Thursday, February 21, 2013

Will of William Buller, Surgeon, Honiton - The National Archives PROB 11/894/43, probated 15 Dec 1763

William Buller the testator was a Surgeon at Honiton and I believe that his wife Mary was the will which was published yesterday on the blog. William only  names his son William and no other names for his children. The couple appear to have had seven children in total in birth order: Mary, William, Elizabeth, Susannah (deceased by 1740), John, Susannah, and Richard. Two of the daughters were married, Mary married James Broadfoot and Elizabeth married John Maynard. The other children John and Susannah are not accounted for in any of the text.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 10 Feb 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/894/43
Testator: William Buller, Surgeon
Place: Honiton, Devon, England
Date of document:  13 Aug 1763, probated 15 Dec 1763
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: William
[Margin]: Buller

1    This is the last Will and Testam[en]t
2    of me William Buller of Honiton in the County of Devon
    [Page 2]
3    Surgeon I give and bequeath to my son William who has been
4    educated at a very considerable expence and set up in
5    business by me twenty pounds as a token of my love and
6    regard for him to each of my other children their heirs
7    Executors and Administrators I Give and bequeath an hundred
8    pounds to be paid out of my Effects in twelve Months after
9    my decease to my Wife I give and bequeath all the
10    residue and remainder of all my Goods Chattels Moneys plate
11    and Jewells on this express condition that she pay or cause to
12    be paid the full Sum of Two hundred pounds to every one of
13    my children my Son William excepted in case she Marries
14    after my decease but provided she continues to her Death
15    unmarried then my Will is that my Said Children shall
16    have no claim to the said Sum of Two hundred pounds
17    each but that she shall possess and enjoy the same during her
18    natural life on the determination of which I hereby Give and
19    bequeath the said Sum of Two hundred pounds to each of
20    my said children their heirs Executors and Administrators
21    my Son William excepted and Lastly I appoint my Wife
22    Executrix of this my last Will and Testament Will: Buller
23    Signed Sealed published and declared to be the last Will and
24    Testament of the said Will: Buller in the presence of us Will
25    Harris I Rutter This Will was executed Aug[us]t 13 1763 Will Harris
26    This Will was proved at London on the Fifteenth
27    day of December in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven
28    hundred and Sixty three before the Right Worshipful Sir
29    Edward Simpson Knight Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or
30    Commissary of the prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully
31    constituted by the Oath of Mary Buller Widow the Relict of
32    the said deceased and Sole Executrix named in the said Will to
33    whom administration was granted of all and singular the
34    Goods Chattels and credits of the said deceased having been
35    first sworn by Commission duly to administer.

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