Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Will of Anthony Buller Esquire, Weybridge, Surrey - The National Archives PROB 11/361/7, probated 31 Oct 1679

Anthony Buller the testator is a son of Sir Richard Buller and Alice Hayward of Shillingham Cornwall. He was baptized 14 Nov 16713 and the fifth son of this couple. He is brother to Francis Buller and George Buller and he married Anne daughter of Sir John Wyndham or Orchard Wyndham Somerset and they had 1 son and 2 daughters (John, Anne and Windham) as mentioned in his will below.

The History of Parliament website ( has a good writeup on Anthony Buller.

BULLER, Anthony (1613-79), of Weybridge, Surr.
Published in The History of Parliament: the House of Commons 1660-1690, ed. B.D. Henning, 1983
Available from Boydell and Brewer
Biography Detail


Family and Education

bap. 14 Nov. 1613, 5th s. of Sir Richard Buller† (d.1642) of Shillingham, Cornw. by Alice, da. of Sir Rowland Hayward, Clothworker, of Elsing Spittal, London, bro. of Francis Buller† and George Buller. m. Anne, da. of Sir John Wyndham of Orchard Wyndham, Som., 1s. 2da.1

Offices Held

Capt. of horse (parliamentary) to 1645, maj. 1645-6; gov. Scilly Isles 1647-8, dep. gov. 1666-7; col. of ft. 1654-5; capt. Duke of York’s Horse Gds. July 1660-1, Admiralty Regt. (Duke of York’s Ft.) 1667-d.2


Buller’s valour in the service of Parliament was well known, though his troopers gave great offence by their disorderly and licentious conduct. He was given the governorship of Scilly after Francis Godolphin surrendered the islands to Parliament in 1646; but he was taken prisoner when the islands revolted to the Royalists two years later, though treated with ‘special kindness’ as ‘a gallant soldier’. During the Protectorate he served on the ill-fated expedition to the West Indies.3

Buller sat for Callington in Richard Cromwell’s Parliament, but transferred to the family borough of Saltash in 1660. Marked as a friend by Lord Wharton, he was probably a court supporter, being commissioned in the Duke of York’s regiment at the Restoration. An inactive Member of the Convention ‘Col. Buller’ was named only to the committee of 6 Sept. to regulate the Post Office, which was earmarked to provide the Duke with an independent income. Parliament accepted his claim of £3,436 for his military service as a charge upon the excise, but interest was still being paid to his executrix after his death. Buller apparently challenged the Robartes interest at Bossiney in 1661, when he was returned by the ‘free burgesses and commonalty’; but his opponents were seated on the merits of the return, and he did not press his case. During the second Dutch war he raised 300 ‘comely, well-apparelled young men’ for the defence of Scilly, and was rewarded with the grant of the newly built sloop Portsmouth and a permanent commission, though despite his long experience he remained an ineffective disciplinarian. In his will, proved on 7 Aug. 1679, he provided for portions of £2,000 each to his daughters, and left the residue of his personal estate in Weybridge and Westminster to his only son. But nothing further is known of his descendants.4

Ref Volumes: 1660-1690
Authors: M. W. Helms / Eveline Cruickshanks


    1. Vivian, Vis. Cornw. 56; PCC 125 King.
    2. CSP Dom. 1644-5, p. 411; 1648-9, p. 366; 1655, p. 326; 1665-6, p. 495; 1679-80, p. 232; Parl. Intell. 23 July 166O.
    3. M. Coate, Cornw. in Gt. Civil War, 241; CSP Dom. 1644-5, pp. 407, 561; HMC 6th Rep. 184; HMC Pepys, 230, 274; HMC 7th Rep. 571, 574.
    4. CJ, viii. 234; CSP Dom. 1666-7, p 92; 1667, p. 382; 1667-8, p. 435; 1673, p. 439; Cal. Treas. Bks. iv. 84, 135; vii. 425; PCC 125 King.

Nothing further is known of his descendants from John Buller of Weybridge. However, there are not a lot of marriages on the LDS for John Buller between 1677 and 1700.

