Thursday, August 15, 2013

Will of Thomas Blake, Goldsmith, Alphington, Devon - The National Archives PROB 11/961.365, probated 19 Nov 1770

Thomas, the testator, and his wife do not appear to have any children. I believe this is the husband of Elizabeth Blake, widow, who asked to be buried beside her husband who was buried in St Martin Church in Exeter (line 149 of this will includes his request to be buried at St Martin Church in Exeter). The marriage of Thomas Blake and Elizabeth Hatherly was celebrated 26 Oct 1752 at Kenton Devon (Kenton is 7 miles SSE of Exeter).

Looking again at the website online mentioned in the blog for Elizabeth Blake wife of the testator:

Blog for Elizabeth:

Website looking at this Blake family:

Thomas mentions sisters and the website above has siblings Martha and Joan for the possible father of Thomas, the testator (and this website above gives the testator Thomas siblings Nicholas and George). This Thomas (possible father of the testator) is said to be the son of John Blake married to (unknown) Tychbourne. This John is said to be the son of Nicholas Blake and Mary Matthews (they had two sons Thomas and John). Nicholas is said to be the son of Nicholas Blake and Anne Meadows (they had two sons Martyn and Nicholas). This Nicholas is said to be the son of William Blake and Anne Lentlow. This William Blake is said to be the son of Martin Blake and Catherine Vaughan (they had two sons William and Richard). This Martin is said to be the son of William Blake married to Jone (unknown) (they had three sons Martin, Walter and Roger). This William is said to be the son of John Blake and unknown (John died 18 Aug 1558 in Overstowey Somerset) (they had two sons and a daughter Humphrey, William and Alice (married to unknown Cabull)). This John is said to be a son of Robert Blake and Avice Wallop which is incorrect as their son John died at Nether Wallop in 1504 leaving a will which does not name a son William.

The Blake Pedigree Chart held by the Swindon and Wiltshire Record Office does have part of this line. They have a son for John Blake (d Nether Wallop 1504 and son of Robert Blake and Avice Wallop) named David and he married Joane Mallet. His son John Blake later became the Abbot of Cirencester in Gloucester) and second son William Blake of Lacock Wiltshire married Margaret Brown (daughter of William Browne of Wablyn). William and Margaret are shown to have two sons Martin who married Catherine Vaughan and John who is said to be the ancestor of Lord High Admiral Robert Blake. This family then disappears from the chart. The time frame for the information on the website mentioned above does not fit the actual and I believe I finally do dismiss it in some parts. The individual who created the online website lives in Somerset and is quite knowledgeable but some of the information is taken from sources that are incorrect namely Horatio Gates Somersby. I will let her know of this latest will so that she can revise her webpage if she so wishes to do. There is still the problem is Thomas the testator a son of the Reverend Thomas Blake who was buried at Alwington

Interesting that Thomas, the testator, mentions having Clergyman’s robes and Cassocks in his home and is this proof that he is indeed descended from the Reverend Thomas Blake who was buried 23 Nov 1713 at Alwington at the age of 61 years.

Named in the will:

