Monday, April 11, 2022

Arrived home today

Home again after a nice rest and I really did need one. Income Tax has been the most difficult thing I have had to do thus far almost. The next most difficult item is the Celebration of Life for Edward and actually putting his urn into the columbarium niche which I have purchased. I am not sure that we will ever really be ready to let him go and not be here with us.

But the Income Tax I now have all the forms I think but somewhat confusing. I have entered them as instructed and we will see how that flows. I shall pay my income tax tomorrow. Then I will finish putting Edward's Income Tax together as I have the one form that I needed for him now. There should be more information for people filling out these forms. But I believe that I have it right so will submit it online and the one for Edward has to be mailed so will likely do that towards the end of the month when I am in Ottawa one of these weeks. 

Florida was quite beautiful. It is the third time that I have spent a week plus there now in the last six years. My arthritis is a nuisance but running tends to keep me from getting too sedentary with it. Lifting weights is also a plus. I also have a series of stretching exercises I do when I wake up that are especially good. That along with calisthenics which are weight bearing and walking two 45 minute sessions is a lot of exercise in a day but keep me from becoming sedentary. 

The drive there and back was long but I enjoyed it. On the way back I sat with the boys in the back seat and we had a great trip both of the days. They work on their Ipads some of the time and the rest we watched movies. We used my car which has a monitor in it and the DVDs are easy to play and the sound is all in the back so worked very well. The boys loved that and the time went quickly. It is a long drive though doing 15 hours the first day and then 9 hours the second day. They were great travelers but likely we will fly another time. It just seemed like a wonderful idea and with COVID rules still limiting on re-entry when we first started to plan it was more flexible for us just in case. But coming back all the rules were gone and so we had no difficulties. Plus we were all well anyway. We mostly stayed on our own as a group in a large house and swam in the lovely pool and used the hot tub - that was me I barely left the house. There was enough room to walk continuously for 45 minutes and get a really good amount of walking in. 

Now back to work. I have two newsletters due on the 1st of May. Plus must send out the notice for the Blake Newsletter in the morning. 


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