Thursday, January 4, 2024

Eighth Generation - Siderfin Family - 9th Blog Post


The Siderfin Family of West Somerset © 2023 by Elizabeth (Blake) Kipp is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 

Eighth Generation  (5th Great-Grandchildren)


65. Robert 8 Siderfin (Robert 7, Robert 6, Robert 5, William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was born in 1689 in East Lynch, Somerset, England[1] and was buried on 28 Jan 1714 in Selworthy[2], Somerset, England.

Robert 8 (Robert 7, Robert 6, Robert 5, William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) married Joanna Kittener on 25 Apr 1713 in Wootton Courtney[3], Somerset, England.

The father of this Robert Siderfin married to Joanna Kittener at East Lynch was Robert 7 Siderfin (Robert 6, Robert 5, William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) married to Elizabeth (I agree with James Sanders that likely her surname is Blackford) as shown by the Brass Monument at Selworthy Parish Church for Robert 8 [4] and included a memorial to Walter 8 Siderfin. This is a change from the Pedigree Chart which James Sanders created in which he had this Robert 8 (Robert 7, Robert 6, Robert 5, William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) as a son of John Siderfin of Wootton Courtney as shown on James Sander’s Pedigree Chart (see Figure 13) whose father was Robert 4 (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) of the Robert-Line rather than the William-Line.

The property at East Linch and Timberscombe traditionally in this Siderfin family belonged to the William-Line (William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1). In the land records, located in the Somerset Archives Robert 5 (William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) and his son Robert 6 (generally referred to as Robert Siderfin the elder and Robert Siderfin the younger), East Linch and Timberscombe are usually mentioned together for these two men.[5] William 4's son Robert Siderfin the elder/senior and William 4’s grandson Robert Siderfin the younger/junior are found at Timberscombe both on the Protestation Return of 1641 and the Somerset Lay Subsidy of 1642. The sons of Robert 5 (William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) are mentioned in their grandmother Christian (Webber) Siderfin's will written in 1644 and probated in 1648[6] namely Robert 6 and John 6 (and their sister Wilmot 6).

Robert 8 Siderfin (Robert 7, Robert 6, Robert 5, William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) buried at Selworthy at 25 years of age in 1714 is memoralized with a brass memorial – “Here lyeth the body of Robert Siderfin son of Robert Siderfin Gent and Elizabeth his Wife Who departed this life the 20th day of Jan 1714 (Old Style) Aged 25 years. Here lyeth the body of Walter Siderfin who departed This Life the 21st day of Mar 1731 (old style) Aged 40 years.”[7]  Although James Sanders is using the date 1715 for this Robert this is new style with 1714 being old style[8]. There are two other children on the Pedigree chart John Sanders created under John and Mary Siderfin.

The second child in this line of the Pedigree Chart of James Sanders (see Figure 15) was John married to Maria Winter and has been shown to be the same John as married to Mary (Chapman) shown as the father of Robert and Walter. The John married to Maria Winter should be removed from the line above as he is already corrected in the Seventh Generation Chapter to show that this John was in actuality the son of John 6 Siderfin who himself was mentioned in his grandmother Christian Webber’s will as John 6 the son of Robert 5 (William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1). The third child in this Pedigree Chart of James Sanders as shown on the chart above was Walter 8 Siderfin of Timberscombe b 1692 and died 1732 and married to Alice Quirke of Minehead in 1717 at Luxborough. Her will was probated in 1768 as shown on James Sander’s Pedigree Chart above (the will of Alice (Quirke) Siderfin) in full below).

66. Walter 8 Siderfin (Robert 7, Robert 6, Robert 5, William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was born circa 1692 in Wootton Courtney, Somerset, England[9] and was buried on 21 Mar 1731 (old style) in Selworthy, Somerset, England[10].

Walter married Alice Quirke 25 Jan 1717/18 at Luxborough Somerset, England[11], groom was of Timberscombe and bride of Minehead. Alice was buried 18 Jul 1768 in Minehead, Somerset, England[12] aged 70.

Alice Siderfin left a will which may prove interesting to some as one of her sisters married into the Question family but it is not particularly helpful with the Siderfin family other than reinforcing that it was she who married Walter Siderfin. Although I have included this will of Alice Siderfin below it is more of interest to the Question and Quirke families.