John Buller married Susanna Derby 9 Jul 1700 at Church-Stanton, Devon, England
John Buller married Briget Park 9 Jun 1691 at Norwich, Norfolk, England
John Buller married Elizabeth Beaver 10 May 1688 at South Kyme, Lincoln, England
John Buller married Elizabeth Heath 31 Mar 1690 at Saint James Dukes Place, London, England
John Buller married Mary Polisefen 9 Jun 1691 at Buckland Monachorum, Devon, England
John Buller married Anne Ashwin 15 Jul 1688 at New Sleaford, Lincoln, England
John Buller married Johana Howell 7 Apr 1684 at Saint Mary, St Marylebone Road, London, England
John Buller married Katherine Polwheel 1684 at St Kea, Cornwall
John Buller married Rhoda Langdon 19 Nov 1678 at Quethiock, Cornwall
John Buller married Joan Light 1686, Bath & Wells Diocese Marriage Licence

Ten marriages is actually not that many to look at in terms of descendants. I shall contemplate that for my next research day on the Buller family. It was suggested to me by English researchers that I should look at the younger sons of the Cornwall Buller family.

Weybridge is considered part of the greater metropolitan area of present day London although 19 miles southwest of the middle of London (which by the way is considered to be the statue of Charles I in Trafalgar Square we learned on our tour of London a few years back). For instance Bermondsey is 19 miles ENE of Weybridge. Would his widow have stayed at Weybridge when her father's home was in Somerset? That is the first thought that comes to mind actually. There is a will for Anne Buller, widow of Saint Martin in the Fields, Middlesex, probated 12 Apr 1688. I have not yet transcribed this one nor do I have it. Too bad I didn't image it when I was there in 2010! Saint Martin in the Fields is the Church that my Henry Christopher Buller attended in London although 150 years later. Is it even possible that this could be a clue? It is nine years since Anthony died. First a quick check in Boyd's Inhabitants of London. There was a John Buller Innkeeper at St Stephen Walbrook.

Baptisms at St Margarets Westminster

13 Sep 1656 John Buller son to Anthony Esq[uie]r by Ann (has a cross by it)
5 Jun 1664 Windham Buller daughter to Antho: by Ann

No record for Ann but by will listing she was probably baptized between 1657 and 1663. This would make John 21 when his father wrote his will and Windham 13 years of age.

Generally these are not productive leads but I probably shouldn't pass it by. Will have a look at the Parish Registers for St Martin in the Fields I have never done that actually. The records do not begin until 1799 on Ancestry which I likely noticed before which is why I have never looked at them. That is on ancestry so will check find my past as well. Find my Past has from 1681 to 1945 for St Martin in the Fields. The Burials are there from 1684 to 1856 so will try to find Anne Buller who left her will in 1688. I notice that St Margaret Westminster is from 1539 to 1996 so will have a more indepth look at those as well.

Anne Buller was buried 10 Apr 1688 at St Martin in the Fields (Widow).

I am contemplating doing the transcription of the rest of my family surname wills as part of their respective research days rather than continue after I complete the Buller wills (I would begin the cycle on 1st of April with the King family and I am working at the 4x great grandparent level for surnames and so for 50 week days I cycle through the surnames and every 10 weeks I come back to the beginning of the cycle. I also do an hour on our son-in-law's ancestors and I will commence working on his again on April 15 and I am working on his 4x great grandparent level surnames but I do one every day of the week with one day having two names and at that level I have all 64 of his surnames so that the interval is nine weeks. That way I can return to my Blake and Pincombe one name studies as I am quite keen to get into the new images that we brought back from Kew.

My blogs will show these changes as I will likely do three blogs a day - one for the one name studies, one for our son in laws lines and one for my other lines.

Perhaps I should contemplate a slight change in my heading notes where I talk about doing English research from Canada! Perhaps add a line about my French Canadian Research as it will now include my pursuit of Le Blak/Le Blake the originating surname for Blake in England.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 11 Mar 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/361/7
Testator: Anthony Buller
Place: Weybridge, Surrey
Date of document:  16 Feb 1677, probated 31 Oct 1679
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: T[esta]m[ent] Anthony
[Margin]: Buller

