Thursday, July 18, 2024

Another downsizing day

 One of my worst habits perhaps is my tendency to put items into my "holding" places until I can or will make decisions on them. Today is the day that I go through the four different drawers and make decision and actually all drawers are now complete and just the contents of the fourth drawer to review. It went very quickly but I am rather like that when a decision has to be made. Gradually we are coming up with unique ideas on what to do with some items. It takes a while to downsize and not regret I think. I just could not do that quickly. 

I am still overwhelmed by all the paperwork that Edward created in his more than 55 years of genealogical collecting. I know he hoped one of his daughters would become interested and to a certain extent they are interested in their family tree. But everything is pretty much scanned and now I just have to make sure the rest of it is and then the originals can get put into a permanent location where there is a research group with descendancy plans. It is really vital for important documents to have such a plan. Not that they are "world" important but more they tell the story of a family and as the years pass another interested person will likely emerge and everything will be available unless of course we lose the ability to use modern equipment like computers and the like. In which case that would be sad but can not really be prepared for on a family level other than recording everything on accessible material that would need to be updated into the future. But we do our best for sure. 

The garden is desperate now for weeding and I will get to that this week as well. Eye drops are now complete and just a couple of weeks and my optometrist appointment for new glasses. These that I am using are just a bit too strong so I only use them for short periods as I had planned to take a couple of months off except for basic items. 

Another beautiful day in God's world; sun is shinning brightly and we should be a peaceful world. Too many died in the last two World Wars for us to let peace slip away. Strange really that a country that fought very hard during the Second World War to eliminate the Nazis should become Nazis themselves invading an independent country and committing atrocities. Their intent appears to be genocide against the Ukrainian people (as it has been this past one hundred years at various times). Why is that? The deep ancestry of the Ukrainian people is much older than Russia - Russians are descendants of the Ukrainian people and is that their problem. One might say that is pretty childish! Trouble is they are using deadly weapons. 

The wind is blowing in the trees as God looks down on us wondering when we will be the adults he needs us to be to care for his world. 

Breakfast completed and Latin in a bit; just getting the last drawer organized. 

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