Source: National Archives, UK, PROB 11/942/259

Place: Periton, Minehead, Somerset, England

Dated: 21st November 1768, probated, probated 30 Sep 1768

Testator: Alice Siderfin


In the Name of God Amen


I Alice Siderfin of Periton within the parish of Minehead


in the County of Somerset widow being sick of Body but


of sound and perfect mind and memory praised to God for


the same do make and ordain this my last will and


Testament in manner and form following that is to say


first and principally I commend my Soul into the handes


of almighty God my Creator hoping through the merits of


Jesus Christ to obtain pardon and remission of all my


Sins and to inherit Everlasting life and my body I commit


to the Eart to be decently buried at the discretion of my


Executor herein afternamed in the Chancel of the parish


Church of Minehead as near to the Body of my Mother


Mary Quirke deceased as conveniently may be and as to


such worldly goods and temporal Estate as God has been


pleased to bestow upon me. I give devise and dispose thereof


as follows First I will and order that all such just debts as I


shall incure at the time of my decease shall be paid and


satisfied and whereas by virtue of my marriage settlement made


on my intermarriage with my husband Walter Siderfin   I am


seized in Fee Simple of and in certain lands tenements and


hereditaments situate lying and being in the parish of Withycombe


in the County aforesaid now in the tenure or


occupation of Robert Slocombe. I give devise and bequeath the


same unto my nephew John Short of Minehead aforesaid


apothecary and to his heirs and assigns to the use of the said


John Short his Sons and assigns for ever upon the trusts and to


and for the said intents and purposes hereinafter mentioned expressed


and declared (that is to say) In Trust and to and for the use


and Benefit of my Cousin Robert Quirke Short (first Son of


my said Nephew John Short) and his Heirs for ever But in


case he shall happen to die before he shall attain his age


of twenty one years then I give devise and bequeath the


same unto my said Nephew John Short[13] In Trust and to


and for the use and Benefit of my Cousin John Short Second


son of my said Nephew John Short and his heirs for ever


But in case he shall also happen to die before he shall attain


his age of twenty one years then I give devise and bequeath


the same unto my said Nephew John Short In trust and to


and for the use and Benefit of my Cousin Samuel Short Third


son of my said Nephew John Short and his Heirs for ever


but in case he shall also happen to die before he attains


his age of twenty one years then I give devise and bequeath


the same unto my said my Cousin Augustine Question Short[14] and his heirs for ever but in case they shall all happen to dye before they again the age of twenty one years Then I give devise and bequeath the same to my nephew the said John Short in Trust and to and for the use and benefit of Nephew John Short In Trust and


