Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Snow nearly gone, no new snow yet

Sad to report that the snow is nearly gone and we did not get any fresh snow It is 1 degrees celsius and light rain is suggested and perhaps snow showers. Another wait and see day for sure. The sun is shining and except for the barren look which Canada has before the lovely snow falls; it is a beautiful day. 

Boxing Day is a big shopping day. I haven't gotten into the Black Friday craze at the end of November and I do not really have anything that I will be buying today. My one donation to Shepherds of Good Hope did not appear to go through so will try that today through CanadaHelps as it is listed there - good news as I think the Shepherds of Good Hope site was just really busy yesterday which is excellent for sure. Most of my spending does tend to be donations this time of year although not all; Christmas is still Christmas  happened in spite of the Palestinians thinking that they could destroy Christmas here although the reasoning escapes me to be sure. We did after all let them come. They should leave their hatreds behind and become Canadians. We can not do anything about a ceasefire especially as Hamas is the one breaking the ceasefires. They need to work on Hamas; eliminate them as they do nothing for them. Then they can have a country and one hopes they will concentrate on creating industry and not on attacking Israel. It will become quickly obvious the trek they will follow. 

When Nakba (Palestinian term) occurred  in 1948 the Jews were displaced in almost similar numbers from the areas where they were in the Middle East (they just didn't moan about it but got right to work and created the modern Israel that we see). The assignment of areas was more a product of the times. Obviously as events followed Palestinians could not live together with Israelis because Palestinians were always going in and killing the Israeli children and others so the selection that occurred in 1948 was a good choice to minimize the murder of Israelis murdered (although it would appear that 1/3 of the population of Israel is non-Jewish Arabs so some of them find it enjoyable to live in Israel except when Hamas is attacking). Bring us forward to 2023 and Hamas (you elected them and a dictatorship has followed) and Hamas in a bloody, barbaric, heinous, satanic attack on the Jewish people (and others) completely caused all the events that have followed since the 7th of October. Very sadly over 20,000 Palestinians are dead (many are children) and over 50,000 injured (again many children). That was Hamas causing all of those deaths, injuries. So why are you marching on our streets and ruining our Christmas one might ask? Stay home, write letters and appeal to the United Nations to force Hamas out. You gain nothing here but our seeing you as trouble makers and therefore not employable by us in any capacity that involves our children, our industries or anything else really.  

My thoughts for the day as I did find the young woman who complained about her $1500 fine (noise bylaw) to be rather unkind to Canadians and she lied especially to the children - Jesus is Jewish, born in Israel (just because parts of Israel have been chopped off and given away (their Nakba) doesn't change His birth). We only get a few days of the year that are special and for reasons beyond me "Merry Christmas" as a parting comment seems to be socially unacceptable but all sorts of festivals celebrated by others even get an email by the Prime Minister announcing them (I receive them all in my inbox). I may have missed the Merry Christmas email and wait to be corrected on that one. Christmas is very much a secular holiday enjoyed here (as well as religious to people like me); the companies producing Christmas type presents definitely go into the positive income on their receipts because of Christmas. It lights up our streets especially since there isn't any snow for the moon to help to lighten the look of barren Canada with its trees stripped of leaves (global warning is definitely our biggest problem). Even the evergreens look sad this time of year.  It is good for the charities as it brings out in us that great desire to give to people less fortunate who are suffering from lack of food and housing.  They are not marching on the streets and really their needs are enormous; it is dreadfully cold here in the winter. 

I noted that a commander of the Iranian military was killed in a strike. One down and just another couple of hundred to go to pay for the murder of Canadians in the plane shot down by Iran when it was leaving Tehran (I may have missed a few though prior to this date but Iran jogged by memory by their complaining). I do keep saying that Iran owes us for that downing of a plane full of Canadians including children. Other countries can certainly collect on that debt of people murdered by Iran.

So, breakfast done, jumping jacks done, shoulder stands done and weight lifting is next. 

Prayers for Israel, Ukraine, and Sudan. God Bless.

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