Friday, April 26, 2013

Will of Moses Chorley, Yeoman, Sampford Arundell - The National Archives PROB 11/1415/181, probated 10 Oct 1804

There are twelve wills in my folder for the Chorley/Churley/Chorly/Churly family and none for the Charley/Charly/Charlie family from the National Archives at Kew. However, there are 25 wills for the Charlie/Charley family on the Devon Wills Genuki website.  There are six for Chorley and 30 for Churly/Churley also on the Devon Wills Genuki website. The name was spelled interchangeably it would appear but thus far little work has been done on this family in Devon. I am always hopeful that someone will take it on as a one name study. Given the book written up on the Charley family I think it would probably be very interesting but I would do Buller before I did Charley and I haven't got time to do Buller! I barely have time to do what I am doing and this in retirement!

I will add these 15 wills to my blog in hopes that one day someone will find it advantageous to them. I do not think any of them are related to my line at Bishops Nympton/Kentisbury/Coombe Martin.

These two records following for the marriages of Moses Chorley from the transcriptions of Roy Parkhouse ( This is perhaps Moses Chorley baptized 30 Apr 1731 at Kittisford Somerset and son of Moses and Amey Chorley who were themselves married 14 Nov 1722 at Saint Peter Cathedral, Exeter she being Amiah Mynard.

A Moses Chorley married Mary Saunders 29 Jun 1785 at Wellington Somerset (both sojourners). There is a second marriage for Moses Chorley and Sarah Baker 23 Jan 1795 at by license at Wellington and Moses is from Sampford Arundel.

There is a marriage for Ann Chorley and Edward Trood 12 Apr 1799 at Sampford Arundel according to an online record for the Troode/Trood family ( But as with all things online you must be cautious as the children are somewhat suspect having been born 30 years after they were married.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 26 Apr 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1415/181
Testator:  Moses Chorley, Yeoman
Place: Sampford Arundell, Somerset
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 20 Feb 1800, probated 10 Oct 1804
Read: Electronic copy images
Condition: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Moses
[Margin]: Chorley

1    This is the last Will and Testament
2    of me Moses Chorley of Sampford Arundell in the
3    County of Somerset yeoman made and published
4    this twentieth day of February in the year of our Lord
5    one thousand Eight hundred First I will and direct
6    that I may be decently buried without pomp or
7    state at the discretion of my Executor hereinafter
8    named and as touching such worldly Estate which
9    it hath pleased God to bless me with I give and
10    bequeath in manner following (that is to say)
11    give and bequeath unto my dear wife Sarah all
12    such household Furniture as was her property before
13    my Intermarriage with her Also I give and bequeath
14    unto my daughter Ann now the wife of Edward
15    Trood of Churchstanton in the County of Devon
16    yeoman the sum of two hundred pounds to be paid
17    to her in Twelve Months after my death by my
18    Executor hereinafter named with Interest for the
19    same in the mean Time and whereas by my Marriage
20    Settlement I have covenanted and agreed to be paid
21    the sum of two hundred pounds unto Hugh Bellett
22    and Baker Bellett Trustees herein named for the Intent
23    and purpose of putting the same at Interest and the
24    Interest and profits thereof to pay unto my said
25    Wife Sarah for and during her Life in case she shall
26    Survive me and from and after her death then
27    In Trust to pay the said principal Sum of Two
28    hundred pounds as I by my last Will should give
29    or appoint the same Now I do hereby give direct
30    and appoint the same in manner and to form
31    following (that is to say) as to one Moiety thereof I give unto my said daur
32    Ann The other Moiety thereof I give unto my Executor
33    hereinafter named all the Rest Residue and
34    Remainder of my Messuages Lands Tenements and
35    hereditaments Goods Chattels Rights Credits Monies
36    and Securities for Money personal and Testamentary
37    Estate and Effects whatsoever and of what nature
38    or kind soever and wheresoever situate lying and
39    being (after payment of all my debts Legacies and
40    Funeral Expences) I give devise and bequeath unto
41    my Son Moses his heirs Executors Administrators
42    and Assigns whom I nominate constitute and appoint
43    whole and Sole Executor of this my will hereby
44    abrogating and making null and void all former Wills
45    by me at any Time heretofore made or executed and do
46    declare this to be my only true last Will and Testament
47    And lastly I do constitute and appoint Prior Fry of
48    Sampford Arundell aforesaid Gentleman to be Guardian
49    and Overseer of my said son Moses and his Estate and
50    Effects during his Minority In witness whereof I have
    [Page 2]
51    to this my last Will and Testament contained in
52    two sheets of paper to the first sheet thereof set
53    my hand and to the second sheet thereof my hand
54    and seal the day and year first above written
55    The Mark and Seal of Moses X Chorley Signed
56    sealed published and declared by the Testator Moses
57    Chorley as and to be his last Will and Testament in
58    the presence of us who have hereunto at his request
59    in his presence and in the presence of each other
60    subscribed our Names as Witnesses hereunto Jno Symes
61    Sarah Symes  Rebecca Hill
62    This Will was proved at London on the
63    Tenth day of October in the year of our Lord one
64    Thousand Eight hundred and four before the Right
65    honorable Sir William Wynne Knight doctor of Laws
66    Master keeper or commissary of the prerogative Court
67    of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oath of
68    Moses Chorley the Son of the deceased and the sole
69    Executor named in the said Will to whom admon
70    was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels
71    and Credits of the said deceased having been sworn
72    by Commission duly to administer

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