Monday, April 27, 2020

Last week in April

I have to say that the time has passed quickly since the lockdown here. I have not accomplished nearly as much as I thought I might in terms of research but I have been investigating new thoughts on how to look at the data.

There are now 2,990,559 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide (increase of 73,486 over yesterday), there are 207,446 deaths (increase of 3,901 over yesterday) and 875,497 recovered (increase of 47,238 over yesterday). In Canada there are 47,308 confirmed cases (increase of 1,530 over yesterday), there are 2,617 deaths (increase of 128 over yesterday) and 17,321 recovered (increase of 896 over yesterday). The curve is definitely flattening in all of Canada and on its way down in most parts of Canada. However, there are still many people dying on the other side of the curve. The biggest worry is flu in the fall and winter along with COVID-19. Last year seniors had to go to their doctor's offices to get the flu shot but I am rather keen to see being able to get the shot at the pharmacy as before if you had no difficulty with last year's shot. We waited an hour and a half for the nurse to give us the shot which I found to be rather odd given that the walk in clinic did not begin until afternoon and we had come in the morning.

We went to the Riverside Campus this morning for Ed's ultrasound. I can not go in as only the patient is permitted in; no visitors although I imagine if he had needed someone to help him I might have been asked to do that. Hard to say; I just walked around the area for the thirty minutes. I used to do that walk every lunch hour when I worked there. The lot was nearly empty when we got there which is very unusual. I had thought that clinics were mostly as usual but perhaps that is not the case. Certainly a good time to go as generally that parking lot is packed full.

I am continuing to look at Chromosome 3 results today. I will soon paint all of the new files that I created. There is a mystery in that chromosome for sure and working up more of the results may help me to see why I am having difficulty plotting the results to give me phasing for my grandparents. The paternal grandparents look fine but the maternal just do not seem to fall into place and still I do not have a lot of results for my maternal lines on chromosome 3.

We are starting to plan our bedding plants and seeds. The grass is greening up nicely and the raking is all finished. The spring flowers are lovely this year. It is such a welcoming sight to see all of the colours of spring.

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