Monday, November 13, 2023

My great grandmother and the twins

I do feel the necessity of recounting the story of my great grandmother (my maternal grandmother's mother) and the twins (seven month gestation) and they lived in Birmingham, England (Aston actually which is part of Birmingham). The little boys were very premature and my grandmother at nine had a clear memory of their life as she helped to care for them. They needed to be fed with a tiny spoon as they were too young to suck well and of course all babies were breast fed in those days pretty much. But they prospered as the days went by. They lived in small baskets near the fire and were cared for night and day by the family. By the time they were a couple of weeks old they could suck so that worked out well. It wasn't until they got out into the sooty Birmingham air that their lungs became congested and they did not survive. So I am left to ponder why two infants in a major teaching hospital with thousands of people around could not be kept alive and warm in Gaza. This was the 1890s in the winter in Birmingham. It is sad. It is always sad when a baby does not survive but it is necessary to do what has to be done to keep them alive. Blaming an external event is meaningless when there were so many hands that could have kept those little ones alive.  Hamas = Satan. Their hatred for the Jews continues and it is the raison d'etre for everything that they do. Anything to create anti-semitism is their motto. But definitely the sad loss of those two infants has nothing to do with the need to rid the world of Hamas. Go Israel. Release the hostages Hamas, all of them. They have done nothing wrong. The sinful people in the Israeli jails who attacked the innocent Jews in their homes need to pay for their crimes against humanity (and the courts will do that when there is time and these days we tend not to be the executioner but leave that up to God except in Muslim countries where capital punishment is common). The Jews are part of humanity but Hamas is Satan. God cast Satan into the deep fires for a reason. God said "Let my people go." Release the hostages Hamas and they all better be alive and well.

A three year old orphan (but has loving aunts and uncles) from the United States is held by Hamas. Imagine the terror that child is going through -  mommy shot, daddy shot and then taken away from everything that was known and familiar. You are scum Hamas to do such a thing to a small child and to anyone actually but a child. May God curse you for that now and for ever. 

How can the Arab/Muslim world stand by and let this happen. Tell Hamas to get out of Gaza; prove that you are wanting peace. Hamas = Satan. Prove that you want peace Arab/Muslim world.

It is early to be sounding off I have barely thanked God for the day. Not yet sunrise but soon enough and it is minus six degrees celsius. Snow is promised but that is not an unusual promise in November but warmth towards the end of the week. We are blessed in Canada I know that. I am hoping that the haters stay off the streets and keep their foreign flags at home. We know that there is a crisis in the world; they do not need to remind us. Hating is not the way forward. It is repressive and just creates more friction from those who oppose what you are saying. We are not stupid. We read. We know that 12% of the children of Gaza died every year while Hamas was in power. Hamas was killing children daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, year in and year out. No statistics on adults but they were probably killing them as well if they did not do exactly what they said. Hamas must go. If Arab/Muslim nations think so highly of them let them live in your countries but keep them out of ours (I notice that Egypt doesn't want them; they tried to destroy Egypt and they want their country to be a place where all Egyptians can live not a place where people are judged by what they believe). Hamas are scum; I would call them dogs but I happen to like dogs and would not insult the dogs.

Yesterday I managed to reach the end of the children of Robert in the 11th generation. I will work on Thomas now with the help of my cousin's work. I hope to get into that somewhat today. Life is very busy. 

Listened to Asa Hutchinson talking on CNN the other day. He has had such a superb record of giving to the American people. He has their best interests at heart and isn't in it just to make a profit for himself it does appear. He loves America and is a Republican and so has those principles. Being a Conservative at heart I do understand Republicanism and its ideals as does the Christian Right and probably do belong with that group although one would label me as a Catholic if we need labels in God's world. I also support a security net though as I do not like to see children needing care on our streets; I like to see women protected especially if they have become pregnant by nefarious means and it isn't all rape; some women do get let astray by promises that are later broken or denied. I am a sort of anti-abortionist except I believe it is a woman's right to choose. I believe the two thoughts can live together in one mind. 

Must remember to check and see if my referral went to the new Ophthalmologist from the old Ophthalmologist. Perhaps he will have one 15 minute slot to do my eye before Christmas from the 16th to the 24th (I have no idea when the ORs close for the season; I have not worked in the hospital for nearly twenty years now!). Maybe I will be lucky; it is only four years since I should have had it done apparently. The other eye I can manage on my own although need it done while I have help initially it would be nice to have it done very soon as well.  

Must do breakfast and keep my meals on track today. Another busy day in God's world. The sun has risen once again and like the rainbow reminds us of God's love. 

There I left my message on the telephone at the Eye Institute which answers for the ophthalmologist that I was originally referred to at 8:15 a.m.(checked my phone for accuracy).  I will admit to being a workaholic but I was always at my desk at 8:00 a.m. and seldom left it before 5:00 p.m. or 5:30 p.m. I did go for lunch but it was quick with a walk around the building outside. I do not expect people to keep my hours but I do expect promptness when a request is made. I can overlook my not being referred six months ago when the physician  was unable to do the times that I needed especially as I also gave that information to her secretary but it can be promptly remedied hopefully. But we can not know if he has a spot that is vacant as Christmas comes close unless he is asked. A referral coming from this doctor should speed it up. I am hopeful. Working in perinatology for two years which is a rather precise discipline where times means life or death I am very conscious of the need to be careful with patients.

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