Friday, December 29, 2023

The Siderfin Family of West Somerset - Blog Post #4


 The Siderfin Family of West Somerset © 2023 by Elizabeth (Blake) Kipp is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 


Fourth Generation (Great-Grandchildren)[1]


6. William 4 Siderfin (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was born circa 1585 (a piece of the Parish Register remains which shows that a child of Robert Sidderfin was baptized in 1585) in Luxborough, Somerset, England, and he likely died in or before 1641 as he does not appear on the Protestation Returns, burial not located yet in the Luxborough Parish Registers[2].

William married Christian Webber on 5 Feb 1610 in Luxborough, Somerset, England[3]. Christian died in 1647. Christian Sydderfin (widow) was buried 6 Mar 1647 at Luxborough Blessed Virgin Mary[4].

Children from this marriage were:

+ 15 M i. Robert 5 Siderfin (William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 27 Nov 1611 in Luxborough, Somerset, England[5] and died in 1675 and was buried 8 Feb 1675[6] in Luxborough, Somerset, England.

+ 16 F ii. Mary 5 Siderfin (William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was born in 1612[7].

+ 17 F iii. Ursula 5 (Wilmot) Siderfin (William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 21 Nov 1613 in Luxborough, Somerset, England[8], and died in 1668 aged 55[9].

+ 18 M iv. William 5 Siderfin (William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 3 Jul 1615 in Luxborough, Somerset, England[10].

+ 19 F v. Christian 5 Siderfin (William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 26 May 1617 in Luxborough, Somerset, England[11], and died in 1617 and was buried 1 Jun 1617[12].

+ 20 M vi. Thomas 5 Siderfin (William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 6 Aug 1618 in Luxborough, Somerset, England,[13] and died before 14 Jun 1687 aged 69[14],[15].

The full will of Christiana Siderfin[16] is available (the wife of William 4 (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) and their children are  the William-Line).

Recorded: 5 Feb 2022

Source: National Archives, Kew

Place: Luxburough, Somerset, England

Type of Record: Will

Dated: 23 November 1644; probated 4 Jul 1648

[in margin] Test[ator]: Christiana Siderfin


In the name of God Amen The three


ande twentieth day of November in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand sixe


hundredth fortie and fower And in the yeare of the Raigne of our Souveraigne Lord


Charles of England etc King the twentieth I Christian Siderfin of the parrish


of Luxborowe within the dioces of Bathe and Wells widdowe being visited with sicknes but of perfect


mynde and memory praise be given unto Almighty God therefore being renounced and revoked all former


wills by me made doe make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following First I bequeath


my soule into the hands of Almighty God my Maker and of Jesus Christ my Redeemer trusting and beleeving


through his death and passion to obtayne pardon and forgivenesse of my sinnes And my bodie I commit unto


the Earth from whence it came to be buried according to the discretion of my Executors hereafter named


Item I give unto the Cathedrall church of Wells twelve pence Item I give towards the repara[t]ion of the


Church of Luxborowe aforesaid five shillings Item I give unto the poore of ye foresaid parrish of Luxborowe twentie shillings to bee distributed unto such poore people of the same


parrish at my funeral as unto my sayd Executors shall seeme good Item I give unto every of my


Godchildren Twelve pence a peece Item whereas Mary Gyldes[17] of Dunster widdowe my daughter


oweth unto me ten pounds which I lent her at two several tymes I doe release and forgive her the sayd


debt and summe of money Item I give unto William Gyldes and Robert Gyldes her two sonnes of my


sayd daughter Mary Gyldes one Ewe sheepe a peece Item I give unto Christian Gyldes daughter of the


sayd Mary Gyldes, my Grandchild fifteene pounds to bee paid unto her when she shall come unto


her age of twentie and one years And if she shall happen to dye before her sayd age of twenty


and one years then I give the sayd fifteene pounds unto William Gyldes and Robert Gyldes


afore named my Grandchildren equally to be devided betwixt them and to bee paid them at their


several ages of twenty and one years Item whereas my sonne William Siderfin doeth owe


me thirty pounds Twenty pounds thereof I give unto Thomas Siderfin sonne of the sayd William


Siderfin[18] my Grandchild And the other ten pounds thereof I give unto my sayd sonne William


Siderfin and doe release him of the same debt Item I give unto Johane Westerne[19] my Grandchild


fourty shillings Item I give unto Robert Siderfin my sonne five pounds Item I give unto Wilmott


