Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Running away

I have been indulging the last couple of days in running away from reality as I immerse myself in the Newsletters that I am behind in. I know that I am doing that so perhaps it is good therapy for me. I would do well with grief counselling but not likely to happen. I do want to have Edward back again for sure and that is part of my keeping his urn close by even as the third month since he died is approaching. I did investigate a columbarium but I bought the wrong size urn so I am telling myself not to rush it and think carefully before I move forward. Plus I have no idea where to bury us really in the long run. I am going to leave that up to our daughters to make that decision except I haven't actually told them that yet. 

Today I completed the next Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter 1st June 2021 and I am only behind one Newsletter - Blake Newsletter 1st July 2021. That is truly amazing but it has helped me to move ahead and now I can see the path that I will follow the next few years if God grants me that time. I have so much information to publish and thousands of images to transcribe which I shall set myself to once the newsletters are caught up. I did publish the H11 Newsletter for 1st May 2021 today but it is a short one because I only do a full newsletter once a year and the rest of the year it is short and waiting for anyone to send me items that have interested them which does happen.  

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