Friday, November 7, 2014

Will of Thomas Blake, Yeoman, Up Hatherly, Gloucestershire - Diocese of Bristol Wills on Ancestry, probated 17 Jan 1712/13

The testator is Thomas Blake of Up Hatherly. He names his wife Elizabeth and his sons Thomas, Giles, John and daughter Martha Powell.

The administration of Elizabeth Blake, widow, estate was blogged earlier:

and her son Giles was her administrator. John was the granted probate in the will of his father Thomas as mentioned by Thomas in his will (although  his wife was also included).

Up Hatherley is just three miles from Cheltenham, 5 miles from Prestbury, 5 miles from Cowley. So once again in the same general area as the other Blake families. Will wait for Family Reconstruction in this area before commenting further.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 6 Nov 2014
Source: Ancestry – Diocese of Bristol Wills
Testator:  Thomas Blake, Yeoman
Place: Up Hatherly, Gloucestershire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 8 Sep 1712, probated 17 Jan 1712/13
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

1    In the name of God Amen I Thomas Blake of Uphatherly
2    in the Diocesse and County of Glouc[est]er yeoman being sick and weak but of a sound
3    Judgment and perfect mind and memory Recomending my Soul into the hands of
4    Almighty God my Saviour and Redeemer and my Body to be buried in such manner
5    as to my Executors hereafter named Shall seem meet and convenient doe make
6    and ordaine my last Will and Testament in manner following
7    First I give and bequeath to my loving wife Elizabeth Blake All that my
8    Close or Closes of Meadow or pasture Ground called or known by the name of
9    Kirle’s with all and singular the appurtenances lying and being in the parish of
10    Prestbury in the County of Glouc[est]er aforesaid To hold to her and her Assignes
11    for and during the terme of her natural life And from and after her decease
12    I give and devise the same and every part thereof to my Son Thomas Blake and to his heires and
13    Assignes for ever Charged neverthelesse with the payment of the Several Legacy or Legacys
14    summe and summes of money hereinafter men[t]ioned at the time or times hereafter
15    expressed (That is to say) To my Son Giles the summe of Eight pounds To my Son
16    John Eight pounds and To my daughter Martha Powell Eight pounds of
17    lawfull money to be paid into her own hand and to her own use distinct and
18    apart from the hands of her husband And, my will is and I doe appoint and
19    direct the said Several Sumes shall be paid within the space of three yeares
20    next after the decease of my said wife successively one after the other as they are above named
    provided always and my Will and meaning is That if my s[ai]d Son Thomas
21    Blake his heires or Assignes shall happen to make default in payment of
22    any or either of the said sumes att the time or times above limited and appointed
23    for payment thereof Then and in such case It shall and may be lawfull to
24    and for my said Sons Giles and John Blake and my daughter Martha Powell
25    their several and respective Exec[uto]rs Admin[istrato]rs and Assignes into all of any part
26    of my said Lands and premises to enter and the same and every or any part
27    thereof to have hold and enjoy until he and they and every of them shall be
28    fully satisfied and paid their several and respective Legacys of Eight pounds
29    apiece one after the other as is above men[t]ioned All the rest of my Goods and Chattells
30    Stock of Cattle and personal Estate whatsoever I give and bequeath to my loving
31    wife Elizabeth Blake and my Son John whom I doe make joint Executors of
32    this my last Will and Testament they paying my debts and discharging my
33    Funeral Expences In Wittnesse whereof I have hereunto put my hand
34    and Seale this Eighth day of September in the Eleventh yeare of our Soveraigne
35    Lady Queene Anne over Great Britaine etc Annoqz dni 1712
36    The marke B of Thomas Blake
37    Signed Sealed published and declared
38    to be the last Will and Testament of
39    the above named Thomas Blake in the
40    presence of
41    Rich: Grinnett
42    Isaac Grennett
43    The J marke of Jane Williams
44    17 Janu: 1712
45    Jurate Johes Blake ______ _____ coram me
46    Nath: Lye Sur:

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