Wednesday, July 7, 2021

H11 Newsletter Volume 5, Issue 2, 2021

 H11 Newsletter

Volume 5, Issue 2, 2021

Table of Contents

1.    Project Statistics
2.    Other
3.    H11 in the news

1.    Project Statistics:
Combined GEDCOMs Uploaded        49
DISTINCT mtDNA Haplogroups        17
Family Finder       288
Maternal Ancestor Information       334
mtDNA               371
mtDNA Full Sequence        363
mtDNA Plus        369
mtDNA Subgroups          23
Total Members        408
Unreturned Kits          14
2.    Other

There are no new members since the last update on the subclades with Issue 1.

3.    H11 in the News

Table S3 is the only reference I see to H11

   Table S3 presents the following percentages for West Eurasian subhaplogroups among the total Polish population:

H: 10.84% (for undifferentiated varieties)
H1: 15.42% (their single most common haplogroup)
H10: 0.04%
H11: 0.52%
H13: 1.69%
H14: 0.09%
H15: 0.25%
H18: 0.04%
H2: 2.98%
H20: 0.04%
H22: 0.04%
H26: 0.16%
H3: 2.95%
H35: 0.25%
H4: 1.46%
H41: 0.23%
H44: 0.27%
H46: 0.13%
H49: 0.45%
H5: 4.96%
H6: 2.08%
H60: 0.02%
H65: 0.02%
H7: 0.61%
H81: 0.05%
H84: 0.02%
H94: 0.07%
HV: 1.69%
HV0: 2.64%
HV1: 0.31%
HV2: 0.04%
HV5: 0.02%
I: 0.38%
I1: 0.93%
I2: 0.27%
I3: 0.25%
I5: 0.02%
J1: 8.34%
J2: 1.94%
K: 1.04%
K1: 2.59%
K2: 0.65%
T: 4.69%
T1: 2.48%
T2: 2.43%
U: 0.07%
U1: 0.47%
U2: 2.97%
U3: 0.36%
U4: 3.83%
U5: 12.35% (their second most common haplogroup)
U6: 0.07%
U7: 0.22%
U8: 0.77%
W: 0.72%
W1: 0.16%
W3: 0.75%
W5: 0.09%
W6: 0.81%

An enormous variety in haplogroups in Poland with H11 being less than 1%. With a population of 37,846,611 that yields about 204.4 thousand people having the H11 haplogroup in Poland. Although a small haplogroup, the numbers are still large worldwide.

Any submissions to this newsletter can be submitted to Elizabeth Kipp (

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