106    been first sworn by Com[missi]on duly to admi[niste]r

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