Saturday, June 10, 2023

Is there any value in my meanderings

I do have to consider whether there is a value in my meanderings being recorded in my blog. Although in the long run I may move away totally from those thoughts I think the value is in just thinking them out loud because I tend to learn verbally.. I do talk to myself as I type. Eventually I eliminate what doesn't make sense to me and move on to the next stage but I do not always catch everything in my blog although when I notice I change it.. So strange dates or comments are best ignored; I likely have made a typo or a mis-statement. It is good when I sit down to work to review what I did yesterday and that is what the blog lets me do.

In this case once I refine the text in the book revision I will move on to William Siderfin who married Mary Terrel but I like to tie up the loose ends first and that does appear to be where I am at.

The day passed quickly yesterday and I am more or less satisfied with my content but it is still too long (about four pages) and will keep on trimming it. I did not yet get to William Siderfin and perhaps tomorrow I will study him. It seems logical that he might be in the William - Line as well and I need to look carefully at that since he uses the crest often associated with the Siderfin name. It is a simple crest - just three cups. It is perhaps quite old like the Blake crest which is three sheaves of wheat. I did  not see any mention of it in the third generation or even the fourth but definitely by the fifth generation it is discussed or noticed. 

Spent part of the afternoon gardening and trimming a dead branch off of a tree. First we had to cut it off and we have this fancy tool to do that. Spent a little time learning how to use it and finally the huge branch was down. Perhaps I should get someone to come and trim the trees although I do not see any dead branches - this one was quite lively and not sure how it got broken. 

Last night we cooked with the air-frier - chicken legs, small potatoes, carrots and peppers. It does make an interesting meal for sure. We usually only do it in the summer and let it cook outside and I sit on the swing while it cooks away.

Latin is going well and I need to start doing some extra practice to really learn the declensions. I am starting to read a little. Perhaps by the end of the year I will be able to work on documents - I already do a little but would like to be somewhat faster without always using a dictionary!

A beautiful day here and no smoke at the moment. We did have a rain (could have been heavier) but rain none the less - always appreciated. 

Our politics are starting to get nasty here - attacking one's own (Past Governor General Johnston was a Conservative (possibly Progressive Conservative like myself)). The present Conservative party is really a conglomerate of right wingers and social conservatives (which may be the same thing) and dominates the Conservative Party making it virtually impossible for them to win an election. Canadians for the most part and especially vote rich Ontario/Quebec tend to be accepting and respectful of people's views even if they do not actually agree with them and so a social conservative will not win in Ontario anyway - the present Premier Ford could win an election in Ontario and he is a Progressive Conservative. The present Conservative Party behaves like Past President Donald Trump in the United States. They are loud, egotistical and think they are perfect and that the present Prime Minister here is a target for them - constantly berating him on a personal level. I find only that the present Liberal government is not efficient but the past Conservative government under Past Prime Minister Harper was equally inefficient and actually very bad for the country as they reduced the GST which funded the government so that we did not have to have a monthly bill to pay the Government workers (now the lack in funding affects the military mostly and the government workers are paid). I have a poor opinion of economists actually and it stems from the one Economics 20 course which I took at University (we had to take an Arts option and I thought it might be interesting as did others in physics, chemistry and engineering). The individual teaching it didn't appear to know the difference between a rise and a run in a graph and how to calculate the slope and it all went downhill from there - teaching a group of science/engineering students one needs to be pretty knowledgeable in mathematics or they will nail you to the wall! However, we all passed the course in spite of the poor teaching; after all we did know the difference between the rise and the run and could calculate the slope properly! Economists look only at the short term it would appear but the long term is where we are going to live in and should always be a major consideration. Off of my political soapbox - I do not intend to get involved in politics at my age but do await the coming of better politicians who are not nasty constantly during question period in the Commons and actually understand fiscal conservatism. 

Back to the Siderfin book and trimming the rather text heavy explanation for moving the line containing Robert and Walter to the William Line and correcting the John to being married twice and not as he was on the original Pedigree Chart of James Sanders and also in the William Line.  Now there is the generation back which included that John and a brother William to him. Since there was only ever a brother Robert to John in either line William is definitely a mystery; plus he used the crest which was found primarily in the Thomas Line thus far to my knowledge. So more digging and sorting today. 

The garden is growing nicely and this division has worked well. Our main garden fenced in and no little furry animals running around there except the chipmunk apparently can squeeze through or the squirrel can climb but they do not appear to eat the vegetables thus far. They prefer the bird feed we put out. The back garden which we have let the weeds continue to dominate and the carrots and beans and radishes are doing well. I believe they ate the beet greens already as they are now missing. The tomatoes and pepper patches are doing well - no one likes those leaves it appears (and the tomato at least are poisonous to many of them). The cucumbers are up and I must water them. 

On to the day eventually. Still working away on a few things before breakfast.



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