His wife, but not by name
Joane Stooke, his cousin, widow
Charles Cutcliffe, Esquire, relationship unknown
Stukely Stevens, his cousin
Thomas Farley, descendant of Stukely Stevens
John Pow, descendant of Stukely Stevens
Isabella Weeks, descendant of Stukely Stevens
Mary Shebbear, descendant of Stukely Stevens
Richard Clarke, descendant of Stukely Stevens
Elizabeth Davis, descendant of Stukely Stevens
Sarah Vivian, wife of William, descendant of Stukely Stevens
Mary Lamerson, wife of Peter, descendant of Stukely Stevens
Henry Mayne, descendant of Stukely Stevens
Sarah Oliver, descendant of Stukely Stevens
Joane Thomas, descendant of Stukely Stevens
Sus: Legg, descendant of Stukely Stevens
John Nosworthy, descendant of Stukely Stevens
Daughter of John Keagel, deceased, her children
Children of Federata Cutcliffe, widow
Mrs. Juliana Pasley
Mrs. Catherine Stafford
Mrs. Honor Hatherley, widow, is a niece of Thomas’, the testator, wife Elizabeth.
Mathew Grills
Mr. George Hayter
Reverend Mr Gay, Newton St Cyres
Mr. Barnard Thorn, his wife Sarah, his children
Mrs. Martha Blake
Catherine Stafford, daughter of Mrs. Catherine Stafford
Mary Stafford, daughter of Mrs. Catherine Stafford
Gregory Jackson, Executor
John Bickford, Ann Bickford his wife, his daughters
Thomas, William and Roger, sons of William Brooks
Nicholas Gay, son of the Reverend Mr Gay
John Stafford, son of Mrs. Catherine Stafford
Thomas Stafford, son of Mrs. Catherine Stafford
Mr. Ben Cleave, managed his affairs at Crediton
Frances Law, widow
Mr William Jackson
Reverend Mr Robert Wight
Reverend Mr George Moore
Reverend Mr John Quick, High Bray
Mr Edward Chute
Samuel, son of Mr John Codrington
Nicholas Wills
Mr. Henry Wills, deceased, brother of Nicholas
Mr. William Chapple
Mrs. Jane Manning
Martha Manning, daughter of Mrs. Jane Manning
Elizabeth Adams, daughter of Mrs. Jane Manning
Mr. Manning, son of Mrs. Jane Manning
Thomas Glass, witness
John Quick, witness
John Codrington, witness
Doctor Thomas Glass, witness above
Reverend Mr. John quick, witness above
Mrs. Codrington
Mr. John Cleave, his four children
Mrs. Mary Walrond
Mrs. Nanskivel
John Branger
Elizabeth Beal, wife of Silechial Beal
Richard Coffin
Miss Bennett, sister of Richard Coffin
Mrs. Meddon
William Meddon, Surgeon, South Molton
Mrs. Hatherley
Mr. Narcissus Hatherley, son of Mrs. Hatherley
Mrs. Jackson
Miss Sarah Hatherley
Robert Lake, servant to Mrs. Hatherley
Joane Elliott
Mary Lee
George Gyles
Mrs. Dorothy Woolcombe

Stuckly Stevins was baptized 17 Dec 1721 at Barnstaple son of John Stevins and Mary. There were two marriages on Family Search that could be his parents: John Steephins married Mary Rice 14 Jun 1713 at Saint Mary Arches, Exeter, Devon and John Stephans married Mary Shamler 26 Dec 1713 at Kenn, Devon. I suspect that neither of these marriages are his parents however as both are in the Exeter area! The National Archives (UK) carries a document dated 2 Apr 1798 48/25/11/22 which names Stuckly Stevens as a leasee of Castle House in Barnstaple prior to that time.

Mrs. Juliana Pasley/Pasly is mentioned in both the will of Martha Blake blogged ( ) and the present will. She was a niece to Martha Blake.

The Charles Cutcliffe family of Weach (in the parish of Westleigh) found in the following webpage of the parish of Westleigh:

As always very interesting to put these wills together. The Commissioner for this will’s deponents was John Stabback who was mentioned in the wills of Elizabeth, wife of Thomas the present testator and Martha Blake. I wonder why Thomas doesn’t mention that Martha is his sister in law though if she actually is.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 13 Aug 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/961/365
Testator: Thomas Blake, Goldsmith
Place: Alphington, Devon, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 26 Aug 1767, codicil 3 Dec 1767, probated 19 Nov 1770
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

