Monday, November 13, 2023

Hunter gatherer routine completed

This morning was a day out as I went and got my Covid shot (flu shot was a couple of weeks ago) and picked up items that I needed at the Drug Store. The essentials of life - Vitamins D and E, 81 mg Aspirin, toothpaste, hand cream, and a litre of milk as my milk would run out before I do my every three weeks grocery day. It is nice to have to only go out occasionally. I am not a shopper at the best of times.

COVID shot was early and perfect. I am now ready for whatever the winter brings with both my flu shot and my COVID shot and it is just starting snow so I have beaten that as well and home again. 

Cleaning the basement today and about 1/4th done. The robot does the rug in the basement (the other rugs in the house I can just shake outside. I like the wood floors (laminate actually; I couldn't persuade Edward to put down hardwood). If I am here long enough I will eventually have it all redone with hardwood. I have helped lay hardwood so could do it myself but I am getting old. My grandpa showed me how to lay hardwood. 

Still nothing on my referral but maybe tomorrow or the next day. I had to refuse the 7th and 14th of December because I have no way to get home (i.e. someone accompanying me that I am comfortable with) and can not stay on my own in my home with my good eye bandaged. I am sure someone else can use them especially if they call someone right away. It would simply be stupid on my part to try to do that on my own and is a waste of money to use the nursing time in my insurance plus they would not pick me up. My daughter will just do it and then the money in the insurance is there "just in case." Great believer in having a safety net but that doesn't mean I have to use it.  I realize all doctors are very busy. The ones who are related to me are very busy. I do have a lot of patience and it is still more than a month until I can really have the surgery anyway. Who knows what can happen in that time. 

Sad to see all the babies needing incubators but amazed that they are not sitting all wrapped up in someone's arms (I would have been long gone with my baby in my arms even after my horrendous labours under those circumstances). After the birth of my second child I wanted to leave as soon as I woke up but that is a long time ago. I left on the third day though with my baby. Mother Nature gives mothers incredible ability to get up and go unless we die in labour. Those babies were all a good size and should be with their mothers. My labours were dreadful but  my babies were with me in the room after they were born. Mother Nature does give mothers the ability to rise above whatever and care for their infants. But truly I am a very hyperactive person and generally lost 20 to 30 pounds in the first six months of my babies lives. They gained and I lost and I was better for it probably. I feel enormously sad that these babies are exposed like that - Hamas must be forcing the doctors to do that and not letting the mothers care for their infants; it almost seems criminal what Hamas does to the people of Gaza and has been doing these past nearly twenty years. No wonder 12% of the children die each year in Gaza. 

You can hear it in the voices of these people that they are ready for their own country; why doesn't the Arab/Muslim world help them; why do they protect Hamas? It looks like they are. As Israel gets deeper and deeper into Gaza and discovers all the cruel things that Hamas does - rocket launchers beside schools and playgrounds etc. - why doesn't the Arab/Muslim world react? Are they afraid of Hamas?  Egypt eliminated them and refuses them re-entry. The only way to get rid of people like Hamas is to eliminate them - let the Gazan people have their State. Hamas will never let that happen if they are there. They are too busy using them as human shields to vent their hate on Israel. 

God cast Satan out into the fiery abyss and I believe He will approve of us doing that as well to the Satanist Hamas.

Just learned that the hospital is on Remembrance Day Holiday today. You know I do not remember that we had that holiday when I was there twenty years ago; I remember my husband did but our children went to school and I think I went to work. But a long time ago; I did love working and still do but now I work for myself. Except it is all volunteer and I do not make any money but it is a lot of fun. 



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