Siderfin daughter of my sayd sonne Robert Siderfin Twenty pounds Item I give unto John Siderfin


sonne of my sayd sonne Robert Siderfin fourty shillings Item I give unto Johane Syderfin daughter


of my sonne Thomas Syderfin Twenty pounds And if shee shall dye before her age of twenty


and one years then I give the same unto Thomas Siderfin and Phillipp Siderfin sonnes of my


sayd sonne Thomas Syderfin equally to be devided betwixt them and to be paid them at their several


ages of twenty and one years Item I give unto the sayd Thomas my Grandchild sonne of Thomas


Siderfin aforenamed my sowe and heifer yeareling Item I give unto all my servants which shal[l ]be


dwelling in my house at my death five shillings a peece the residue of my goods and Chattells not


hereby given or bequeathed after my debts if there shall be any shall be satisfied and my legacies


paied I give and bequeath unto my sayd sonne Thomas Syderfin and unto Robert Siderfin


the sonne of my sayd sonne Robert Siderfin my grandchilde whome I make and ordaine to be


my whole and sole Executor of this my last will and Testament and I doe entreate my Cozen


John Squirell of the parrish of Mynhedd and John Pearse of the parrish of Charhampton


in the County of Somerset yeoman to bee my Overseers of this my last will and testament to see


the same in all things performed In witness that this is my last will I the sayd Christian Siderfin


have hereunto putt my hand the daye and yeare first above written The Marke of Christian


Siderfin This writing was read unto me the sayd Christian Siderfin upon the day and yeare first above


written and approved thereof and did then publish and declare the same to be my last will and


testament in the presence of The marke of John Blake The marke of Robert Lasswell The


Marke of John Lobb The marke of Anne Pyke The day of the above is the three and twentieth


day of November in the yeare of our Lord God 1644 Witness the witnesses aforesaid: The sayd


Testatrix afterwards xx February 1647 gave and devised unto Johane Westerne the Grandchild five


pounds and to her servant Wilmote Kent Twenty shillings and directed that these legacies should


be added to the above written will


Probatum fuit testamentum suprascriptum apud London coram ven[erab]li viro domino


Nathaniel Brent Milite legum doctore Curia Prerogative M[a]g[ist]ro siue Custode Ultimo constitute


quarto die Mensis Julij Anno domini Millesimo sexcentesimo quadragesimo octavo Juramento


Thomas Syderfin filij et Roberti Syderfin Nepofis op filio dicti defuncti et Execut in eadem Testamento


nominat Quibus Commissa fuit Administrato omnium et singulorum bonorium Jurium


et Creditorum dicti defuncti de bene et fidel[ite]r Administrando eadem ad s[an]c[t]a[ dei Evangelia


vigore comissionis in de parte als emanat Jurat


Summary: I did not yet find a will for William 4 (Robert 3, William 2, John 1). It is somewhat surprising but perhaps it will surface one of these days. Christian identifies herself as being a widow living in Luxborowe. She identifies her children as Mary Gyldes of Dunster, widow, with two sons William Gyldes and Robert Gyldes not yet twenty one years of age and a daughter Mary Gyldes who is over 21 and a second daughter Christian Gyldes who is not yet 21 years of age. She mentions her second son William Siderfin (James Sanders lists William as dying as an infant in his Pedigree Chart). Christian mentions a grandson Thomas son of her son William. Christian mentions a granddaughter Johane Westerne.[20] Robert, her eldest son (James Sanders has him born in 1620 but the only record I found was for a Robert baptized 27 Nov 1611) is mentioned and he has a daughter Wilmott and two sons Robert (who is named as joint executor with his uncle Thomas) and John. Thomas, her youngest son is mentioned but the reference to children is somewhat strange as he did not marry until 26 Jan 1652 at Oakford, Devon. Christian mentions his daughter Johanne not yet twenty one years of age. Also named as sons of Thomas were Thomas and Phillipp also not yet twenty one years of age. The daughter Christian is not mentioned. Christian, in her will, mentions two cousins John Squirell of Minehead and John Pearse of Carhampton to be overseers. The probate shows son Thomas and Thomas’ nephew Robert as joint executors of the will which was probated 4 Jul 1648. I do realize that finding these wills was not as easy as it is now.

The date for the marriage of Thomas Siderfin and Mary Radford could not be located on the search databases for Find My Past or Ancestry and a reference online in other trees using the 26 Jan 1652 at Oakford, Devon does not work with the will of Christian Siderfin (mother of Thomas). Thomas was baptized in 1618 so probably did not marry before 1638 and his three children are all under 21 at the time of the writing of the will in 1644 and the fourth child Christian is not yet born. Was he perhaps married earlier with the first three children being from an earlier marriage? a quest for the future no doubt!

