Sunday, January 8, 2023

Sunday again; minus 13 degrees celsius

The cold weather has returned for a bit perhaps. It is minus 13 degrees celsius and will continue going down it appears from the weather prediction feeling like minus 18. Not too much snow will fall so not a lot of cross country skiing until it does.

Sunday once again and Church on You-Tube. The busyness of the year has passed for a while and we are headed into Lent but still the joy of Christmas and Epiphany is with us for awhile yet. I have bought my book for the Bible Study starting next week.  I love Labyrinths and "The Path of the Holy Fool" is the book choice for the reading group.  There is a feeling of rest as one traces ones path through a Labyrinth; one can walk quickly or slowly depending on who else is walking the path and the desire to be at the end. One can relive one's life or dream of the future both paths are open to you as you walk the path. The book is both long and short at 184 pages. Today I shall spend some time reading my book. The author is Lauren Artress. 

Last week was a quiet time for me as I generally do take a recess after completing the issue of the particular newsletter the first of the month. Part of it was spent on my tree on My first reaction to seeing how my tree had enlarged was surprise and then curiosity as I looked at the branches and finally realization that my thoughts on setting up the tree initially had been fulfilled as I can see the many Knight-Butt-Arnold lines reaching towards my own Knight-Butt-Arnold ancestors. I added pictures that many would not have but may find interesting since I have accumulated them from various sources but mostly my Grandfather Blake as it was his mother who was born Knight. He knew his paternal grandfather Samuel Knight for whom he was named but he was a tall thin white haired man in his memory and my fathers for that matter. He lived at Turnworth and my grandfather's eldest sister lived with them from a young age - Louisa Mary Blake who married William Charles Hall at Turnworth (4th quarter 1890). They did live in the New Forest area later but these were my father's first cousins their eight children although the youngest died as an infant (Muriel K Hall) and Pearl Cynthia K Hall also as an infant (the fifth child). The daughters Mabel Lillian Alice Hall (eldest) married Russell Albert Abbott 15 Apr 1913 at Turnworth, Elsie Elizabeth L Hall (fourth child) married Frederick Parsons Sep quarter 1923 in the New Forest, Rosalie Gladys M Hall (sixth child) married Harold Stuart Wiltshire Dec quarter 1928 in the New Forest. The sons Berkley Arthur Samuel Hall (second child) married Ellen Louisa Baker Sep quarter 1921 in the New Forest, William Charles Hall (third child) married Florence Edith Baker Jun quarter 1924 in the New Forest, Ernest Alfred A Hall (seventh child) married Gladys I Farrance Dec quarter 1933 at Poplar, London, UK. 

A fresh new year is upon us and we must live it in a meaningful and beneficial way to the earth that protects and feeds us.

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