Finally I have reached Thomas, the youngest son and child, of Robert Siderfin and Grace (Kent) Siderfin in the twelfth generation. The next 38 pages will be the descendants of Thomas and are all his 3x great grandchildren. This work was done by my cousin Auriol Carney and as I gave her full credit in the book so I will do so in this companion charting book. Like most small surname studies the number of descendants is around 800 (I have added in some lines for the charting that I did not include in the revised and updated book first created by James Sanders. If the charting was taken to the present the numbers do increase substantially as that would be another three generations added on with some into the sixteenth generation from John Siderfin who lived at Luxborough, Somerset, England by 1500.
Today is a work day and I will continue with the preparation for charting. Paint is all dry on the stairs and next week will see me paint the other half side of the stairs. Still lots of paint so I could add an extra layer just to the stair itself. I would like to use up all of that red paint. Then I move to the blue paint to do some patching in the only room that is light blue. It was Edward's study and finally being able to see all of those walls not covered by bookcases filled to the brim and on the top with books and in front of those bookcases stacks of boxes (even as much as four or five high). There really was just a narrow path in and a narrow path to the window as he did like fresh air coming on in occasion. It is always a shock looking into that room which now has so little in it. But I need to have rooms that look like that so I can move in the next year or so. But the paint does need a few spots repainted and we will see how that goes. From there I move on to the painting that we did of most of the other areas just four years ago. Here and there where the chairlift was, where the original railing for the stairs was and such need touchup. I notice that a couple of the new doors we put on all the entrances (rooms, closets and cupboards) do have a few spots where the paint was a bit thin. Since I painted most of it that is on me for sure as my talents do not truly extend to being a great painter! For the remaining rooms I do not have any paint. I need to get paint for the kitchen cupboards to do some touchup and will do that this winter.
The fence man is coming to do the new fences and the roof man will repair the roofing done just over a decade ago that is faulty. I had thought about doing a new roof but it would mean tearing off perfectly good tiles and filling the landfill with that and I decided no that wasn't the way to go plus I would have wanted to stay and enjoy my new nearly $12,000 roof. It was a good decision for me and anyone buying would be able to wait a while before having to do roofing. I need to wash the front windows on the outside and will get that done before winter.
Other than that there is just the final garage cleanup and the yard cleanup before winter. But today I shall work on the book and do my exercises in between. A quiet day and I am looking forward to that. My hand is improving steadily and I am back to typing although try not to be too forceful on that small finger that does the a, q, z line and fortunately just the a gets a lot of hits which works but it also works the shift key for capitals on the right hand. So a little more work but I will take it easy. Bruising diminished quite a bit. Probably I would have gone to the doctor but getting there is difficult sometimes with the roads all torn up as the new light rail is going through in this area and if I had needed x-rays that is another trip somewhere else. I can see that being elderly has its problems. I could ask my daughter but she has thousands of patients and my hand was definitely not broken so I didn't actually go to the doctor but I would recommend that one do so for such a badly bruised hand personally if you do not have someone to talk to about your hand. It will be nice to be closer to my family since my other daughter is a thousand miles away teaching her students and doing her research.
Latin is next. Breakfast is completed. Since it is the same meal every day it is pretty straightforward and I enjoy it. I think I could eat the same meals for a very long time although Edward certainly would have pushed me to have more variety as he did himself. Edward definitely liked his food and he enjoyed cooking as it turned out when he retired and actually when I went back to work outside the home. The girls and he made many meals together and had a great time doing so.