Monday, January 12, 2009

Landkey Parish Registers - 12 January 2009

I continued transcribing the Landkey Parish Registers and I am up to the end of 1612. The names are staying fairly constant with a few additions. I am not sure if the Mangey eventually becomes Manning but I suspect that it does. No Upcott family members yet for Elizabeth Upcott's ancestors. I am not doing a word for word transcription as I did for Bishops Nympton but rather an excel database. Eventually I will bring them all into Access so that I can search them all at once with queries. I am using a standard setup for the excel database headings.

I checked the Family search transcriptions to see what is available and the 1861 census is there. Once Ontario is added I will start working on that. I could do the other provinces but I only want to dedicate so much time to these items and Ontario most interests me.

I got my hair cut today so it is nice and short ready to let it grow in again! I am still reading my book "Mapping Human History: Genes, Race and our common origins" by Steve Olson. The book is very well written and is giving me an interesting picture of his thoughts on how people emerged from Africa and started on their great treks which finally brought them to where our ancestors dwelt.

I have decided that six hours of transcription is enough for each day and I gradually want to add some new items into my daily pace. My sewing machine is coming upstairs so I will get back to sewing as I still have stacks of material that I never used. I also want to start knitting again. I made a scarf for my eldest last winter but that was my last project. I again have a lot of wool to use up.

My only big project other than my talk and a couple of papers that I want to submit is to do my Certified Genealogist Application. I would like to do it for the sake of my family reporting. To at least show that I have had the training when I am publishing information. I am very cautious about what I do publish as I do not want a lot of misleading information (more than is already out there!).

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