to and for the use and Benefit of all such other Child or


Children of the Body of my Nephew the said John Short on


the Body of Elizabeth Short his now wife begotten or to


be begotten and to their heirs and assigns for ever to be


equally divided between them share and share alike


and Whereas I am also seized in Fee Simple of and in certain


Lands Tenements and hereditaments situate lying and being


in the parish of Old Cleve called or known by the name of


Endley now in the Tenure or occupation of Robert Slocombe


I also give devise and bequeath the same unto my said Nephew


John Short and his heirs for ever upon the Trusts and to


and for the new Intents and purposes hereinafter also


mentioned and expressed that is to say In trust and to and for the use


and Benefit of my Cousin the above named Robert Quirke


Short and his heirs of ever But in case he shall happen


to die before he shall attain his said age of twenty one


years then In trust and to and for the use and Benefit of


my said Cousin the above named John Short and his heirs


for ever But in case he should also happen to die before he


shall attain that age then In Trust and to and for the use


and Benefit of my Cousin the abovenamed Samuel Short


and his heirs for ever But in case he shall likewise


happen to die before he shall attain his said age of twenty


one years then I give devise and bequeath the same unto


my said Nephew the said John Short and his heirs for


ever In Trust and to and for the use and Benefit of my


said Cousin the above named Augustin Question Short and


his heirs and assigns forever But in case they shall all


happen to die before their said age of twenty one years


then I give devise and bequeath the same to my said nephew


the said John Short In trust and to and for the


use and Benefit of all such other Child or Children of


the Body of my Nephew the said John Short


begotten or to be begotten on the Body of the said Elizabeth


his now wife and to their heirs and assigns for ever to


be equally divided between them share and share alike


and Lastly all the Rest Residue and Remainder of


Lands Tenements and hereditaments Goods or


Chattels Real and personal Estate Moneys and Securities


Money whatsoever or wheresover they be and which


shall be may be now entitled unto at the time of my death


I do devise and bequeath the same unto my said


nephew the said John Short whom I do hereby ordain and constitute


desire and appoint whole and sole Executor and


to see my Legacies of this my last Will and Testament


hereby revoking all former wills Bequests and Legacies by


any way heretofore made bequeathed or given


and do make and declare this only to be my last Will


and testament In trust nevertheless and to and for the


use and benefit of all and every such Child or Children


of the body of the said John Short on the Body of the said Elizabeth


his now Wife begotten or to be begotten equally to


be divided between them share and share alike As they


may respectively attain their age of twenty one years


my will further is and I do hereby order and direct that


all the Rents and profits of the said Estates and all the


interest of the Moneys or so much thereof as shall be


requested and necessary for that purpose shall be paid


and applied for and towards the Maintenance and


education of such Child or Children until they shall respectively


attain their age of twenty one years and at the time that


either of them attain his or her said age of twenty


one years then my will is that his or her share or shares


shall be paid unto him or her so attaining that age But


in case or either of them shall happen to dye before he


or she shall attain such age then his her or their Share


so dying shall be paid to and be equally divided amongst


the Survivor or Survivors of them share and share alike


In Witness thereof I the said Alice Siderfin the Testator


have to this my last Will and Testament set my hand


and Seal this twenty first day of April in the year of our


Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty six Alice Siderfin


Signed Sealed published and declared by the above named


Alice Siderfin the Testatrix to be her last Will and


Testament in the presence of us who have subscribed our


names as Witnesses thereunto in her presence and in the


presence of each other of us Thos Leigh


Alexander Briant


This Will was proved at London on the thirtieth day


of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven


hundred and sixty eight before the Right worshipful George


Hay doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the


Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by


the oath of John Short the sole Executor named in the said


will to whom Administration of all and singular the


Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased


was granted he having been first sworn by Commission


duly to administer Ex


Robert 8 and Walter 8 are sons of Robert 7 Siderfin (Robert 6, Robert 5, William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) in the William-Line. I am going with James Sanders on the idea that Robert (buried 20 Jan 1714 (old style) at Selworthy) and Walter (buried 14 Mar 1731 (old style), Selworthy) are siblings and sons of Robert and Elizabeth Siderfin as stated on the Brass Memorial in Selworthy Church. William’s wife Christian (Webber) Siderfin (parents of Robert Siderfin the elder (b c 1630s) in her will does mention that Robert’s children were: Robert, Wilmot and John. As a further postulation I would support James Sanders that Elizabeth Blackford did marry into the Siderfin family and that the Elizabeth married to Robert and parents of the Robert buried 20 Jan 1714 (old style) at Selworthy (listed on the brass memorial mentioned above) was Elizabeth Blackford[15],[16].

The child from this marriage was:

+ 81 M i. Robert 9 Siderfin (Walter 8, Robert 7, Robert 6, Robert 5, William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 2 Feb 1718 in Minehead, Somerset, England[17]. He is possibly the Robert Syderfin buried at Selworthy, Somerset, England 7 Aug 1742[18]. He is not mentioned in his mother’s will of 1768 (see above will of Alice Siderfin).

67. Robartt 8 Siderfin (William 7, Robert 6, Robert 5, William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 22 Feb 1693 in Minehead, Somerset, England[19]. No further information located.

68. Mary 8 Siderfin (William 7, Robert 6, Robert 5, William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was born in 1698, was christened on 1 Sep 1698 in Minehead, Somerset, England, and died on 24 Sep 1698 in Minehead, Somerset, England[20].

69. John 8 Siderfin (John 7, John 6, Robert 5, William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1), born circa 1683-1687 and this individual has been postulated based on the various documents mentioned namely the Marriage Contract between John 8 Siderfin and Mary Chapman, the baptism of the children (below) as the children of John Junior and Mary) and the mention in the will of Mary Siderfin (Maria (Winter) Siderfin) that her husband John 8’s grand daughter was Joane Siderfin).[21]

Children from this marriage were:

+ 82 F i. Mary 9 Siderfin (John 8, John 7, John 6, Robert 5, William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 26 Jun 1713 in Wootton Courtney, Somerset, England[22].

+ 83 F ii. Joanna 9 Siderfin (John 8, John 7, John 6, Robert 5, William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 21 Jan 1715 in Wootton Courtney, Somerset, England.[23]

70. Robert 8 Siderfin (John 7, John 6, Robert 5, William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 15 Dec 1688 in Selworthy Somerset, England[24]. His father was named as John Junior on the baptismal record.

Possibly one of the more difficult sections to do in this book was proving the existence of John 8 Siderfin. Finding the will abstract for his second wife Maria Winter did initially prove to be the stepping stone back in time as she mentioned her husband’s granddaughter and from there I searched out the various documents that concerned this couple.


71.  Susanna 8 Siderfin (John 7, Robert 6, John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 16 Feb 1722 in Selworthy, Somerset, England[25], died aged 58 and was buried 30 Jan 1780 in Wootton Courtney, Somerset, England[26].

