Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Who has even been in the car when I was driving (in my family)

I was contemplating who has ever been in the car with me when I was driving. I remember driving my father to Church one time when we came to visit and I never saw him so tense; he kept asking did I know where I was going (as a child apparently I could not see really well and could get lost if I was just a couple of houses away from our house - I actually do not remember being like that in my mind I always could find my own house!). Life can be busy in a big family and parents do not always notice that a child has improved in some things! But actually I think he is probably the only person that I ever drove around in my family (and you couldn't always tell if he wasn't just teasing you). Most of them would not get into the car with me if I was driving - actually I think my older sister came to Ottawa and I drove her somewhere just one time; I said she had to read the street signs because I couldn't see them (they were too small) and I do notice that the size of the signage has improved a little through the years; the signs are getting bigger. But mostly I drove my two daughters around until they could drive. And one time my grandson, I picked him up at school and he announced to his mother that yes Grandma can drive - it was cute!

Edward would never willingly drive with me until he lost his license unless he was exhausted. I think it was because I always asked what the signs said in retrospect. Funny really, no one would teach me to drive so I hired a person from one of the driver education companies and eleven one hour lessons later I went and took the driving test and I passed much to the shock of my entire family (just those eleven lessons; no one would practice with me!). The man who drove with me to do the test actually complimented me on staying right on the speed limit, not slamming on the brakes and making good tight turns at the intersection whether left or right. Not sure if that was wonderful or anything but it was nice to actually pass the test first time but the teacher I had was excellent. I always remember my first lesson because he finally said to me "unless you take your foot off the brake we are not going anywhere." Edward had four lessons from him just to brush up on city driving. We went and picked up our new car that day actually after the test.  

In retrospect I think my not seeing well when I was really young like 1 or 2 years of age was the lack of depth perception which was picked up once again when I did the vision driving test. There isn't anything to let you judge on their test with the cars where you move them back and forth. I learned to judge by the look of the street and where the cars were in relation to the objects on the side of the road as a young child when I wanted to cross the street. One learns quite quickly when there are near misses. Needless to say I do not talk whilst I am driving at all as I am busy concentrating on the road around me (except to ask the names of streets that I am passing as my children can recount I am sure). I actually do not hear any conversation in the car as I block it all out so as not to throw off my concentration (easily done when you grow up in a house with nine people in it (plus extras often enough)). It is a skill set I guess acquired out of necessity. I seldom drive now just to get my groceries mostly and only about once a month. The last couple of years of Edward's life I was out every day until COVID kept us home as he loved to go shopping several times a day. He did get past my driving when he could no longer manage the driving. 

 The Bible Reading today has one particular line "Try your best to live quietly, to mind your own business, and to work hard, just as we taught you to do." From 1 Thessalonians 4 and this is Paul telling us to live a holy and correct life. Certainly I ponder the thought of am I minding my own business in my posts but the threat of annihilation to a people is the business of the world. No one has the right to threaten people; the courts generally decide the fate of people who have actually done something wrong. But threatening people; that is just wrong. Holding people hostage including infants and small children is just sick.

Another day and perhaps I will hear about my possible cataract surgery; time will tell. I really can not think what else I could have done in all of this. And of course, I could always go to the Riverside Campus for eye surgery. It is just that I do not like to be a needy person if I can avoid it and I spent more time at the General Campus so could find my way around even with a bandage on my good eye to go home again. But perhaps my daughter picks me up right at the place of exit from surgery. Did not think of that; I am getting old. She did pick me up in the recovery area at the Montfort. I must get back to my Siderfin Book. Working on Thomas now and that leads me to the next generation because he is the youngest in the youngest son's family. Not going quite as I had hoped but life does put up its barriers on occasion and one just has to continue to move forward to the goal which is in this case - cataract surgery and completing the other two books - Pincombe and Blake. Once finished I can then work on producing the County books of the Blake wills of England and there are just over two thousand of them known to me actually and I have probably transcribed around one thousand and a bit so perhaps half of them in total (I do have them separated by county so someone else could always do that). A number of the wills to do are quite short as they are diocesan wills and not involving land so much which does take up paper for sure. Blake is a family name that was owned by the hard working agricultural labourer, tradesman, small land owner and wealthy influential people all through English and Irish history. Interesting really and my grandfather was right the Andover Blake family deserves a book. Although my Pincombe and Blake families files are well organized I suspect I am the only one who could easily work through them to produce the book. Fortunately I have an extremely good memory and could help with that; possibly hire someone to help if I need to do that. 

Anyway on to the day; it is the large cleaning day and then my week of writing begins once again. COVID shot yesterday and just a tiny bit of soreness to remind me that I had it. Ready for winter; just a few tasks to complete - vacuuming the car and putting it in the garage and raking the leaves on to the garden. Supposed to be a bit warmer towards the end of the week. Today we are covered in beautiful white snow, perfect day.

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