Thursday, November 6, 2014

Will of Samuel Blake, Surgeon, Chipping Sodbury - Diocese of Bristol Wills on Ancestry, administered 26 Mar 1744

This is the will of Samuel Blake, Surgeon, who died intestate. There is a will in 1763 for Anne Blake at Chipping Sodbury as well but I do not think this is his wife mentioned below.

At this time I think I will leave him as being unrelated to the other Blake families at Chipping Sodbury until I am working on the family trees in this area.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 5 Nov 2014
Source: Ancestry – Diocese of Bristol Wills
Testator:  Samuel Blake, Surgeon
Place: Chipping Sodbury, Gloucestershire, England
Type of Record: Probate
Date of document:19 Mar 1743/44, administered 26 Mar 1744
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

1    Know all Men by these Presents that We Anne
2    Blake of Chipping Sodbury in the County of Gloucester
3    Widow Thomas Blanchard of the same Taylor and Abraham
4    Tanner of the same Brickmaker
5    are held and firmly bound unto Martin Lord Bishop of
6    the Diocese of Gloucester
7    in the penal sum of five hundred pounds
8    of good and lawful Money of Great Britain to be paid unto the said Lord
9    Bishop or his Successors or to his Attorney his Executors Adminstrators or Assigns
10    To which Payment well and truly to be made We oblige ourselves
11    and every of us by himself for
12    the whole our and every of our Heirs Executors and Administrators firmly by
13    these Presents Sealed with our Seals dated the nineteenth day of
14    March in the seventeenth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign
15    Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain
16    France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith and so
17    forth And in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and fourty four
18    The Condition of this Obligation is such That if the above bounden Anne
19    Blake Relict and Administrator of all and singular the Goods
20    Chattles and Credits of Samuel Blake late of Chipping Sodbury aboves[ai]d deceased do
21    make or cause to be made a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the Goods
22    Chattles and Credits of the said deceased which have or shall come to the Hands
23    Possession or Knowledge of her the said Anne Blake
24    or into the Hands and Possession of any Person or Persons for
25    her and the same so made do exhibit or cause to be exhibited into the Registry
26    of the Bishop  of Gloucester at or before the
27    last day of March next ensuing and the same Goods
28    Chattles and Credits and all other the Goods Chattles and Credits of the said deceased
29    at the time of his death which at anytime after shall come to the hands or Possession
30    of the said Anne Blake or into the hands
31    and Possession of any other Person or Persons for her do well and truly administer
32    according to Law And further do make or cause to be made a true and just Accompt
33    of her said Administration at or before the last day of January next
34    and all the Rest and Residue of the said Goods Chattles and Credits which shall be
35    found remaining upon the said Administrators Accompt the same being first
36    examined and allowed of by the Judge or Judges for the time being of the said
37    Court shall deliver and pay unto such Person or Persons respectively as the said
38    Judge or Judges by his or their Decree or Sentence pursuant to the true Intent and
39    Meaning of a late Act of Parliament made in the two and twentieth and three and
40    twentieth Years of the Reign of our late Sovereign Lord King Charles the Second
41    Intituled an Act for the better settling of Intestates Estates which limit and appoint
42    And if it shall hereafter appear that any last Will and Testament was made by the
43    said deceased and the Executor or Executors therein named do exhibit the same into
44    the said Court making Request to have it allowed and approved accordingly if the
45    said Anne Blake
46    above bounden being thereunto required do render and deliver the said Letters of
47    Administration (Approbation of such Testament being first had and made) in the
48    said Court then this Obligation to be void or else to remain in full Force and Virtue.
49    Anne Blake
50    Signed and delivered (being first
51    duly stamped) in the presence of
52    Francis Gold                              Thomas Blanchard
53    Samuell Hoptkins                       Abraham Tanner
    [Page 2]
56    Sir Henry Penrice Knight Doctor of Laws Vicar General in Spirituals of
57    The Right Rev and Father in God Martin by Divine permission Lord Bishop of the
58    Diocese of Gloucester and of his Episcopal CVonsistory Official principal (lawfully
60    constituted To William Hughes Francis Gold and Henry Sharp Clerks Greeting We
61    do by these presents commit our power and authority to you in whose fidelity
62    we can confide to receive the Corporal Oath of Ann Blake widow and relict of
63    Samuel Blake late of Chipping Sodbury in the Diocese of Gloucester Chirurgeon
64    deceased well and truly to administer all and Singular the Goods rights and
65    Credits of the said Deceased and to exhibit an Inventory and render an Account
66    according to the Tenor of this underwritten Oath and moreover to see the Bond
67    annexed to these presents Signed Sealed and delivered by the said Ann Blake
68    together with two more good and sufficient Bondsmen and what ye Shall do in
69    the promises ye are to rectifie it to us our Surrogate or other competent Judge
70    in this behalf together with these presents on or before the eighth Day of
71    March next ensuing Given under the Seal of our Office this 21st Day of
72    February 1743
73    W: Mount Register
74    [Margin] Mrs Ann Blake
75    The Oath
76    You Shall Swear that you believe your late Husband died intestate that you
77    will well and faithfully administer his goods by paying his Debts so far as
78    his Goods will extend and the Law bind you that you will exhibit unto the
79    Registry of the Bishop of Gloucester a true and perfect Inventory of the
80    Goods Rights and Credits of the said Deceased and moreover render a true
81    just Account when you Shall be Swore to lawfully required So help you God
    Kiss the Book
83    The twenty sixth Day of March 1744
84    The above named Ann Blake was duly Sworn
85    according to the tenor of the above Commission
86    Before me
87    Francis Gold Clerk

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