72.  Mary 8 Siderfin (John 7, Robert 6, John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) died as an infant and was buried on 9 Oct 1726 in Wootton Courtney, Somerset, England[27].

73.  Christian 8 Siderfin (John 7, Robert 6, John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was buried on 17 May 1730 in Wootton Courtney, Somerset, England[28].

74.  John 8 Siderfin (Augustine 7, Robert 6, John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was baptized 14 Jan 1721/2 in Cutcombe, Somerset, England[29], died in 1783 in Cutcombe, Somerset, England, aged 62, and was buried on 14 Jun 1783 in Cutcombe, Somerset, England[30]. Burial record at Cutcombe - schoolmaster and parish clerk, buried 14 June 1783[31].

John married Joan Greenslade on 26 Mar 1743 in Cutcombe, Somerset, England[32]. Joan was born in Cutcombe, Somerset, England, died in 1795 in Cutcombe, Somerset, England, and was buried on 8 Aug 1795 in Cutcombe, Somerset, England[33].

John Siderfin, of Cutcombe, Cordwainer left his will dated 28th April 1761. He mentioned his wife Joan Siderfin, sole executrix. He also mentioned all his children although not by name in the abstract that James Sanders added to his book. This original will was destroyed in the bombing of the Devon Record Office unfortunately.[34] Looking at the children for this couple, five of them died as very young children and one at ten years of age. The three surviving children Mary (never married), Joan married Thomas Wheddon and John married Joan Adams. When he wrote his will 28 April 1761, there were still four children living with Betty dying at ten years of age[35].

Joan also left a will dated 1st September 1792 and the abstract from James Sanders book follows[36]:

Joan Siderfin , of Cutcombe, widow. Will dated 1st September, 1792. To daughter, Joan Wheddon, dwelling house, gardens and field of ground, known by name of Gammons in parish of Cutcombe, for life, then to daughter Mary Siderfin. To son John all the Meadows known by name of Ven. Meadows right, title and interest in and yet to come in my said meadows, situate at Selworthy. Also to son John, an estate called Lower Knowle in Selworthy after the death of his uncle, Robert Siderfin. Grandson Thomas Greenslade[37]. Two daughters and daughter-in-law Joan Wheddon. Mary Siderfin and Joan Siderfin. Daughter, Joan Wheddon, sole executrix. Seal broken[38].

Children from this marriage were:

+ 84 F i. Mary 9 Siderfin (John 8, Augustine 7, Robert 6, John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 15 Dec 1743 in Cutcombe[39], Somerset, England, died aged 67, and was buried on 27 Jan 1810 in Cutcombe, Somerset, England[40]. Mary never married.

Source: The National Archives PROB 11/1508/281

Date of document:  15 Mar 1809, Date of Probate: 15 Feb 1810

Testator:  Mary Siderfin, Spinster

Location:  Cutcombe Somerset England

Family Names mentioned: Joan Wheddon, sister of Cutcombe, widow; Thomas Weddon, deceased, husband of Joan; Jane Whiddon, niece; Mary Whiddon, niece; Joan Siderfin, wife of brother John of Selworthy; Mary Siderfin, niece, daughter of John and Joan Siderfin of Selworthy; Thomas Siderfin, nephew, son of John and Joan Siderfin of Selworthy; John Siderfin, nephew, son of John and Joan Siderfin of Selworthy, under 21; Betty Siderfin, niece, daughter of John and Joan Siderfin, under 21; William Siderfin, nephew, son of John and Joan Siderfin, under 21; Georgiana Siderfin, niece, daughter of John and Joan Siderfin, under 21; Charlotte Siderfin, niece, daughter of John and Joan Siderfin, under 21; Robert Siderfin, nephew, son of John and Joan Siderfin, under 21; George Siderfin, nephew, son of John and Joan Siderfin, under 21; John Siderfin, brother, Executor[41]r