 [Margin]: Thomas Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Thomas Blake late of the City of Exeter Goldsmith but
3    at present residing in the parish of Alphington in the
4    County of Devon do make and appoint this to be my Last
5    Will and Testament in manner following viz[ a vi]t Whereas
6    I  have by virtue of my Marriage Settlement made a
7    handsome provision for my wife having settled her the whole
8    of her Fortune viz[ a vi]t five [?] thousand and and Four hundred
9    pounds to dispose of as She thinks fit and also settled on
10    her the Interest of three thousand pounds during her
11    natural Life which I hereby ratify and confirm this from
12    a sincere principle of Love and affection I recommend
13    her to accept instead of the Interest of the Three Thousand
14    pounds the Interest of Five Thousand pounds Capital Stock
15    in the old South Sea Annuities now Standing in  my Name
16    which will be more for clear Interest and Convenience as the
17    interest will be always punctually paid with little Trouble
18    or Expence every Six Months I also give my said wife
19    Two hundred pounds one hundred pounds part thereof to be paid by my Executor
20    herein after named within three Months after my decease
21    the other one hundred pounds at the end of one year I
22    also give her all the plate and China and whatever Else
23    she was possessed of before our Marriage and also whatever has
24    been given her since I also give her the use of all my house
25    hold goods or Furniture of my house of what kind soever
26    during her natural leife excepting only such particular
27    articles as I have for good and sufficient Reason thought
28    fit to give to such other persons as are named in this
29    my Will I also Give her all sorts of provisions Liquors
30    Fuel or any other necessary Article of housekeeping
31    that may be in my house at the time of my death for
32    which no account is to be given I also Give her my
33    horses cows and all other Quick Goods that belong to me
34    and whatever I have here given to her I declare to be in
35    Barr of Dower on any Lands I may die levied or possessed
36    of and I declare that no Inventory is to be taken of the
    [Page 2]
37    household Goods during her Life and that she shall not be
38    accountable for Robery or Fire or any other accident that
39    may happen to any part of the household Goods Item I
40    Give to my Cousin Joane Stooke widow the Interest of three
41    Thousand (part of my Capital Stock in New South Sea Annuities
42    now standing in my Name) during her natural Life and after
43    her decease to her three daughters to be equally divided between
44    then (viz[ a vi]t) that is the three Thousand pounds Stock to be
45    divided between them I also give my Cousin Joane Stooke Six
46    China dishes and Saucers being Spotted which she bought for me
47    and Six other dishes and Saucers being Red and Gold Item I Give
48    to Charles Cutcliffe Esquire of Weech near Biddeford after the
49    decease of my wife the five Thousand pounds Capital Stock
50    in Old South Sea Annuities I having before Settled the Interest of
51    it on my wife during her natural life.  I also give him after
52    the decease of my wife All the household Furniture that may
53    then remain but no Inventory to be taken during the Life of
54    my wife I also give him all my Estate in the parish of
55    Parkham in this County called Nethercott Nethercott Parks
56    and Keveils Barcombe and also a parcel of Furse Ground
57    called Pains Cleave also two Cotts called Lilliford and Budds
58    to him and his heirs for ever Item I give to my Cousin Stukely
59    Stephens of Barnstable the Sum of one Thousand pounds
60    I also give to my said Cousin Stukely Stephens the Sum of
61    Four Thousand pounds to be Invested in one of the publick
62    Funds or in such other security as my Executor Shall
63    approve of and in my Executors Name In Trust First
64    for the payment of the several Annuities hereafter given
65    and then to the said Stukely Stephens and his heirs (viz[ a vi]t)
66    to Thomas Farley to John Pow both of Alvington to Isabella
67    Weeks to each and every of them during their natural Lives
68    the Sum of Ten pounds a Year to Mary Shebbear To Richd
69    Clarke To Elizabeth Davis To Sarah Wife of Wm Vivian To
70    Mary Wife of Peter Lamerson for her own Separate use To
