Saturday, April 29, 2023

Fourth Generation of the Siderfin family

 More or less together but I need to link in documents that were in James Sanders book and just be sure that everything matches with the new data; this section is broken into a William line, a Robert line and a Thomas line and then the rest are lumped together as the amount of information is small. Perhaps today I will move into the Fifth Generation but I still have tomorrow as well. Giving myself the rest of the year allows for proofreading of the final text and making charts. I also have a correspondent (descendant of Thomas born 1777 who disappeared from Somerset in the latter part of the 1700s) to look at his line. His line is very large and I will send the descendant chart of Thomas to her for verification before publishing since she has done extensive work on her line. 

The Bible reading today quite absorbed me in thought. The last line of John 10:1-10 is particularly apt to the situation in which the world now finds itself and explains the New Commandments and Jesus' role in the maturing of our society. " A thief comes only to rob, kill, and destroy. I (Jesus) came so everyone would have life, and have it fully." That is the promise of the New Commandments. Russia is certainly the thief in our world. We must find a way to stop Russia before a Third World War is caused by them. For them it is give me what I want or I will continue to murder, steal and lie which means that our world faces the worst enemy here since the beginning of time - Putin and his enablers are Satanic. We managed to survive World War II but it will take the combined efforts of the entire world to stop Russia. Their thirst for land can not be assuaged - they say it themselves that the fall of the Soviet Union was a disaster for them. Each victory will make them thirstier for more (Georgia led to the Crimea part of Ukraine and the Crimea to Ukraine itself) - that is the way of Nazis. Russia has become the psychopathic land stealing murdering Nazi that we put down in 1945 mostly because we did not follow the advice of Winston Churchill and make the freeing of Europe in 1944 through Poland to halt the Russian advance into Europe back in 1945. But we would have had to fight a two front war for sure. Perhaps that is the human tragedy that exists in our world; that Nazism can rear its head again and again. Nazism makes no friends; they betray everyone; they only want for themselves and they are always a small tightly knit group of psychopaths who constantly lie but manage to coerce (mostly by violent threats) a large following of people to help them in their own country and as they absorb other areas they force them to do their deeds of murder and stealing. I will always remember the stories of Hitler towards the end of the second world war when he manned the defense of Berlin with young boys - he did not care what happened to the youth (they were as young as twelve or less if they were big enough); they were just fodder for him to use and because the military had not won the wars for him he felt that they should all die; he did not care if all the people of Germany died. Hitler (and his Satanic enablers) was also a Satan.

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