[In margin] Mary Siderfin 11



This is the last Will and Testament


of me Mary Siderfin of Cutcombe in the County of Somerset Spinster


late Servant to the Right Honorable Sir Vernon of Park place London


as follows First I give and bequeath unto my sister Joan Wheddon


of Cutcombe widow of the late Thomas Whiddon the sum of one


hundred and fifty pounds of good and lawful money to be paid unto


her by my Executor hereinafter named within six Months after my


decease Also I give and bequeath unto my Niece Jane Whiddon dau[ghte]r


of the above Thomas and Joan Whiddon the Sum of fifty pounds


to be paid her by my Executor within six Months after my decease


also I give and bequeath unto my Niece Mary Whiddon daughter


of the above Thomas and Joan Whiddon the Sum of fifty pounds


to be paid her by my Ex[ecut]or within six Months after my decease Also


I give and bequeath unto my Sister in Law Joan Siderfin wife of


my brother John Siderfin of Selworthy in the County of Somerset


the sum of fifty pounds to be paid her by my Ex[ecut]or within six Months


after my decease Also I give and bequeath unto my Niece Mary


Siderfin daughter of John and Joan Siderfin aforesaid the Sum of


fifty pounds to be paid her by my Ex[ecut]or within Six months after


my decease and I give and bequeath unto my nephew Thomas


Siderfin son of John and Joan Siderfin aforesaid the sum of Fifty


pounds to be paid him by my Ex[ecut]or within six months after my


decease Also I give and bequeath unto my Nephew John Siderfin


son of John and Joan Siderfin aforesaid the Sum of fifty pounds to


be paid him by my Ex[ecut]or when he shall attain to the age of twenty


one years Also I give and bequeath unto my niece Betty Siderfin


daughter of John and Joan Siderfin aforesaid the Sum of fifty


pounds to be paid her by my Executor when she shall attain to the


age of twenty one years Also I give and bequeath unto my Nephew


William Siderfin son of John and Joan Siderfin aforesaid the Sum


of fifty pounds to be paid him by my Ex[ecut]or when he shall attain the


age of twenty one years Also I give and bequeath unto my Niece


Georgiana Siderfin daughter of John and Joan Siderfin aforesaid the


sum of fifty pounds to be paid her by my Ex[ecut]or when she shall


attain to the age of twenty one years Also I give and bequeath unto


my niece Charlotte Siderfin dau[ghte]r of John and Joan Siderfin aforesaid


the sum of fifty pounds to be paid her by my Executor when she shall


attain the age of twenty one years Also I give and bequeath unto my


Nephew Robert Siderfin son of John and Joan Siderfin aforesaid the


sum of fifty pounds to be paid him by my Executor when he shall


attain the age of twenty one years Also I give and bequeath unto


my nephew George Siderfin son of John and Joan Siderfin aforesaid


the sum of Fifty pounds to be paid him by my Ex[ecut]or when he shall


attain the age of twenty one years and Lastly I give and bequeath


unto my Brother John Siderfin of Selworthy in the County of Som[erse]t


all the rest residue and remainder of all my Goods Chattels Furniture


and Effects of whatsoever kind they may be and whom I do hereby


make nominate and appoint whole and sole Executor of this my last


Will and Testament In witness whereof I have to this my last


Will and Testament contained in one Sheet of paper subscribe my


name and affixed my Seal this fifteenth day of March in the year


of our Lord 1809 Mary Siderfin (LS) Signed Sealed published


and declared by the said Mary Siderfin the Testatrix as and for her


last Will and Testament in the presence of us in her presence


and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our


Names John Deake [signed] William Harris [signed]




Whereas I Mary Siderfin of Cutcombe in the County of


Somerset Spinster late Servant to the Right Hon[or]able Lord Vernon


of Park Place London have made and duly Executed my last


Will and Testament in writing bearing date the fifteenth day of


March 1809 and thereby given and bequeath the sum of one


hundred and fifty pounds unto my Sister Joan Wheddon of Cutcombe


widow of the late Thomas Wheddon now I do hereby further give


and bequeath unto the said Joan Wheddon the Sum of one hundred


and fifty pounds now to be paid her by my Executor John Siderfin


of Selworthy in the County Somerset named in the said Will within


six months after my decease and also give half of my wearing


apparel plate and other moveable effects now in the possession of


my sister Joan Wheddon and I do ordain and declare this present


writing to be a Codicil to my last said Will and that the same shall


be annexed thereto and taken as part thereof and do confirm my


said will in every particular part thereof that is not hereby altered


or revoked In witness whereof I have to this Codicil set my hand


and Seal the first day of August in the year of our Lord 1809


Mary Siderfin (LS) Signed Sealed Declared and published by the


said Mary Siderfin as and for a Codicil to be annexed to her last


Will and Testament and to be taken as part thereof in the presence


of John Deake [signed] William Harris [signed]




Proved at London with a Codicil 15th February 1810 before the


Judge by the oath of John Siderfin the Brother and sole Executor


by whom Adm[istrati]on was granted being sworn by Com[missi]on to adm[iniste]r


+ 85 M ii. Robert 9 Siderfin (John 8, Augustine 7, Robert 6, John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1)  was christened on 28 Dec 1745 in Cutcombe[43], Somerset, England, and was buried on 2 Feb 1746 in Cutcombe, Somerset, England[44].

