Monday, January 6, 2014

Will of Elizabeth Blake, wife of Long Parish, Hampshire - The National Archives PROB 11/307/513, probated 3 Apr 1662

Elizabeth Blake is married to Nicholas Blake of Long Parish and it is possible that her maiden name was Sadler.

This will was in litigation C 6/21/94 (document at The National Archives) and is Kent versus Thomas with the plaintiff Richard Kent and the defendants Nicholas Thomas and other. This is the answer only to that litigation and it is dated 1662.

A second litigation C 6/48/53 (document at The National Archives) and is Goddard versus Kent with plaintiffs Katherine Goddard, Jane Goddard and Elizabeth Goddard and defendants (unknown) Smithe, Richard Kent, Nicholas Thomas, Mary Thomas wife of Nicholas and again the will of the deceased Elizabeth Blake. The document type is the bill and two answers and is dated 1664.

A third litigation C 6/48/99 (document at The National Archives) and is Pembridge versus Thomas with plaintiffs Jane Pembridge, Elizabeth Pembridge and Mary Pembridge with defendants Nicholas Thomas, Mary Thomas his wife and Richard Kent. The document type is answer and schedule. The date is 1651-1681 but would be at least 1662 – 1681 so is probably part of a larger package with these dates.

In an earlier will Richard Blake of Tower Ward London mentioned his godson Richard Blake of Long Parish (1643) and was blogged:

Is this Nicholas Blake a son of Richard and Jone Blake of Andover. Richard died in 1622 and left his will in which he mentions property at Forton which he is giving to his son Nicholas. Forton is one of the townships in Longparish. This would mean that he is the Nicholas Blake baptized 27 Mar 1604 at Andover and buried at Andover 16 Mar 1677. I have not to date found a marriage for him but do not have the parish registers for Long Parish yet.

The sister of Nicholas Blake, Elinor Hinxman, mentioned her brother in her will of 1657 and he was living at Gavelacre which is in the vill of Forton thus placing him again in this area close to the time of the will of 1662. I have not published the Hinxman wills so must do that one of these days “…..And I nominate, and appoint my brother Mr Nicholas Blake of Galliger and my cozen Mr Peter Blake of Andover Overseers of this my last Will and Testament desiring them to be ayding and assisting to my Executor in the performance hereof ….”

British History Online has a write up for Richard Blake’s holding of property at Gavelacre in Forton:

Richard Blake, who died in 1623[sic 1622], held a messuage called 'Chamberlaynes hold,' and others there, of Cecily Lady De La Warr as of her manor of Wherwell (fn. 42) ; and premises in Forton are repeatedly mentioned in the later conveyances of Longparish Manor. There is a lot of information on Nicholas Blake of Gavelacre which will be mentioned as I have a few indentures that refer to him. To date though, I have not yet found a will for him. There are a number of documents in which he is involved as trustee and grantee but no will thus far. The will could be attached to property that preceded directly to his right heir so no probate but there should be an entry showing the passage of the property from him to his heir or if he sold it. I do not have any children for Nicholas. Learning more about Nicholas could be helpful for my personal research as it is his nephew William to whom he first mortgaged property at Andover and later for a particular sum of 5 shillings cleared the mortgage of 50+ pounds in 1649. This was at East Field and West Field. William himself died in 1696 also not leaving a will.

This is an excellent will to learn about the family of Elizabeth Blake as she names her siblings and the children of her siblings.

Names mentioned in the will:

Mr Nicholas Blake, husband of the testatrix, Long Parish
Anthony Pembridge, great nephew
Jane Pembridge, great niece
Mary Pembridge, great niece
Elizabeth Pembridge, great niece
Mary Pembridge, niece
Edward Kent, great nephew
Richard Kent, great nephew
John Kent, great nephew
Joane Kent, great niece
Elizabeth Kent, great niece
Richard Kent, nephew, executor
Michaell Goddard, great nephew
Katherine Goddard, great niece
Jane Goddard, great niece
Elizabeth Goddard, great niece
Katherine Goddard, niece
Charitie Thomas, goddaughter
Mr Nicholas Thomas, kinsman
Samuel Collins
William Sadler, brother
Robert Sadler, brother
Anthony Pembridge, cousin (is this the husband of her niece Mary?)
Robert Goddard, cousin (is this the husband of her niece Katherine?)
Richard Kent, cousin (same as executor, husband of unnamed niece?)
Richard Miller, cousin
Anne Sadler, cousin (child of her brother?)
Joane Sadler, cousin (child of her brother?)
William Sadler, cousin (child of her brother?)
Martha Hopkins
John Hayes, clerk, witness
Elizabeth Gale, witness

Interesting that she has chosen the Church at Nether Wallop in which to be buried. An interesting set of wills for the Gore family of Nether Wallop which mentions “my brother in law Mr Robert Sadler” and was written 22 Jan 1655 and proved 29 Mar 1656.

