Monday, January 9, 2023

The work cycle begins again

Cleaning day Monday and this time from the top down with the vacuum nestled upstairs waiting to be used. A lovely walk yesterday after Church and then lunch. It was about 4.5 km and we enjoyed it. Pokemon Go is an enjoyed feature of the walk; not by me I am not into playing video games except for Solitaire. But it is an interesting game but one must keeps one's wits about one or you could walk into something I suspect! The crusty ice and the hardened snow make for an interesting landscape which is covered with tiny little footprints as nature runs about collecting food for the cold weeks to come. They will come as they always do and the frigid air will hang in the sky waiting for the spring sun to warm it up once again. Canada is a cold country even if only for parts of the year. The cold is intense getting into your bones as you move about in it. Moving about quickly is the best way as that warms you up. 

I have read half of the book for the Bible Study. It is an interesting read but perhaps a bit too concentrated on the feminine side. Growing up with four brothers I can appreciate perhaps better than most the masculine side as well. There always needs to be a balance between the two and that is when the world is the most prosperous and advancing. Right now we are still recovering from our watershed moment in time. Everyone has to learn how to get along with everyone else and be patient. But most of all COVID showed us that we can stop and save the planet. Now we can put all of that shutdown into good use as we eliminate the items that are harming the environment. In particular Russia's war in Ukraine is a pollution generating cyclone against a free people that they have been murdering for one hundred years nearly non stop. Time to get out of Ukraine - save the lives of the young Russian men being sent to the slaughter house which is the battlefields of Ukraine. Russia started the war and can end it anytime by just packing up and going home and taking with them the people who do not wish to live in Ukraine. They can live with the rest of the serfs in Russia where a few psychopathic Nazis like Putin and his enablers live well and the rest have little say in how their lives go. 

On to the day, my tea is cooling and just a little more news to read. 


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