Figure 9: Fourth-Fifth Generation – The William-Line


Interesting to see that the eldest son of William 4 (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) namely Robert 5 names his three children Wilmot, Robert and John according to his mother Christian’s will. They were fairly common names in the Siderfin family and their births would have been after 1630 likely as Robert (William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was baptized in 1611 (the 1620 on James Sander’ Pedigree Chart does not fit with the Luxborough Parish Registers).

I reviewed the Timberscombe Parish Registers as I was looking for the two Robert’s at East Linch/Lynch, Timberscombe listed on the Protestation Returns 1641. I have the fiche for the Timberscombe Parish Registers and reviewed them from 1656 to 1680 and there were not any Siderfin entries (including Syderfin, Sitterfine, etc)[21]. The 1642 subsidy paid at Timberscombe, East Linch by both Robert Syderfyn senior and Robert Syderfyn junior was 4 s and 3 s respectively (a low to medium amount) so was perhaps property rented out that belonged to the William-Line (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) as it is known by the will of Christian (the mother) that her eldest son Robert had a son Robert (a daughter Wilmot and a son John) by her will written in 1644 and probated in 1648[22].


No doubt this family migrated to other parishes, for we find in the Subsidy Rolls, 21 James I., 1624, and later, at Mynehead we find Robto Saydersin.[23] Because James Sanders did not find the baptisms at Minehead for the children of Robert and Ursula I think he simply sees this as one of the descendants moving to Minehead since he has already written that Robert died in 1612. It is a little confusing though at this point in the story since this is actually the second son of Robert 3 (William 2, John 1) named also Robert living at Minehead. I have placed this data in advance of the Fourth Generation but it does help to prepare us for the location of the sons of Robert (William 2, John 1) namely William at Luxborough, Robert at Minehead, Thomas at South Wheddon, Cutcombe with Robert and Thomas being the only sons living by the time of the Protestation Returns and the Subsidy of 1641.

From the Subsidy Rolls, Mynehead

21 James I., 1624





John Baker

in bonis




Nicholas Brooke

in bonis




John Squirke

in bonis




William Blackwell

in bonis




Robto Saydersin

in bonis




Walter Coffin

in bonis




Walter Slocombe

in bonis




Peter Punter

in bonis




Johan Hatsell

in bonis




17 Charles I., 1642





Andrew Blackewell





Peter Kidner





Thomas Sydertyn





Gyles Moore





Hugh Muttlebury





Robert Quirke, jnr





Robert Hayman





Robert Sydertyn





Richard Pearce





Rice Jenkyns





13 Charles II., 1673





John Burnard





Robert Syderfin





John Giles





John Bond





George Hayman






I do not have access to these Subsidy Rolls[25]. Thomas Syderfin is listed as paying the subsidy at Minehead in 1642 along with Robert. Robert Syderfin is the grandson of Robert 3 (William 2, John 1) and son of Robert 4 (Robert 3, William 2, John 1). The 1673 Subsidy is interesting as it is listing Robert Siderfin who was still living at Minehead at this time and is either Robert 4 or Robert 5.

Before visiting England/British Isles I had no idea how big the country was (other than from my elementary school days when it was said that the entire British Isles could fit into Southwestern Ontario! Being there and going from the middle of the south of England to the Atlantic coast in a few hours did rather give me a much better picture of the size of England. It is a novel feeling to be standing at the coast looking out and realizing straight across is Newfoundland – a long way from home for sure.

7. Robert 4 Siderfin (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was born circa 1587 (a piece of the Parish Register remains which shows that a child of Robert Sidderfin was baptized in 1587) in Luxborough, Somerset, England.

Robert married Ursula Webber on 23 Jul 1611 in Luxborough, Somerset, England[26]. Ursula Siderfin’s year of death or date of burial was not located.

A search on Robert Syderfin revealed a rather interesting document in the National Archives of the United Kingdom:

Reference: C 5/396/46

Short title: Francke v Syderfin.

Plaintiffs: Alexander Francke.

Defendants: Robert Syderfin, Ursula Syderfin his wife and John Syderfin.

Subject: property in Timberscombe, Somerset.

Document type: answer

Date:   1653

I had not noticed this document earlier in my researching (i.e. 13 years ago) and it is one of the hazards in genealogy; not covering all of the possible spellings for a surname but I was pretty new and much more seasoned thirteen years later! I debated putting the entire transcription into the book but there is enough “Siderfin” family knowledge that it may prove both interesting and beneficial to the readers.

