Thursday, November 29, 2012

Will of Humfry Blake, Nailsmith, Saint Olave Southwark, Surrey - The National Archives PROB 11/176/167, probated 15 Feb 1638

An interesting will as the testator is about to go to Virginia in 1634. The will being probated in 1638 leaves one to wonder if he has gone and returned ill and later succumbed to his illness.

No ideas on the ancestry of this Humfry Blake living at St Olave Southwark. Is Humfry Cundey/Condey/Candey his nephew/godson? Did a bit of searching online but nothing found that led to either of these people.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded:  28 Nov 2012
Source: The National Archives PROB 11/176/167
Testator: Humfry Blake, Nailsmith
Place: Saint Olave Southwark, Surrey, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 25 Aug 1634, probated 15 Feb 1638
Read: Electronic copy images
Condition: middle English writing close, bold copy

[Margin] T[estament] Humfry
[Margin] Blake

1    In the name of God Amen, The five and twentith daye of
2    August Anno d[o]m[ini] 1634 And in the tenth yeare of the raigne of our sov[er]aigne Lord
3    Charles by the grace of God king of England Scotland France and Ireland
4    defender of the faith etc I Humfry Blake of the parrish of St Olave in South-
5    warke in the countie of Surrey Nailesmith now bound to Seas of a voyage to Virginie
6    and being uncertaine of our returne how sure wee are to dye wee knowe but of the tyme
7    and place alltogether ignorent doe therefore make and declare this my present last will
8    and testament in manner and forme followeing that is to saie First and espec[ia]lly I com[m]it and com[m]end
9    my soule wh[ich] is mortall into the hands of almightie God that gave it me and my body
10    to the earth from whence it came And as touching all such p[er]sonall estate and substancs
11    whatsoev[er] as moneys goods chattles and things whatsoev[er] as the Lord of his mercy nowe
12    hath or hereafter shall endue and blesse me withall I wholly give devise and bequeath
13    the same and every part thereof my debts w[hi]ch I shall insttly owe at the tyme of my
14    decease being first satisfied and payed unto Humfry Cundey Cittizen and Shipwright
15    of London whome I hereby make and ordaine sole executor of this my last will and testament
16    Finally I hereby revoke contermand and make voyd all former wills legacies and
17    executors by mee either made and bequeathed published and ordayned and doe will
18    that this presente and none els shall stand and be taken for my last will and testament
19    And in wittnes thereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the daye and yeare
20    first above written Humfry Blake Sealed and deliv[er]ed by the said Testator as
21    his last will and testament in the presence of John Felbodye scr and John Byard
22    servent to the said scr John Seaton

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