+ 86 F iii. Joan 9 Siderfin (John 8, Augustine 7, Robert 6, John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 8 Jan 1747 in Cutcombe, Somerset, England[45], and was buried (Joan Wheddon) on 24 Dec 1827 in Cutcombe, Somerset, England[46].

+ 87 M iv. Thomas 9 Siderfin (John 8, Augustine 7, Robert 6, John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 15 Apr 1749 in Cutcombe, Somerset, England[47], died aged 1, and was buried on 4 Feb 1750 in Cutcombe, Somerset, England[48].

+ 88 F v Betty 9 Siderfin (John 8, Augustine 7, Robert 6, John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1)  was christened on 25 May 1751 in Cutcombe, Somerset, England[49], died in 1761 in Cutcombe, Somerset, England, aged 10, and was buried on 20 Jun 1761 in Cutcombe, Somerset, England[50].

+ 89 F vi. Jane 9 Siderfin (John 8, Augustine 7, Robert 6, John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 24 Dec 1753 in Cutcombe, Somerset, England[51], died aged 1, and was buried on 4 Aug 1754 in Cutcombe, Somerset, England[52].

+ 90 M vii. John 9 Siderfin (John 8, Augustine 7, Robert 6, John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 24 Jan 1760 in Cutcombe, Somerset, England[53], died on 12 Mar 1830 in Selworthy, Somerset, England, aged 75, and was buried on 16 Mar 1830 in Selworthy, Somerset, England[54].

+ 91 M viii. Thomas 9 Siderfin (John 8, Augustine 7, Robert 6, John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 5 Mar 1757 in Cutcombe, Somerset, England[55], died in Cutcombe, Somerset, England, aged 17, and was buried on 10 Dec 1774 in Cutcombe, Somerset, England[56].

75.  Robert 8 Siderfin (Augustine 7, Robert 6, John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 23 Jun 1726 in Cutcombe, Somerset, England[57], died in 1788 at Knowle, Somerset, England, aged 62, and was buried on 9 Feb 1788 in Selworthy, Somerset, England[58]. He was a farmer[59].

Robert married Grace Kent on 5 Feb 1752 in Selworthy, Somerset, England[60]. Grace was christened on 25 Apr 1731 in Selworthy, Somerset, England[61], died in 1799 at Knowle, Somerset, England, aged 68, and was buried on 2 Mar 1799 in Selworthy, Somerset, England[62].

A will which James Sanders labels: “A Curious Will[63]” benefits this particular Siderfin line (see Appendix 8).

Children from this marriage were:

+ 92 M i. John 9 Siderfin (Robert 8, Augustine 7, Robert 6, John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 23 Mar 1753 in Selworthy, Somerset, England[64], died on 3 May 1814, aged 61, and was buried on 3 May 1814 in Selworthy, Somerset, England[65].

+ 93 F ii. Mary 9 Siderfin (Robert 8, Augustine 7, Robert 6, John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 20 Apr 1757 in Selworthy, Somerset, England[66].

+ 94 F iii. Elizabeth 9 (Betty) Siderfin (Robert 8, Augustine 7, Robert 6, John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 19 Jun 1759 in Wootton Courtney, Somerset, England[67], died at Bratton, Minehead, Somerset, England, aged 69, and was buried on 20 Dec 1828 in Selworthy, Somerset, England[68].

+ 95 F iv. Grace 9 Siderfin (Robert 8, Augustine 7, Robert 6, John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 5 Jan 1762 in Wootton Courtney, Somerset, England[69].

+ 96 F v. Joanna 9 Siderfin (Robert 8, Augustine 7, Robert 6, John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 16 Nov 1764 in Selworthy, Somerset, England[70].

+ 97 F vi. Ann 9 Siderfin (Robert 8, Augustine 7, Robert 6, John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 18 Oct 1767 in Wootton Courtney, Somerset, England[71].

+ 98 M vii. Robert 9 Siderfin (Robert 8, Augustine 7, Robert 6, John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 23 Dec 1769 in Selworthy, Somerset, England[72], died in Higher Hopcott, Wootton Courtney, Somerset, England, aged 75, and was buried on 30 Mar 1844 in Selworthy, Somerset, England[73].

+ 99 M viii. Thomas 9 Siderfin (Robert 8, Augustine 7, Robert 6, John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 28 Nov 1777 in Selworthy, Somerset, England[74], and died 2 Mar 1863 in Litchurch, Derby, Derbyshire, England, aged 86 and was buried Nottingham Road Cemetery, Derby, Derbyshire, England on the 6th March 1863[75].