71    Henry Mayne To Sarah Oliver to each and every of them
72    the Sum of Five pounds a year during their natural Lives
73    and to Joane Thomas the Sum of Thirty pounds a Year
74    during her natural Life all which Annuities I say I charge
75    on the Four Thousand pounds which I have given to the
76    said Stukely Stephens and do order and direct that my
77    Executor do receive the Interest of the said Four Thousand
78    pounds and out of the same pay the several Annuities
79    and the Surplus or residue of the Interest to be paid
80    to my said Cousin Stukely Stephens and after the deaths
81    of all the Annuitants the said Sum of Four Thousand
82    pounds is to be the property of said Stukely Stephens and
83    his heirs for ever Item to Sus: Legg Fifty shillings and John
84    Nosworthy Twenty shillings a year during their Lives
85    Chargeable on the said £4000 Item I Give to Each of
86    the Two Children of [blank] Broome of Exmouth by his
87    late wife the daughter of John Keagel the Sum of one
88    pounds Each Item I Give to each of the Two Children of
    [Page 3]
89    Federeta Cutcliff Widow the Sum of one hundred pounds
90    each Item I Give to Mrs Juliana Pasley the Sum of one
91    hundred pounds Item I Give to Mrs Catherine Stafford widow
92    and Mrs Honour Hatherly widow both of Bideford the Sum
93    of one hundred pounds each Item I Give Mathew Grills
94    Esquire the Sum of one hundred pounds Item I give to Mr
95    George Hayter of Sowdon the Sum of three hundred pounds
96    now Standing in my Name in the three per cent reduced Bank
97    Annuities Item I Give the Revd Mr Gay of Newton St
98    Cyres the Sum of one hundred pounds Item I Give to
99    Barnabas Thorne and Sarah his wife the Sum of one
100    hundred pounds Each Item I Give to Mrs Martha Blake
101    the Sum of Ten pounds Item I Give Mrs Joane Stooke
102    the Family pictures in the parlour and the Tea Chest Six
103    Tea Spoons and Strainer that were my sisters Item I Give
104    Catherine and Mary daughters of Catherine Stafford the
104    sum of Twenty Five pounds Each Item I Give to Gregory
106    Jackson one hundred pounds on Trust that he pays the
107    interest thereof for the Separate use of the Four daughters
108    of John Bickford of Alwington by Ann his now Wife during
109    their Minority and when they attain the age of Twenty one
110    to divide the said one hundred pounds between them Item
111    I give Thomas William and Roger Sons of Wm Brooks
112    deceased the Sum of Ten pounds each Item I give Nicholas
113    the Son of the Revd Mr Gay all my Books my Trade and
114    Account Books excepted my heraldry Books also Excepted
115    I also give him the Clergymans Gown and Cassocks that
116    are in my house Item I Give Thomas Farley if he Rents
117    Bagg Pitt after my death the use of all the household Goods and
118    implements in husbandry during his Life the Stock on the
119    Estate to be appraised and valued by proper persons or by
120    himself and if he Chooses to take it at the appraisement to
121    have the preference but otherwise to be Sold and the produce
122    thereof I Give to Gregory Jackson of Exeter Item I Give
123    John and Thomas Stafford Sons of Catherine Stafford the Sum
124    of Twenty Five pounds each Item I give Mr Ben Cleave the
125    Sum of Twenty pounds as an acknowledgement for his trouble
126    and Integrity in managing my affairs at Crediton Item I
127    Give Frances Law widow the Sum of Ten pounds Item I Give
128    Mr William Jackson of Topsham the Sum of Two Guineas
129    Item I Give the Reverend Mr Robt Wight the Sum of Two
130    Guineas Item I Give the Revd Mr Geo: Moore the Sum of
131    Two Guineas Item I Give the Revd Mr John Quick Rector of
132    High Bray the Sum of Two Guineas Item I Give Mr Edward
133    Chute the Sum of Two Guineas Item I Give to each of the
134    woman Servants that shall Live with me at the time
135    of my death the Sum of Five Guineas each Item I Give
136    to Samuel Son of Mr John Codrington the Sum of Twenty
137    Guineas and I Give to Mr Gregory Jackson the Sum of
138    Five pounds Per Annum during the Life of Mary Wife of
139    Peter Samerson In Trust that he appropriates the same
140    to the Separate use of the said Mary Lamerson and I do
    [Page 4]
141    declare that this is instead of the Five pounds before given
142    her which I hereby revoke and charge this in Lieu