Recorded: 15 Aug 2023

Source: The National Archives C 5/396//46

Place: Timberscombe, Somerset, England

Plaintiff: Alexander Francke

Answer: Robert Syderfin, Ursula Syderfin, John Syderfin

Type of Record: Court of Chancery

Dated: 1653

Read: Electronic copy

Condition: image, small script, light text

[In top margin] The Joynt and several answ[e]rs of Robert Syderfin the elder Ursula Syderfin his wife and John Syderfin (their sonne) three of the defendants to the bill of Complaint of Alexander Francke complainant


These defendants having unto themselves now and att all tymes heareafter all advantages of exception to the untruthes incertaynetyes and other ymperfections in the said bill of complaint contayned for answers thereunto or to so much thereof as materially concerneth their defendants or any one of them to make


answer they say and every of them for him and her selfe sayth And first of all they doe all answer as every one of them answeringe for him and herselfe that they did never knowe or heare to their now remembrance of any deed bearinge date the third day of October in the yeare of the Raigne of Edward


the third over this Paroid after the conquest the five and thirtieth or bearing any other date whereby Reynold Grovinge and William Lynch did as by the said bill of complaint is alleadged than to Edith the wife of Godfrey of Francke in the said bill named All the lands tenements rents


and reversions with thappurtences which they had of the gift and grant of Godfrey Francke in Eastlinch in the Village of Tymberscombe and which the said Godfrey had of the ffeoffement of Richard of Woodcombe and of the release of John Woodcombe sonne and heire of the said Richard To have and to


hold unto the said Eadith for her life of the cheife lords of the Fee soe that after the decease of the said Eadeth the said Lands should remayne to Roger the sonne of the said Godfrey and to the heires males of his body with diverse other remaynders over to the residue of the sonnes and daughters of the


said Godfrey as in and by the said bill of complaint is suggested neither did their defendants or any one of them know or heare by seight or hearings of any deeds or wrytings or report of any person or persons that the said Roger the sonne of the said Godfrey had issue male William or that the said William


after the death of the said Geofrey entered into the same lands and was thereof feoffed to him and the heires males of his body lawfully begotten so that he to dyed seized thereof or that he had issue John who after the death of his father entred into the same lands or was thereof seized to him and his heires


males of his body or that he thereof soe seized had issue Walter or that he after the death of his Father entred into the same lands and was thereof seized to him and the heires males of his body or that he thereof soe seized had Issue males John but this defendant Robert Syderfin the


elder sayth that he did not knowe the said John Francke lastly named beinge dead before his remembrance but he hath heard and doth believe to be true that he was lawfully seized of an estate of Inherytance in Fee simple some tymes while yet he lived and att his death of and in one mes[s]uage three score acres of ____________


land tenn acres of meadowe and twenty acres of pasture or their abouts with thappurtences in Timberscomb: alias Tymberscombe and also of two acres of wood All which are knowen by the name of the Mansion house and Farme of Eastlynch in Tymberscombe aforesaid in the county of Somerset which as theis defendants


doe believe are the same land Tenements rents and reversions with thappurtences in Eastlinch in the village of Tymberscombe as in the said bill of complaint are sett fourth and charged he also sayth that he doth beleeve that he had Issue Walter Francke John Francke Robert Francke and the said complant


Alexander Francke but he doth denye that the said John Francke the elder was thereof seized in Tayle unto himself and the heires males of his body to his knowledge or beleiffe neither hath thes defendants att any tyme seene any deed whereby the said lands in the bill named were soe entayled he also sayth


that the said Walter after the death of his said father as he doth believe did enter in the same lands and premises and was theirof feifed in Fee simple and this defendant also sayth if the said Walter Francke the elder had issue Walter Francke the younger and Bridgett Francke and dyed and if the said


Bridgett Francke was afterwards marryed to Walter Horne an other of the defendants and some parte of the said Farme as this defendant doth beleeve but knowith not the certaynity thereof was held and enioyed by Ursula Francke mother of the said Walter Francke the younger during her


life as her Joincture and as this defendant doth beleive the said Walter Francke the younger did enter and enioye the residue of the said Farme after the death of his said father and was their of feifed in Fee simple which by deed he did assure unto Dorethy his wife for terms of her life as hee also


Beleevith A copy whereof this defendant hath seene but the deed itself is in the possession of the complainant as he beleveeth which she after the death of her said husband enioyed accordingly and the same as also all the residue of the said Farme in his said mothers possession he by his last will in wrytinge had all


Devised did convey for one and twenty yeares unto his said mother and wife to commence after their several former estates therein as he hath creadibly heard and beleeveth all which are att this person enioyed accordingly by the said complainant the said two womin becoming both deade longe since And theis defendants