There is apparently a pedigree for the Sadler family on page 163 in the Visitation of Wiltshire 1623. The children of Robert Sadler of Salthorp (sic Salthrop), Wiltshire married to Grace the daughter of Henry Sadler son of Radulphi Sadler, knight, are listed as Robert Sadler son and heir aged 15 years in 1623, Henry aged 13 years in 1623, William aged 12 years in 1623, Elizabeth aged 11 years in 1623 and Anna aged 10 years in 1623. If indeed this is Elizabeth’s family, then Elizabeth would have been born circa 1612 and 50 years of age when her will was written. She does not mention her sister Anna or brother Henry but does mention her brothers Robert and William. Salthorp is near Everleigh/Everley Wiltshire which is 5 miles north west of Ludgershall and the road from Andover passes through Everleigh. Queen Elizabeth gave the manor to Sir Ralph Sadler. Ralph is the grandfather of Grace who was the likely mother of Elizabeth wife of Nicholas Blake. Nether Wallop is thirteen miles from Everleigh and ten miles from Longparish.

My daughter has speeded up the publication of this blog as she helped me to find Salthrop.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 6 Jan 2014
Source: The National Archives PROB/11/307/513
Testator: Elizabeth Blake
Place: Long Parish, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 10 Jan 1661, probated 3 Apr 1662
Condition: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: T[esta]^m[ent]: Elizabethie
[Margin]: Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen The tenth day of
2    January in the yeare of our Lord god one Thousand six hundred sixtie one
3    I Elizabeth Blake wife of Nicholas Blake of Long parish in the County of South[amp]ton
4    gentleman being weake in body but of perfect memory doe make this my last
5    will and testament in manner and forme as followeth Imprimis I bequeath
6    my soule to god and my body to be buried in the parish Church of Nether Wallop in
7    the County aforesaid Item I give unto Anthony Pembridge Jane Pembridge and
8    Mary Pembridge Elizabeth Pembridge child of my neece Mary Pembridge
9    twenty pounds apiece Item I give unto Edward Kent Richard Kent John Kent
10    Joane Kent Elizabeth Kent children of my nephew Richard Kent twenty pounds
11    a peece Item I give unto Michaell Goddard Katherine Goddard Jane Goddard
12    Elizabeth Goddard children of my Neece Katherine Goddard twenty pounds
13    a peece Item I give unto my goddaughter Charitie Thomas the daughter of
14    my kinsman Nicholas Thomas five pounds and my will is that the above
15    named Sommes may be paid unto the above named children at the age of
16    one and twenty yeares or at their day of marriage if the above said Sommes
17    shall by that tyme be raysed by Mr Nicholas Blake and by him paid unto my
18    Executor And my will further is That if any of the fower children of the above
19    named Mary Pembridge shall happen to dye before the tymes above mentioned
20    That then the respective legacies of the children soe dying may be equally de-
21    vided betwixt the surviving and soe likeness for the five Children of my Nephew
22    Richard Kent And the fower children of my neece Katherine Goddard And
23    my will further is that the daughters of the above named Mary Pembridge
24    Richard Kent and Katherine Goddard may have my lynnen brasse pewter and
25    bedding equally devided amongst them excepting one bed which is at Samuell Col-
26    lins his house And one bolster and yellow Coverlett one paire of sheets and
27    one paire of blanceates which are in the house of Mr Nicholas Thomas which
28    my will is to give to Martha Hopkins with five pounds in money And my will
29    further is that the five pounds be paid unto the above named Martha Hopkins
30    as soone as it shalbe received by my executor from Mr Nicholas Blake if shee
31    be then living Item I give unto the Church of Nether Wallop twenty shillings
32    And to the poore of the same parrish twenty shillings more Item I give unto the poore
33    of Long parrish twentie shillings Item I give unto my brother William and Sister
34    Sadler To my brother Robert and Sister Sadler the Lady Pawlett my husband
35    Mr Nicholas Blake my cousin Anthony Pembridge and his wife my Cousin Robert
36    Goddard and his wife my Cousin Richard Kent and his wife Mr Nicholas Thomas
37    and his wife twenty shillings a peece to buy each of them a ring Item I give
38    unto my Cousin Richard Miller and his wife my Cousin Anne Sadler my Cousin
39    Joane Sadler ten shillings a peece Item I give unto my Cousin William Sadler
40    twenty shillings And all the rest of my money and goods I give unto my Ne-
41    phew Richard Kent whome I make sole executor of this my last will and testam[en]t
43    In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seale the day and yeare
44    above written the marke of Elizabeth Blake Signed and Sealed in the presence
45    of John Hayes Clerke The marke of Elizabeth Gale

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