Monday, December 25, 2023

Christmas Day - my 79th

 Christmas Day is always magic. First and foremost, it is the day that Anglicans celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ - God's gift to mankind that we, the Christians of the world (the Celtic Church officially joined with the fledgling Christian Roman Church in England at the Synod of Whitby in 663/664 at Northumbria) have celebrated for over 2000 years now. The world has been ripped apart by war, tornadoes, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions all of which have resulted in the loss of life and property in that time but for over 2000 years Christians have celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ and the word became flesh and dwelt amongst us but for such a short time in actuality but those thirty plus years are memorialized for ever by the disciples who became the Apostles selecting from amongst themselves the first Pope - Peter. When we visited Rome, my eldest daughter and I, I did what pilgrims have done for centuries - I kissed the feet of St Peter in the Vatican. There were so many experiences I wanted to have visiting the Vatican and every one was fulfilled. I was so fortunate to have been able to listen to my Grandfather who talked about his Anglican Church although he always called it the Church of England and his devotion to the Pope in Rome. Although excommunicated as the English were when Elizabeth I was Queen, many English retained the Pope in their heart and likely still do, but their allegiance was to Elizabeth I. This hereditary line of Popes from Peter to Francis is just one of the many sights in Rome with the pictures of all the Popes high up on the walls of St Paul Outside the Walls Basilica. We visited all of the Basilicas in Rome but spent most of our time at the Vatican. It was nice to have my daughter with me because I never would have seen so much in that eight days that we spent in Rome. I had asked my husband to go but he was still not ready to fly across the Atlantic in the fall of 2001 when we went. Had he gone I would not have seen everything that I did see as he would have had different things he wanted to see so it was a gift to have my daughter come and help me to see all the things that I wanted to see. Even getting on and off buses at the right stop is a problem for me because I always want to do everything myself and reading the street signs is not something I can do at any distance away. We spent nearly four months learning Italian and certainly she was thought to be fluent by people she spoke to in Italy; I could sort of manage and often my sentences were French and Italian but did seem to get understood. It was my Pilgrimage to Rome with the Anglican World-Wide Group and I was going to go to the Holy Land in 2004 with them again but Edward didn't want me to go so I did not do that; he still didn't want to fly over the ocean. I am glad that I finally did say to him in 2007 that I was going to go to visit my cousin Ivan in England in 2008 that he finally decided to fly over that ocean. I never saw anyone so thrilled to be in other countries as Edward was - he loved going to the United States but now the whole world was open to him and we traveled a lot to Europe and the British Isles. Even as his diseases reduced his ability to travel he wanted to go to the Galapagos Islands (I was willing I think it would be a fantastic trip) and Germany and a few other places. I think as he got to go to each one he just kept expanding that horizon. Now the whole world is in his view. We will miss him at Christmas for sure; he loved getting presents; he loved everything about Christmas I would say - all the goodies that we baked, all the wonderful special meals and lighting up the house outside. It is always a pity that his grandsons have missed having him by their side as they grow up. He had a great deal to offer them; just as he did his daughters. 

A late start to the day but not a great deal remains to be done so that works. The website error all repaired and that works. Always moving forward; sometimes too fast for me these days as I have a lot of things that I want to do. I relish this quiet time that I have in my life to work on the books. But the family times are also quite wonderful. I am neglectful of all my siblings but they all have someone who loves them and is with them so that is good. 

Church on YouTube; I love the Anglican Christmas Service. Today is giving day as we remember Edward with the donations which he most cared about. The time that he spent at Orleans United Church was a very fond memory for him although he moved on from there in the late 1990s when his needs were met in different ways (the minister at Dominion Chalmers helped him through the loss of his brother and mother primarily by his sermons but he also enjoyed their short conversations after the service). But today again will give a small donation to the music fund at Orleans United Church in his memory. He loved singing in the Choir which he did for about fifteen years or so. That regular every week practise was special to him especially when the girls were also singing in the Choir. He was also Church Treasurer at Orleans United for ten years. The two hospitals - The Ottawa Hospital and Montfort also donations and the Shepherds of Good Hope. I was giving to The Ottawa Mission (which I still do) and the Shepherds of Good Hope when Edward wanted to give money to one of them so I let him choose and he chose the Shepherds of Good Hope so took that one over from me at least he saw it that way. It meant a lot to him so I stopped but will do that once again but in his memory. 

Prayers for Israel, Ukraine and Sudan. The peace proposal by Egypt and Qatar is an exciting step forward although it does not get rid of Hamas who are a constant threat to Israel. They really must go. Israel should not always have to be guarding themselves on all their borders. Peace in the Middle East is so desirable though for sure. Satanists should have no place in our world - Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and Iran as their sponsors are a cruel, satanic and sadistic peoples. 

I think one of the saddest things I have ever seen in the News Feed especially on Christmas day is thirteen year old girls in Afghanistan shrouded from head to toe with only a slit for their eyes and announcing this is their last year of school. Women who are not educated can not produce children that are strong and fit for the world. One would wish as a New Years wish that the females in Afghanistan could have a better life. Over 150 of our troops died in Afghanistan; many more were injured with the hope of bringing a better life to those young women. It is sad to see the results in that image of all that death. 

The great experiment of Mankind is full of such evil - that we are still seeing it after all the wars that have been fought is truly sad. Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and there are other names sponsored no doubt by Iran are a scourge on mankind for sure. Iran has still not paid for its murder of Canadians on a plane shot down by them flying out of Tehran, children included. 

But it is Christmas and we must celebrate the birth of the Baby Jesus - the word made flesh and forever a memory for His  love and charity to mankind.

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