Robert Syderfin and Ursula his wife doe answere and say that the said Walter Francke the younger dyed longe sichince without issue of his body and it after his decease the Inherytance in Fee simple as theis defendants doe beleeve did discend unto the said Bridgett his sister who had issue Walter Horne otherwise


Spurryer her eldest sonne sichine dead without Issue and this defendant Philip Horne and she is also diad and the said Philipp is her heire And theis defendants doe deny to their remembrance that the said Farme and lands in the said bill named after the death of the said


Walter Francke the younger discended or came unto John Francke the sonne in the said bill named as Unckle and next heire male of the body of the first done in Tayle or that he ever entred to their knowledge into the same lands and was theirof seized to him


and his heires males of his body or that after his death who dyed without Issue male of his body the same lands and premises dycended and came unto the said Rybert Francke as brother and next heire male of the body of the first done in tayle or that the said Robert Francke


was ever seized of the said Lands premises to him and to the heires males of his body as in the said bill of complaint is sett forth And theis said defendants doe answer and say that they doe beleive that John Francke the sonne aforenamed never had the possession of the lands and premises


aforesaid or of any parte thereof because the said Ursula Francke and Dorothey Franke who had the whole in Joincture betwixt them as aforesaid severally for their lives as they beleeve did survive and over live him the said John but after the decease of the said Ursula Francke


and dorothey Francke afore named the said Robert Franke had the possession of the whole land and premises survivinge the said Ursula and dorothey but it was by vertue of the said last will and testament of the said Walter Franke the younger of the several devises of the said tenaments of


one and twenty yeares as they doe beleeve And all theis dependants doe answer and say every of them answeringe for him and her selfe that they do not know that the said John Frank lastlie named or the said Henry Horne in the said bill named did att any tyme deliver unto the said


Robert Franke in the said bill named any deeds Charters evidences or wrytings which did concerne the said lands of Eastlynch which did or could prove the Pedigree aforenamed of the Francks neither doe they or any of them know that any such deeds were left in the Custodye


of the said Henry Horne by the said John Franke last before named to be safely keept for the said John Francke And these defendants Robert Syderfin the elder and Ursula his said wife doe answere and say that their was A comunicacon and speech of a marryage to be had betwixt the said


Robert Franke and Wilmott their daughter one other of the defendants but the said marryage was never concluded betwixt them neither was their ever any Agreement made that the said Robert Franke should assure and convoy unto the said Wilmott or to some trustees to her use of said lands of Eastlinch or some


parte theire of for tearme of her life or for some number of years determynable by her death as in the said bill of complaint is alleadged And these defendants lastly named doe say that the said match was disliked of an their parte because the said Robert Franke was not


able to make a Joincture unto their said daughter of and in the said lands and tenements called East Lynch as this defendant Robert Syderfin was by his councell advized which was the principall cause of the breach of the said match And this defendant Robert Syderfin doth farther answer and say that when or neere about the tyme


the marryage was in question which was about fourteene years since the said Robert Franke or some other person by his appointment delivered unto him this defendant divcrs wrytinge concerninge the said Farme of Eastlinch but what the same were in contayne he doth not remember whereby the defendant might by his councell bee


advised to assure unto these defendants Wilmott his daughter these Farmes for her life or to persons trusted x yeares ditermynable by her death which said wrytings did afterwards remayne in his possession until the death of the said Robert Franke after whose death some differences were betwixt the complainant brother of the said


Robert Frank And this defendants daughter concerning the goods and chattles of theis Robert Frank ^ until which all of them they did belong to the said couple being the executor of the last will of the said Robert Frank  as he pretended whereby he claymed the same and this defendants said daughter did clayme those goods by vrtue of a deed of gifte unto her made by the said Robert Franke which said difference by their Agreement were first inferred


Arbitry answer of Sir John Gill knight Charles Staynings Esquire John Wood Clerke who did not ende the same and after att an other tyme were heard by Henry Byam Thomas Mary Clerbes who did then compose and end the said differences And att annother meetinge shortly there after had by the said Mr Byam Mrs Mary the