143    thereof on the said £4000 Item I Give Nicholas Wills
144    all my Interest in the houses and lands at Teingmouth
145    which were given me under the Will of his Brother Mr
146    Henry Wills of Teingmo[uth] deceased and also all my Interest
147    in the Stages Boats Plantations and Stores at Renews in
148    Newfound Land I also Give him the Sum of Ten pounds
149    Item I Give Mr William Chapple the Sum of two Guineas
150    I desire to be buried in the parish Church of St Martins
151    in Exeter in a decent plain manner without outer Bearers
152    Item I Give and Bequeath to Gregory Jackson of Exeter
153    Ironmonger the Rest and Residue of all my Estate and
154    Effects and do constitute and appoint him my Sole
155    Executor to this my Last Will and Testament which I now
156    declare and do hereby revoke all Former Wills by me
157    made in witness whereof I have set my hand and Seal this
158    Twenty Sixth day of August 1767 Tho Blake
159    I add as a Codicil to the above Will to Mrs Jane
160    Manning Martha Manning Elizabeth Adams and their
161    Brother Mr Manning of Launceston the Sum of twenty
162    Five pounds Each Sealed published and declared by Mr
163    Thomas Blake to be his last Will and Testament in the
164    presence of us Subscribing witnesses who signed it in the
165    presence of each other after the Erazure on the back
166    thereof and above Tho Glass John Quick John Codrington
167    I Thomas Blake do
168    confirm the Will I lately Sealed published and declared
169    in the presence of Doctor Thomas Glass the Reverend
170    Mr John Quick and Mr John Codrington and do make
171    the following addition to the same viz[ a vi]t I Give the Interest of one
172    Thousand pounds more to my wife in New S: S: Annuities during
173    her natural Life and after her decease the said One Thousand
174    pounds to be equally divided between Mrs Catherine Stafford
175    of Bideford widow and her two Sons and two daughters I Give
176    to each of the two Children of Mr Barn[ar]d Thorne one hundred
177    pounds each I Give the Revd Mr Robt Wight one hundred
178    pounds I Give Mrs Cdrington wife of Mr Jno Codrington Ten
179    pounds and the daughter of the said Mr Codrington Twenty
181    pounds I Give the Four Children of Mr Jno Cleave the Sum of
182    Ten pounds each I Give Mrs Mary Walrond widow the Sum of
183    Two Guineas I Give Wm Nanskivel of Parkham one Guinea
184    and John Branger the Monts Ford in Alwington one Guinea
185    each I Give Elizabeth the wife of Silechial Beal one Guinea
186    I Give to the poor of Alwington twenty Shillings to be divided
187    by Thomas Farley I Give to the poor of Alphington Twenty
188    Shillings to be divided by Mr Gregory Jackson my Executor I
189    Give Richard Coffin Esquire and his Sister Miss Bennett a Ring
    [Page 5]
190    of the value of one Guinea each to be made by Mr
191    Jones I give Mrs Meddon a mahogany Round Table for her
192    Life and after her to her Son Wm Meddon Surgeon of South Molton
193    to whom I also give a Round Arm Chair and two Guineas
194    as a Remembrance of my regard for him I Give Mrs
195    Hatherley and her Son Mr Narcissus Hatherly and Mrs
196    Jackson a Ring of the value of one Guinea Each I Give
197    Miss Sarah Hatherly a Ring to be a set round with Brilliant
198    set in the Shape of a heart value £2:2:0. I Give Robert lake
199    Servant to Mrs hatherly one Guinea I give Joane Elliott and
200    Mary Lee the Sum of Twenty shilling each I Give Geo Gyles
201    five pounds a Year during Life I Give Mrs Dorothy Woolcombe
202    two Guineas I Give the residue and remainder of my Estate
203    and Effects to my Executor Mr Gregory Jackson I declare
204    this to be a Codicil to my Last Will and Testament and that
205    it is to be taken as part of the same witness my hand
206    Oct: 3 1767 Tho: Blake
207    John Codrington of the City of Exeter
208    and James Pitts of the same City Ironmonger severally
209    make oath and say and First the said John Codrington
210    for himself saith that he hath Looked on the paper writing
211    now produced and Shown to him wrote on the Four sides of a
212    Sheet of paper Signed on each Side thereof “Tho Blake”
213    and dated the twenty Sixth day of August One Thousand
214    Seven hundred and Sixty Seven and which purports to be the
215    last will and Testament of the said Thomas Blake and to
