Sunday, August 16, 2009

Hinxman Wills - 16 August 2009

I continued working on the will of William Hinxman today. I decided to go back to the beginning and clean up the lines and see what else I could read. I managed quite well and am happy with about the first 15 lines now. That is progress. I spent a little more time on the later lines and will continue with it again tomorrow.

As well I joined the East Yorkshire Mailing list at Yahoo. I have had a couple of comments back but no one descended from my lines. I am trying to decide if I overwhelmed with details since no one has responded after the first initial responses! I have done a fair amount of work on my families in East Yorkshire from the mid 1700s to the end of the 1800s. The Tax records are particularly interesting as they list my Gray and Cobb ancestors and assist me in finding where they were in the 150 year period that they cover. The Tax records include the Poor Law Rate and the Land Tax Assessments from 1780 to the 1830s.

Tomorrow we are off to the dentist for teeth cleaning. As well I shall work on the will and start to work up my transcriptions for Timberscombe and Andover. I have read quite a bit of Skerne PR and will look at Watton PR tomorrow but I do not think that my lines were at these parishes. We did a 13 K bicycle ride first thing this morning.

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