Complainant and this defendant and some others theis defendant Robert Siderfin the elder then brought forth in the presence of the said persons All the deeds and wrytings which this defendant ever had concerninge the said lands and tenements called Eastlinch and then in their presence they were all delivered unto the complainant by the said defendant Robert Siderfin


or by some other person or persons by his consent. All which said deeds and wrytings soe delivered unto the said complainant the said defendant Robert Siderfin doth beleeve and now in the possession of the complainant or of some other person or persons by his delivery or consent and therefore this suits had att him and all other the defendants for such wrytings as doe


concerne these lands and tenements called East lynch is causelese and of purport to vex them as he doth beleeve And this defendant Robert Siderfin also answereth and sayth that he did never deliver any deeds or wrytings neither did know that any deeds or wrytings concerninge the said lands and tenements in East Lynch were delivered


to any person or persons whatsoevcer either then to the said complainant neither did he make any other use of them or any of them then as before is expressed savinge that the said defendant and John his said sonne doe say that the said John did about the forth tyme of communicacon of marryage and _____ A wrytinge spurportinge the


last will of the said Dorothy Franke deceased in the said copy either the said John or Robert theis defendants but which of them they do not clainly remember did deliver or cause to be delivered unto the defendant Philipp Horne otherwise Spurreyer many years sichince but the clayme by me they neither either of them doth


not remember, But as they remember it was on or about the tyme of comunicacon of marryage afore named about thirteene or fourteene years sichince And this defendant John Syderfin sayth that he never sawe any deeds or wrytings which doe concerne the said lands and tenements in Eastlynch afore named saving


the last will of the said Dorothey Franke copied out as aforesaid neither doth he know wheir any are which canne prove the Pedigree of the Frankes neither were or are they or any of them deteigned ymberelled or conveyed away by him or any other person or persons by his consent or procurment And theis dependants doe so


answer and say that neere about fourteene years sichince the said Robert Franke att Eastlynch aforenamed fell sicke of the sicknes he afterwards dyed att which tymne the complainant lived in Tyberton in the county of Devon at theis dependants doe beleive dystant from Eastlynch aforenamed about eighteene miles but


whether he had then notice of his said brothers sicknes they doe not know but they doe conceive it did not concerne them or any of them to send for him in the tyme of his said sicknes benige not any way allyede unto him And the said Robert Syderfin and Ursula his said wife doe answer and say each answering for him and her


selfe that they were sometimes in the said Robert Franke house and visited him their in his said sicknes but how often they do not now remember but neither of them were then constantly with him and neither of them present with him when he dyed. And the said John Syderfin sayth that he was with him in his said sicknes but once but not


att his death And all theis defendants doe say every one answeringe for him and her selfe that they did not conceale the said sicknes from theise complainants neither did they or any of them hinder or denye any of his friends or kinred to come unto him in his said sicknes And they say that he lay sicke four or five days and not above


in the sicknes whereof holyed by their remembrances. They also doe say that in the tyme of this said sicknes before his death they or any of them had no command in his said dwelling house in Eastlynch aforesaid neither the custody or keepinge of the Cheste coffers cubberds or of any thinge or place that was laste


in the same house neither possession of any houses or lands parcell of the said Farme of Eastlynch And the said defendant Ursula Syderfin sayth that she shortly after the death of the said Robert Franke beinge seuter did repayre unto the dwelling house wheir the said Robert Franke was then dead in East


lynch aforenamed and did then take upp and keep such keyes for lockinge of Roomes and places locked with in the said house as she then and their found tyed together for and on the behalf of the said defendants Wilmott her daughter by vertue of the said deed of gifte by reason that divers of the goods and chattles of the said


Robert Franke then deceased and were in the said house some locked upp and others not locked upp and for that reason she keeptt possession of some parte of the said house And A chayne ^ on some of the ___ on the behalf of the complainant did keep possession in the said house after his death until an Agreement was made betwixt


the said complainant and her said husbande and daughter And theis defendants and every of them sayth that they or any of them did not deny or hinder the complainant to enter into the said house after the death of the said Robert Frank neither did they or any of them keep possession after his said death in any parte of the


lands or Farme called Eastlynch but the complainant had the possession thereof And theis defendants Robert Syderfin and Ursula his said wife doe say that by the aforesaid agreement made betwixt the said complainant and the said defendants Wilmott their daughter the said complainant was to pay onto the said Wilmott


Twenty pounds besides other Twenty pounds given her by the last will of the said Robert Franke deceased and more moneys or other consideration but he was to discharge and free them and all other their children concerning the keeping of possession in the said houses and lands And this


defendant Robert Syderfin answereth and sayth that by the aforesaid Agreement so made this defendant did then Promise the complainant to deliver unto him all the deeds charters and wrytings concerninge the foresaid lands and premises which then or att any tyme before he had in his possession And shortly


after the said agreement was soe made he did deliver unto him all the deeds charters and wrytings which any way concerned the same lands which he att any tyme had and diteigned none of them from him And he sayth that att this tyme he hath not neither att any tyme sithince the said delivery had in


his custody or possession any deeds or wrytings whatsoever concerning the said lands and premises neither were any of them by him delivered to any other person or persons whatsoever neither doth he knowe wheir any of them att this present are he also sayth that A former bill was latly exhibyted