76.  Mary 8 Siderfin (Thomas 7, Robert 6, John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 20 Sep 1718 in Minehead, Somerset, England[76] and was buried on 9 Nov 1718 in Wootton Courtney, Somerset, England[77].

77.  Betty 8 Siderfin (Thomas 7, Robert 6, John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was born on 5 Nov 1719 in Minehead, Somerset, England and was christened on 8 Dec 1719 in Minehead, Somerset, England[78].

Betty married Jonas Shurt on 2 Jun 1745 in Minehead, Somerset, England[79].

78.  Mary 8 Siderfin (Thomas 7, Robert 6, John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was born on 8 Aug 1722 in Minehead, Somerset, England and was christened on 6 Sep 1722 in Minehead, Somerset, England[80].

79.  Joanna 8 Siderfin (Thomas 7, Robert 6, John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 27 Feb 1724 in Minehead, Somerset, England[81], and was buried on 18 Jul 1728 in Wootton Courtney, Somerset, England[82].

80.  Thomas 8 Siderfin (Thomas 7, Robert 6, John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 20 Jan 1727 in Minehead, Somerset, England[83].


[1] James Sanders, History of the Siderfin Family of West Somerset, 1912, Pedigree Chart

[2] Monumental Brasses in Somerset, Part XV by Arthur B Connor, FSA, Page 95, originally published in the Proceedings of the Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society, Part XV, Part II, Volume 91, 1945, pages 82-98

[3] Priest, Parish Registers Selworthy, accessed Find My Past, 27 Jul 2023

[4] Monumental Brasses in Somerset, Part XV, Ibid, page 96

[5] See page 48, the author, Elizabeth Kipp

[6] See page 29, the author, Elizabeth Kipp

[7] Monumental Brasses in Somerset, Part XV by Arthur B Connor, FSA, Page 95, originally published in the Proceedings of the Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society, Part XV, Part II, Volume 91, 1945, pages 82-98

[8] The London Gazette, Issue 9198, Calendar change by Act of Parliament. The Gregorian Calendar replaced the Julian Calendar and the 1st of January became to start of each New Year instead of Lady Day in late March resulting in the loss of 11 days and the days from 1st of January to the day before Lady’s Day now being referred to as the next year and text labelled as Old Style and New Style. However, James Sanders neglected to make this notation in his book

[9] Since I can not find this birth/baptism I am going with James Sanders on this place and dating

[10] Monumental Brasses in Somerset, Part XV, Ibid, page 96

[11] Priest, Luxborough Parish Church, accessed at Ancestry, 27 Jul 2023

[12] Priest, Minehead Parish Registers, accessed at Ancestry, 20 Sep 2023

[13] John Short married Susannah Question 13 Apr 1732 at Carhampton, Somerset. Susannah Question was the daughter of John Question and Mary Quirke. John Question was a brother to Elizabeth Question married to Robert Siderfin. Hence the presence of the forename Augustine in the children since John Questioin (and Elizabeth) were the children of Augustine Question (See Appendix 6, will of Augustine Question)

[14] The author, Elizabeth (Blake) Kipp, I was somewhat surprised that James Sanders did not offer any opinion in his writings at this point but can only surmise that he did not see the connection especially as he named the wife of Robert Siderfin as Elizabeth Blackford when it was Elizabeth Question (See Appendix 6, will of her father Augustine Siderfin) 

[15] The will of Richard Blackford does mention his cousin Robert Siderfin – “Richard Blackford, of Dunster, Somerset (one of the King's Masters Extraordinary in the Court of Chancery.) Will dated Jan. 8th 1688 - Proved April 4th, 1689. Mentions my cousin Robert Siderfin - my cousin John Quirch” found in Abstracts of Somerset Wills, Reverend Frederick Brown, Series 4, page 78).

[16] I have not to date found any other relationship between the Blackford family and the Siderfin family so does seem the most obvious and the time frame is one hundred years earlier when James Sanders is writing his book so closer to the event. Richard Blackford does mention his cousin John Quirch as well but the children of Mary (Coffin) Quirke were all daughters and the name of her husband is not known to me. So that connection does not appear to be particularly close

[17] Priest, Minehead Parish Registers, accessed Ancestry, 27 Jul 2023

[18] Priest, Selworthy Parish Registers, accessed Ancestry 24 Sep 2023

[19] Priest, Minehead Parish Registers, accessed Ancestry, 27 Jul 2023

[20] Ibid

[21] See pages 92-96, the author

[22] Priest, Wootton Courtney Parish Records, Fiche M3110/1 D/P wtn.c. 2/1/1

[23] Mentioned in the will of her step-grandmother, Mary (Winter) Siderfin, see page 90, the author

