Sunday, January 5, 2014

Will of Edward Blake possibly Charlton, Hampshire - The National Archives PROB 11/336/444, probated 17 Jul 1671

An interesting will which I have placed into Hampshire as it does not have a location in the index at The National Archives. This is the will of Edward Blake and his properties include parcels at Charlton, Andover, Wildherne and Hatherden as well as Knights Enham.

Edward is married to Abigail and he mentions her children so was perhaps her second marriage although it would appear that her brother is John Hayes and she Abigail Hayes from documents below. He names his sons as Edward and James and his daughter as Elizabeth. His will is not witnessed but appears, by the probatum, to be verified by a Robert Blake and John Hayes. I am still learning latin but have taken the time, in this case, to also transcribe fully the probatum and publish it. I usually do make an attempt at transcription but do not generally publish it. Eventually, when I put these will transcriptions up on internet archive I will be adding the probatum and perhaps also go back and add it to my wills in the blog. The blog is such a flexible tool for me and often I will go back in later in the day or even days later and make adjustments if I suddenly notice something amiss.

I have transcribed the Andover Parish Register from the beginning to about 1757 for baptisms, marriages and burials. Eventually I want to do the entire register but for the moment Abbots Ann is my transcription project (and it is not moving very quickly but hopefully with the quieter times ahead I can get back to it).

There is an Edward Blake baptizing children at Andover (no wife’s name given).

John Blake baptized 19 Sep 1630 (Edward is of Foxcot)
Peeter Blake baptized 25 Jun 1632
Mary Blake baptized 19 Mar 1633 (Edward is of Foxcot)

There was an Edward Blake of Charlton buried 15 Mar 1653.

There are no parish registers listed for Charlton and most often entries are found in the Andover parish registers for Charlton and Wildhern.

Looking at the Hampshire Record Office Reference No 11M56/100 and this is a settlement on the marriage of Edward Blake and Abigail Hayes: conveyance to trustees of messuage and lands in Knight’s Enham 29 Apr 1663.

A second document 37M85/19/OT/19 at the Hampshire Records Office also dated 1663 concerns Knights Enham: lease for capital messuage called Court Garden in Knights Enham; lands called Hillmarsh alias Upper Hill Marsh Field and Lower Hillmarsh and 90 acres; 55 acres in Knights Enham with the description of the two parties: 1. Edward Blake of Knights Enham, gent and 2. James Hayes of Lincolns Inn esq; John Humphrey of St Albans, Hertfordshire, clerk; Francis Blake of St Pauls, Covent Garden, Middlesex, esq; Robert Blake, gent, brother of Edward Blake.

There is an Inventory for Edward Blake of Kings Enham, Andover from 1644 1644AD/02 which may prove to be interesting in the future working on this particular Blake line. A second item Probate inventory and renunciation of Edward Blake of Charlton, Andover, Hampshire, yeoman dated 1654 1654PC/05 will also be interesting.

These documents tell me that Edward Blake had a brother Robert Blake and interestingly enough Francis Blake of St Pauls Covent Garden is also mentioned (he is descendant of another Blake line at Eastontown near Andover). This Edward Blake is listed as being of Knights Enham. That would tend to make me think he is a descendant of Robert Blake whose will was blogged earlier:

One of Robert’s grandsons Nicholas Blake (son of John the younger) lived at Charlton and he had a son Edward was who born circa 1586 and is the Edward buried at Andover in 1653. There was also a John Blake at Charlton whose will was probated in 1625 and that is to come. It may be possible to sort this Edward out later.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 5 Jan 2014
Source: The National Archives PROB/11/336/444
Testator: Edward Blake
Place: possibly Charlton, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 28 Jun 1670, probated 17 Jul 1671
Condition: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: T[esta]m[ent] Edwardi
[Margin]: Blake

1    The 28th of June 1670
2    I Give and bequeath to my
3    sonne Edward and his heires for ever Court garden and all the land belonging
4    to it I give and bequeath to my sonne James Hillmarsh and my acre and halfe
5    that which leads to it with the appurtenances to it and my two meads which
6    lies in Charlton and joined to Hillmarsh and to his heires for ever Alsoe I
7    give to my sonne Edward Cambers Bilgrove Giffords Goldings Coppice my
8    land in Andover Wildherne and Hatherden and all the rest of my lands with
9    the appurtenances and to his heires for ever except 30 l and out of it to be paid
10    to his brother James dureing his mother’s life I give and bequeath to my daughter
11    Elizabeth to be paid out of my goods and chatles 500 l I doe appoint my deare
12    wife to be my whole Executor And all the rest of my goods and chattles I give
13    to my wife and her children equally to be devided In witnesse hereof I have
14    sett my hand Edward Blake
15    Probatum fuit hujusmodi Testamentum apud cedes Exonienses
16    scituat in Le Strand in Com Midds Coram venerabili et egregio viro Domino
17    Leolino Jenkins milite Legum Doctore Curie Prerogative Cant[auriensis] Magistro
18    Custode sive Commissario legitime constituto decimo Septimo die mensis Julij
19    Anno d[omi]ni Millesimo Sexcentesimo Septiagesimo primo Juramento Abigaelis
20    Blake relicta dicti defuncti et Executricis in eodem Testamento nominat Cui
21    commissa fuit Administratio omnium et singulorum bonoru[m] juriu[m] et creditoru[m]
22    dicti defuncti de bene et fideliter administrand ead[em] ad sancta dei Evangelia (vigor
23    Commissionis) Jurat Johannes Hayes et Robertus Blake Testes etiam Jurat

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