agaynst him and then in this h___ court for the same wrytings amongst other things wheir unto the defendant and the then defendant did answere upon their oathes where with the defendant was persuaded that the complainant would have neither satisfied which hath byne suchince dismissed out of


this court with seaven nobles costs And the said defendant Ursula Syderfin answereth and sayth that she hever had any the deeds charters or wrytings which doe concerne the fore said lands and premises in Eastlynch neither doth she know wheir any of them are. And all theis defendants doe ever


thine them selves much wronged by the allygacon in the said bill that they or one of them or Wilmott or Robert Syderfin two other of the said defendant chyldren of the said Robert and Ursula have delivered unto the complainant divers and sundry lease papers and wrytings which did


not concerne the said lands in Eastlynch neither could any way prove the said pedigree but theis defendants each answering for him and herselfe doe say that they did not att any tyme affirme and say that the wrytinge delivered unto the complainant as aforesaid were all the


wrytings concerninge the said lands which were in the house of the said Robert Franke att his death for theis defendants doe not knowe what wrytings were in the said house att his death neither did they or any of them knowe that the deeds Charters and wrytings which did


or could prove the Pedigree of the Franke were in the custody of the said Robert Franke att the tyme that the speech and cocunicacon of marryage was first had between the said Robert Franke and the said Wilmott or that they or any of them had ever the carryage


of them to councell to be advised upon them for and concerninge some estate to be made to the said Wilmott of and in the said lands of Eastlynch or some part thereof And theis defendants do Joyntly and severally answer and say that they neither any of them did at any tyme


convyne or confederate themselves to and with the other defendants Walter Horne otherwise Spurryer Phillipp Horne his sonne and Peter Spurryer or with any of them or with any other person or persons whatsoever to defraud the complainant of the said Lands in Eastlynch or


For any vinust Acte  or matter whatsoever And the said Robert Siderfin sayth that he beinge A tenant of Hugh Trevilian esquire as of his mannor of Old Knowle in the said County att A court their holden on or About the yeare of our lord one thousand six hundred and fifty hee


behinge one of the homage of the said court it was given them in charge by the then Steward to inquire x present who was the free tenant of the foresaid lands called Eastlynch for that the same were holden of thye said mannor as then was alleadged and there upon hee


and the rest of the said homage did then present and Amerce the defendant Phillipp Horne otherwise Spurryer for not appearing att that court to doe his ffee suite for the foresaid lands but theis defendants answering severally doe say that they did never give out in


speeches to their remembrance that the said lands in Eastlynch doe belonge unto the heires of Bridgett aforesaid but as they doe remember they have sayd that they doe beleeve that the same doe belong unto the heires of the said Bridgett And they are Induced soe


to believe for that their have ben suites in lawe between the Counsel and the said defendant Phillip Horne concerninge the said lands in Eastlynch unto which of them the Inherytance thereof doth belonge and the common voyce of the people livinge neere the said lands


and that in such suites the said defendant Phillipp Horne hath for the most parte hold the best successe and ____ or more verdicts or nonsuites upon full evidence have past for the tytle of the said Phillipp but the certaynety thereof they know now But doe referre themselves or


for records themselves in such causes And this defendant Robert Syderfin sayth that he ________as he now remembereth att A tayale in A Replevin between the said Dorothey Franke in the bil named wife of the said Walter Franke the younger plt and John Frank


the complainant brother Arthur Webber and John Parkes defendants there for canne say nothinge what evidence was then given of either party And theis defendants and every of them doe traverse and say with out that anye other matter as things in the said bill of complaint contained and not


_ancir or have very sufficiently answered unto confessee and Aveydid fraught and or denyed is true All which matters and things theis defendants and every of them shall and will Justify ever mayntanye and prove as this honourable court will awarde and thene some doe humbly desire to be


Dismissed out of the same court with their reasonable coste and damages theirby wrongfully sustayned


The answers of the defendants first above named were taken upon their oaths


Att Dunster in the County of Somerset this twelfth


Day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand six


Hundred fifty three before me J Farthings


John Peigner


Richard Blackford


Finding this document verified a premise that I had made that Robert 4 Siderfin (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) did not die in 1636 as James Sanders has entered on the Pedigree Chart. I was not sure about his son Robert but the document does mention him so I have left it in my mind that he also survived to at least 1653. I will discuss this document along with a couple of other documents that I purchased when the Fifth and Sixth Generations are discussed.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 21 F i. Wilmot 5 Siderfin (Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 7 Jul 1614 in Minehead, Somerset, England[27].

+ 22 M ii. Robert 5 Siderfin (Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 27 May 1616 in Minehead, Somerset, England[28].