[24] Somerset Baptism Index, accessed Find My Past, 27 Jul 2023

[25] Priest, Selworthy Parish Church, Fiche M 2466/1 D/P sel. 2/1/2

[26] Priest, Wootton Courtney Parish Church, Fiche M 3112/1 D/P wtn. c. 2/1/3

[27] Ibid

[28] Ibid

[31] Martin Southwood created a website recording for many of the West Somerset Parishes the births,marriages,burials from the early registers and this is a great site, Under notes for John Siderfin can be found schoolmaster and parish clerk

[34] James Sanders, History of the Siderfin family of West Somerset, 1912, page 44

[35] James Sanders, in his Pedigree Chart, has listed John (son of John and Joan (Greenslade) Siderfin) as married to Sarah). However, Joan (Greenslade) Siderfin mentions her daughter Mary Siderfin, her daughter Joan married to Thomas Wheddon and her daughter in law Joan Siderfin thus giving a proof for the accuracy of linking John with Joan Adams with John being the son of John and Joan (Greenslade) Siderfin

[36] James Sanders, History of the Siderfin of West Somerset, 1912, page 44

[37] James Sanders in his abstract for the will of John Siderfin (husband to this Joan) mentioned a son-in-law John Greenslade. Joan in her will mentions a grandson Thomas Greenslade. It is possible that Joan had a child before she married John Siderfin. The Parish Registers transcribed by Martin Southwood do not indicate a baptism for a John Greenslade at Cutcombe and the marriage of John and Joan does not indicate they come from another parish, the author, Elizabeth (Blake) Kipp

[38] One question in my mind is this the seal of the Siderfin Family, Three cups?

[41] In this will of Mary Siderfin, she also mentions that the wife of her brother John is Joan

[42] Transcribed by the author, Elizabeth (Blake) Kipp. This will is rather a lucky one as it was probated by the Prerogative Court of Canterbury and hence survived the bombing of the Devon Record Office in 1942

[54] Priest, Selworthy Parish Register, Fiche M 2474/1 D/P sel. 2/1/10

[58] Somerset Burial Index - D/P/SEL 2/1/4, accessed Find My Past 29 Jul 2023 or Fiche M2468/1 D/P se. 2/1/4

[59] Mentioned in the burial record (on fiche and in the Somerset Burial Index (this is the author, Elizabeth Kipp’s 4x great grandfather and father of Elizabeth Siderfin married to John Rew))

[60] Priest, Selworthy Parish Registers, Fiche M2467/1 D/P sel. 2/1/3

[61] Ibid

[62] Ibid

[63] James Sanders, History of the Siderfin Family of West Somerset, Exeter, 1912, Pages 45-46

[64] Priest, Selworthy Parish Registers, Fiche M2467/1 D/P sel. 2/1/3

[65] Priest, Selworthy Parish Registers, Fiche M2474/2 D/P sel. 2/1/10

[66] Priest, Selworthy Parish Registers, Fiche M2467/1 D/P sel. 2/1/3

[67] Priest, Wootton Courtney Parish Registers, Fiche M 3112/1 D/P wtn.c. 2/1/3

[68] Priest, Selworthy Parish Registers, Fiche M2474/1 D/P sel. 2/1/10 (the author Elizabeth Kipp’s 3x great grandmother)

[69] Priest, Wootton Courtney Parish Registers, Fiche M 3112/1 D/P wtn. c. 2/1/3

[70][70] Priest, Selworthy Parish Registers, Fiche M2467/1 D/P sel. 2/1/3

[71] Priest, Wootton Courtney Parish Registers, Fiche M3112/1 D/P wtn.c. 2/1/3

[72] Ibid

[73] Priest, Selworthy Parish Registers, Fiche M2467/1 D/P sel. 2/1/3

[74] Priest, Selworthy Parish Registers, Fiche M2467/1 D/P sel. 2/1/3

[75] Grave No. 15193 (Matlock Records Office Micro Fiche M624 Burial Index No. 746 Folio 38 and also Register of Burials Entry No. 746) submitted by Auriol Marie Carney

[76] Priest, Minehead Parish Registers, accessed Ancestry 24 Sep 2023

[77] Priest, Wootton Courtney Parish Registers, Fiche M3110/1 D/P wtn.c. 2/1/1

[78] Priest, Minehead Parish Registers, accessed Ancestry 24 Sep 2023

[79] Ibid

[80] Ibid

[81] Ibid

[82] Priest, Wootton Courtney Parish Registers, Fiche M3112/1 D/P wtn.c.

[83] Priest, Minehead Parish Registers, accessed Ancestry 24 Sep 2023

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