Friday, April 26, 2013

Charlie/Charley/Chorley/Churley Family of Bishops Nympton, Kentisbury, Coombe Martin

The last research day for the Charley-Charlie family of Bishops Nympton, Kentisbury, Coombe Martin was 30 Apr 2011 shortly before I ceased doing my research process on selected surnames (namely my 4x great grandparents who were known to me). At that time I mentioned the wills that we collected at Kew on our visit there in 2010. I will use this time to transcribe those wills.

I also mentioned the book that I was able to purchase "The Romance of the Charley Family"blogged on 12 Apr 2012:

and that has been the sum and total of my work on the Charlie/Charley family. Of note, Mary Charlie married John Pincombe 8 Nov 1767 at Bishops Nympton and they were my 4x great grandparents.

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