Friday, April 28, 2023

Back to revising the Siderfin Book

Completed the Siderfin marriages yesterday and moved back into revising the Siderfin book. I will work on the fourth generation and hopefully into the fifth generation today. I did not find any Siderfin male lines down further than the early to mid 1700s except in Robert (Robert 3, William 2, John 1)'s line. This was what James Sanders also presented in his chart but I do have a few issues with his chart and will be working on those over the next couple of days left in April. 

I broke up the rest of the branches that came down off the maple tree and that was another bin full out to the street. The elderberries are in bud so the yard is coming along. The bunnies are running about and will need to have fencing around the lettuce plants for sure. Most of the plants are starting to show and I do not think I will buy any more plants. I may buy some more spring bulbs as they are not as plentiful as they once were. Still lots of crocus and snowdrops and a number of daffodils. The hyacinth was particularly lovely this year. The wild flowers are doing very well there has been a lot of rain and just waiting now for the dandelions. I do love the dandelion flower and do let them bloom now. We dug everyone out as I could not convince Edward to embrace dandelions. 

Hard to believe it is Friday; the last Friday in April with just two more days to the end of the month. May Day is Monday. I celebrate May Day in my mind as my grandfather loved May Day and it is a jubilant time in England especially this year with the Coronation. The people of the United Kingdom have a great deal to celebrate with the Coronation of the King. I would prefer to see him remain as King of Canada. He is a figure head after all (no political maneuvering or hidden deals; politics have their place for sure but I dislike the personal vindictive attacks being constantly made against Justin Trudeau; it is boring and it discourages people with his excellent background from going into politics) and his lifetime of service to greening the earth is exceptional. He has been from childhood committed to various good causes and has done it very well. His wife is very supportive of him which is what he always needed; she does not wish the limelight for herself it would appear but is dedicated to helping him in his role as King. 

So on to the day and it will be primarily a research day revising the Siderfin book. Technically it should fall into place once the fourth and fifth generations are completed and I will likely do to the 12th generation coming down from John Siderfin and his wife Christian (unknown) who lived at Luxborough around 1500 and had two known children William and Christian. Like most family stories there is excitement, drama and emigration around the world. The 12th generation is my mother's generation and the book will end with the generation mentioning her birth and that of her brother along with all of the others born prior to 1920. My families appeared to prefer to live in England until the Routledge family of Bewcastle, Cumberland first set out in 1818 for southwestern Ontario followed by the Gray family of Etton, East Riding of Yorkshire circa 1832 and then the Pincombe family of Bishops Nympton/Molland, Devon in 1850/51 followed by the Buller family of Aston/Birmingham, Warwickshire and Bermondsey/London, Surrey in 1908 and then finally the Blake family of Upper Clatford/Andover, Hampshire in 1913 and they all ended up in the now city of London in Middlesex County, Ontario, Canada. I still marvel somewhat that these five/six areas of England came together in one spot and that there are seven of us descendant of this group of people. Having the DNA for five of them has been a rather exciting adventure these past sixteen years and each day reveals a new match somewhere in the world although my matches continue to be predominantly in the United Kingdom since most of my cousins are still there overall (as it turns out I do not have any first cousins). However, my heart and soul is Canadian as I discovered when we traveled about the British Isles. 

Canadians are driven by compromise so that I continue to be shocked by the attack style of the now Conservative Party. Where are the issues; who cares what Justin Trudeau does personally to provide his family with some sort of normal life for a short period. The Conservative party needs to have balanced issues; Frank Stronach brought up some really good ideas. Justin Trudeau carries a large weight having been the son of a Prime Minister but he shouldn't be punished for that (obviously his father made friends and I really do not have a problem with that; he is only one voice in his Cabinet); he brings a lot of good knowledge to the table. I may not always agree with how the money is spent but I have to say this latest military contract which involves a Halifax firm learning to manage repair work is excellent. Good job on the part of the Liberal government (and I do realize that they are buoyed up by the NDP party). The NDP need to learn from the Liberals and Conservatives; when they were in government in Ontario they were an absolute failure. It is fine to be buddy buddy with everyone but we need excellence in government and that can mean hard decisions. The tax payers money must be spent wisely.

Prayers for Ukraine and now Sudan as always. Russia's fingers reach far into the world to cause disruption. Someone needs to bind those fingers. Whomever does it will be appreciated for sure. But we need action not words; Russia continues to bomb and kill people in Ukraine (twenty five more dead today (including three children) in the bombings). War is useless and destroys the planet slowly but surely. Peace, wonderful peace slips out of our grasp once again because of Nazism - murderous land stealing psychopathic Russian Nazis (Putin and his enablers) and North Korea threatening South Korea constantly. Why is it that the West doesn't get to say that they feel threatened and do things that make them feel safe (and South Korea is a good example as is Ukraine)? Why is it only the murderous butchers of the world that get to say that they do the things they do to feel safe (bombs cast uselessly into the ocean kill marine life; destroy ecosystems; it is all part of the world)?

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