216    the due Execution whereof the Names “Tho: Glass John
217    Quicke John Codrington” appear to be Subscribed and Witnessed
218    and saith he hath also looked on the Erazure appearing in
219    the Eleventh Line of the Second Side of the said Will wherein the
220    words “Elizabeth Davis” now appear wrote and on the Erazures
221    in the thirty Sixth thirty Seventh thirty Eighth thirty ninth
222    Fortieth and Forty First Lines in the third Side of the said
223    will whereon there now appear wrote the words “of twenty
224    Guineas and I Give Mr Gregory Jackson the Sum of
225    “Five pounds p Annum during the Life of Mary Wife of
226    Peter Lamarson In Trust that he appropriates the same to the Separate use of the said Mary Lamarson” and I do declare that this is instead of
227    the Five pounds before given her which I hereby revoke
228    and charge this in Lieu thereof on the” and on the word and
229    Figures in the Forty seven Line “£4000 and hath also looked
230    on the Erazure in the Fourth or last side of the said will in
231    the Tenth Line whereon the words “Rest and Residue of my Estate
232    and Effects” now appear to be wrote and also on the words “I add
233    to the above Will To Mrs Jane Manning Martha Manning
234    Elizabeth Adams” and their Brother Mr Manning of Launceston
235    the Sum of Twenty pounds each” and saith that the Erazures
236    and Sum of Four thousand pounds and also the addenda
237    of the Legacys to the said Jane Manning Martha Manning
238    Elizabeth Adams and Mr Manning as before mentioned were
239    all particularly taken notice of by this deponent and as he
240    believes by Thomas Glass of the City of Exeter doctor of physick
    [Page 6]
241    one other of the said Subscribing Witnesses to the said Will
242    to be therein before and at the time of the Execution thereof
243    and saith that the Name Tho Blake thereto set as the
244    party Executing the same is the proper hand writing of
245    the said Thomas Blake and that he duly Executed his said
246    Will in the presence of this deponent and the other Subscribing
247    witnesses thereto and this deponent James Pitts for himself
248    saith that he hath looked on the said paper writing now
249    also produced and Shown unto him and on the Name Tho
250    Blake set or Subscribed thereto and saith that the Name
251    Tho Blake thereto set as the party Executing thereof is as
252    this deponent verily believes the proper handwriting of the
253    said Thomas Blake and these deponents for themselves
254    severally say they have respectively looked on the paper
255    writing now also produced and Shown to them Signed Tho
256    Blake beginning with the words “I Thomas Blake and
257    concluding with the words “Oct: 3: 1767 purporting to be a
258    Codicil to the Last Will and Testament of the said Thomas
259    Blake and say that the Name Tho Blake set or Subscribed
260    to the said Codicil as the Party Executing the same is as these
261    deponents verily believe the proper hand writing of the said
262    Thomas Blake with whose hand writing they are well
263    acquainted having often seen him write and this deponent
264    John Codrington for himself further said that he heard the
265    said Thomas Blake declare shortly before his death that
266    he had struck the pen thru Gyles’s Name which this deponent
267    apprehends to be one George Gyles whose Name appears to
268    have been in the said Codicil as a Annuitant therein and
269    which is now Struck thro: with a pen John Codrington James
270    Pitts Both sworn at the City of Exeter the Seventh day of
271    November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred
272    and seventy by virtue of the Commission hereto annexed before
273    me John Stabback a Commissioner
274    This Will was proved at London with a Codicil
275    annexed the Nineteenth day of November in the year of
276    our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Seventy before the
277    Right Worshipfull George Hay Doctor of Laws Master
278    Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of
279    Canterbury Lawfully Constituted by the Oath of Gregory
280    Jackson the Executor named in the said Will to whom
281    administration was granted of all and Singular the Goods
282    Chattels and Credits of the said deceased having been First
283    sworn by Commission duly to administer

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