+ 23 M iii. John 5 Siderfin (Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 11 Apr 1619 in Minehead, Somerset, England[29].

There is a burial for a …rt Siderfin the 19th Jun 1636 at Luxborough[30]. At this time, I am not sure who this is, I leave it for other researchers to solve. There does not appear to be a will for Robert 4 (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) or his wife Ursula. Robert 4 (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was the second son and most property would have gone to his older brother William 4.


[1] In that the family of Robert 3 (William 2, John 1) was so very large I have taken the liberty of separating out the lines of his children into the William-Line, the Robert-Line, the Thomas Line, etc.

[2] A continuing search of the early pages of the Luxborough Parish Registers did not reveal a burial for William Siderfin. The pages are badly eaten unfortunately.

[3] Priest, Luxborough Parish Registers, accessed on Ancestry 1 Feb 2023

[4] Ibid

[5] Ibid

[6] Ibid

[7] From James Sanders’ Pedigree Chart. Mary is named in her mother Christian Siderfin’s will as the widow Mary Glydes at Dunster. I could not find a baptism or a marriage for Mary Siderfin in circa 1612 , 1637 +/- 10 years, or a burial in later years.

[8] Priest, Luxborough Parish Registers, Ibid

[9] This information could not be verified and is from James Sanders’ Pedigree Chart

[10] Ibid, James Sanders indicates that this child died as an infant but his mother mentions him in her will written in 1644 and his son Thomas

[11] Priest, Luxborough Parish Registers, accessed on Ancestry 1 Feb 2023

[12] Ibid

[13] Ibid

[14] Date of death from James Sanders’ Pedigree Chart. The Parish Registers for Luxborough are missing from 1675 to 1706 on ancestry.

[15] Siderfin’s Estate Act – 14 Jun 1687 with Royal Assent 11 Apr 1700. This Act was created after the death of Thomas Siderfin, namely “late the estate of Thomas Siderfin, Esq., deceased, in trustees, to be sold for payment of debt.” The Manuscripts of the House of Lords: 1699-1702, Volume 14 (New Series) Printed in London for His Majesty’s Stationery Office, Eyre and Spottiswoode

[17] The baptism of Mary is missing from the Luxborough Parish Registers that I am able to read. I also was unable to find a marriage for Mary.

[18] James Sanders does have this William deceased as an infant as there is a burial shortly after the baptism of this William and I must admit to being curious who this William who was buried is actually. I did not find another William baptized by this couple. I did not find a marriage for this William nor did I find a baptism for his son Thomas. There are a few options for instance one of the children of Robert (William 2, John 1) could have died in 1615 as there isn’t any further information on John who was baptized in 1594. I leave this one up to the future as more evidence comes to light on families and the continuing scanning of the ancient documents.

[19] Certainly I was surprised to see the name Johane Westerne as a grandchild but the only daughter of Christian known to survive to adulthood other than Mary (Siderfin) Gyldes was Wilmot. I was unable to locate a marriage for Wilmot. I did not find a baptism for a Georgianna (James Sanders listed her as a daughter in his Pedigree Chart).

[20] In terms of the will of Christian Siderfin I do have Jone Siderfin as a sister of Robert Siderfinne and marrying a William Westerne and hence the mention in the will of Christian Siderfin of a Johane Westerne as a Grandchild. But it would appear that Johane, given that this is 1644 and Robert Westeron’s (nephew to Robert 3 (William 2, John 1) would have been born after 1602 and by 1644 an adult with perhaps a daughter) possible daughter Johane would be a child a great niece to Christian (since her husband William now deceased would have been her possible uncle). In old wills, reference could often be made to individuals who were related with the stated relationship not what you would expect.

[21] Timberscombe Parish Registers accessed on 3 Feb 2023

[22] See page 41

[23] An interesting comment by James Sanders because the Siderfin family did in fact move outward from Luxborough to the surrounding parishes although still found at Luxborough in the next or 4th generation. James Sanders, History of the Siderfin Family of West Somerset, Exeter, 1912, pages 18-19

[24] Pages 18 and 19 of James Sanders” book “History of the Siderfin Family of West Somerset.”

[25] These subsidies were to support a trade war with Spain; in bonis generally meant well off or wealthy in funds. I do not know the meaning of the amounts listed in the next three columns. The list does appear to be ranking people from higher wealth to lower wealth.

[26] Ibid

[27] Priest, Minehead Parish Registers, accessed on fiche from the Somerset Record Office

[28] Ibid

[29] Ibid

[30] Priest, Luxborough Parish Register, accessed on 3 Feb 2023

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