Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Will of Job Blake the elder, Clothier - The National Archives PROB 11/501/398, probated 22 Jun 1708

The will of Job Blake is from Buckinghamshire and I have misfiled this particular will in Hampshire. Looking back at the Buckinghamshire wills and there is a mention of the marriage of Job Blake and Mary Skilton in 1703. The exact details appear to be 10 Sep 1704 from the Family Search Website (M02080-2). This is likely the marriage of Job the son of the testator which would put the year of birth for this Job possibly in the mid 1600s.


An earlier blog for the will of Alexander Blake of Chesham mentions sons Samuel, Joshua and Thomas and daughter Mary and Martha but this being 100 years earlier one can not really come to any conclusions on the ancestry of Job from this will:


No further information found on this family.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 7 Jan 2014
Source: The National Archives PROB 11/501/398
Testator: Job Blake the elder, Clothier
Place: Chesham, Buckinghamshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 20 Mar 1707, probated 22 Jun 1708
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: T[esta]m[ent]:
[Margin]: Job Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Job Blake the Elder of Chesham in the County of Bucks
3    Clothier being sick and weak in Body but of a sound and
4    perfect disposing mind memory and understanding thanks
5    be therefor given to Almnighty God I do make and declare this
6    my last Will and Testament in manner following (that is
7    say) First and principally I commend my Soul to Almighty
8    God my Creator and my Body I commit to the Earth to be
9    decently buried at the discretion of my Executrix herein after
10    Named And as to my temporal Estate I dispose thereof as
11    followeth (viz[ a vi]t) Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my loving
12    Wife Mary Blake and her Assignes all that Cottage or
13    Tenement with the Appurtenances in Chesham aforesaid
14    wherein my Mother in Law Rebecca Blake now dwelleth
15    immediately after the decease of her the said Rebecca for
16    and during the natural Life of her my said Wife Item I
17    give to my Son Job Blake Five shillings of lawfull money
18    of Great Britain to be paid him by my Executrix herein
19    after Named out of my personal Estate forthwith after my
20    decease he having lately had a portion of my said Estate
21    Item I give to my said Son Job one paire of Flaxen Sheets
22    two paires of Hemp Sheets and Six Napkins Item I give
23    and devise to my son Caleb Blake the summe of Fifty
24    pounds of like Money to be paid him by my Executrix
25    herein after Named at his Age of One and twenty Years
26    And in case my said Wife after my decease shall Marry
27    again then as an increase of the portion of my said Son
28    Caleb I give and devise to him the further Summe of ten
29    pounds to be paid to him at the Age aforesaid Item I
30    give to my said Son Caleb one pair of Flaxen Sheets two
31    pair of Hemp Sheets and Six Napkins Item I give and
32    devise to my Son Joshua the like summe of Fifty pounds
33    to be likewise paid to him by my Executrix herein after named
34    at his Age of One and Twenty Years And also the further
35    summe of Ten pounds if my said Wife shall happen to
36    Marry again to be paid him at his Age abovesaid Item
37    I give to my said Son Joshua one paire of Flaxen Sheets
38    two pairs of Hemp Sheets and Six Napkins Item I give
39    and devise to my daughter Mary Blake the summe of
40    Thirty pounds of like Money to be paid to her by my
41    Executrix herein after Named at her Age of one and
43    Twenty Years or day of Marriage which shall first happen
44    Item I give to her my said daughter one pair of Flaxen
45    Sheets and two pairs of Hemp Sheets and Six Napkins
46    Item I give to my daughter Lydia the like summe of
47    Thirty pounds to be also paid to her by my Executrix
48    herein after Named at her Age of one and Twenty Years
49    or day of Marriage which shall First happen Item I also
50    give to my said daughter Lydia one pair of Flax Sheets two
51    pair of Hemp Sheets and Six Napkins Item I likewise
52    give to my daughter Ursula the like summe of thirty pounds
53    to be likewise paid to her by my Executrix herein after
54    Named at her Age of one and Twenty Years of day of
55    Marriage which shall first happen Item I give to my said
56    daughter one pair of flaxen Sheets and two pairs of Hemp
57    Sheets and Six Napkins Item I also give and devise to
58    my daughter Sarah the like summe of Thirty pounds to
59    be likewise paid to her by my Executrix at her Age of
60    One and Twenty Years of day of Marriage which shall
61    first happen and also the like number of like Sheets and
62    Napkins And in case my said Wife after my decease
63    shall Marry again that then and in that case for an
64    increase of my said daughters Portions I give and
65    devise to them respectively the first summe of Ten
66    pounds a peece to be paid to them respectively by my
67    Executrix herein after Named together with their afore
68    mentioned Legacies And to enable my said Wife to
    [Page 2]
69    pay all such just debts which I shall owe at the time of
70    my decease the charge of my Funerall and for the Maintenance
71    of my Younger Children and for the placing my Youngest
72    Son an Apprentice which I desire may be done as soon as
73    conveniently may be and to pay the Legacies herein before
74    disposed of I do give and devise unto my said Wife all my
75    Stock in Trade Implements utensils belonging to the
76    Clothing and dyeing Trades Moneys household goods
77    Creditts and personal Estate whatsoever in disposed of
78    And I do hereby Nominate constitute ordain and
79    appoint my said Wife Mary Blake to be the sole
80    Executrix of this my Will And I do hereby revoke anull
81    and make void all former Wills by me made In Wittness
82    whereof to this my last Will and Testament contained
83    in two sheets of paper to both sheets I have sett my hand
84    and seal the two and twentieth day of March in the
85    Seventh Year of the Reign of our Soveraign Lady
86    Queen Anne Anno d[omi]no One thousand seven hundred
87    and Seven Job: Blake Signed and sealed by the
88    Testator Job: Blake and by him published and declared
89    to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of us
90    whose Names are underwritten and were subscribed as
91    Wittnesses hereunto in the presence of the said Testator
92    John Welch William Dearmer Willm Hill

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