1    In the name of God Amen The Sixteenth day of Febru-
2    ary in the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand Six hundred Seaventy Seaven
3    I Anthony Buller of Weybridge in the County of Surrey Esq[uie]r being sick and weake of
4    body but of perfect mind and memory thanks being given unto God therefore Calling unto
5    mind the mortality of my body and knowing that is appointed for all men once to die doe make
6    and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following that is to say
7    First and Principally I give my Soule into the hands of God who gave it mee And for my
8    Body I commend it to the earth to bee buried in Christian and decent like manner nothing
9    doubting but at the generall resurrection I shall receive the same againe by the mighty power
10    of God And as touching such Worldly Estate where with it hath pleased God to blesse
11    mee in this life I give devise bequeath and dispose the same in manner and forme following
12    Item I give and bequeath all my Estate reall and personall in the Towne of Weybridge in
13    the County of Surrey and in the parish of Saint Margaretts Westminster and elsewhere in all
14    or any other place or places whatsoever unto my deare and wel[l ]beloved Wife Anne Buller but
15    only to the uses intents and purposes hereinafter men[t]ioned in manner and forme as hereinafter is
16    appointed expressed devised and bequeathed that is to say Item I give and bequeath to my sonne
17    John Buller the summe of two Thousand pounds to bee paid him att the day of his marriage
18    which shall next happen after my decease Provided that such his marriage be Agreed and
19    consented unto by his mother my Executrix hereinafter named and untill such his marriage with such
20    consent aforesaid I give devise and bequeath and hereby direct my Executrix herein after named
21    to pay yearly and every yeare to my said sonne John Buller the summe of one hundred pounds
22    for his present yearly maintenance untill hee shall dispose of himselfe in marriage with the
23    Consent of my Executrix hereinafter named But my Will is that in Case hee shall dispose of
24    himselfe in marriage withoute the Consent of my Executrix hereinafter named that then I give
25    devise and bequeath the said summe of two thousand pounds soe as aforesaid devised to the
26    said John Buller unto my two daughters Anne and Windham Buller to bee by my Executrix
27    equally divided amongst them if they bee both liveing if not I give the same to such one
28    of them as shall Survive the other and the Children of them soe surviving Item I give
30    and bequeath to my daughter Anne Buller the summe of two thousand pounds to bee paid her
31    on the day of her marriage which shall next happen after my decease Provided that such her
32    marriage bee agreed and consented unto by her mother my Executrix hereinafter named and
33    untill such her marriage with such consent as aforesaid I give devise and bequeath and hereby
34    direct my Executrix hereinafter named to pay yearly and every yeare to my said daughter Anne
35    Buller the summe of one hundred pounds for her present yearly maintenance untill shee
36    shall dispose of herselfe in marriage with the Consent of my Executrix as aforesaid But
37    my Will is that in Case shee shall dispose of herself in marriage without the Consent
38    of my Executrix herein named that then I give devise and bequeath the said summe
39    of two thousand pounds soe as aforesaid devised to her to said Anne Buller unto my
40    two other Children John and Windham Buller to bee by my Executrix equally divided
41    amongst them if they bee both then liveing if not I give the same to such one of them as shall
42    Survive the other and the Children of them soe surviving Item I give and bequeath to
43    my daughter Windham Buller the summe of two thousand pounds to bee paid her on
44    the day of her marriage which shall next happen after my decease Provided that such
45    her marriage bee agreed and consented unto by her mother my Executrix hereinafter
46    named and untill such her marriage with such Consent as aforesaid I give devise
47    and bequeath and hereby direct my Executrix hereinafter named to pay yearly and
48    every yeare to my said daughter Windham Buller the summe of one hundred pounds
49    for
    [Page 2]
50    for her present yearly maintenance untill she shall dispose of herselfe in marriage with the consent
51    of my Executrix aforesaid But my Will is that in Case shee shall dispose of herselfe in marriage
52    without the Consent of my Executrix herein named that then I give devise and bequeath the
53    said Summe of two thousand pounds soe as aforesaid devised to her the saide Windham Buller unto
54    my two other children John and Anne Buller to bee by my Executrix equally divided amongst
55    them if they bee both then liveing if not I give the same to such one of them as shall Survive
56    the other and the Children of them soe surviveing Item I give and bequeath to my servant
57    Susan Lucas the summe of tenn pounds Item I give and bequeath and my Will is that
58    my Executrix doe pay to every other Servant and servants which shall live and bee in
59    my service att the time of my decease one full yeares wages or sallary according to the
60    Contract by mee made with them or any of them And my further Will and meaning
61    is that all my Estate reall and personall shall and are hereby charged and made charge=
62    able and lyable and I doe hereby direct my said Executrix to pay the severall ummes
63    of money legacies portions yearly and other payments herein and hereby before by mee
64    given devised and bequeathed to all or any the persons herein before named in manner and
65    forme as herein before is men[t]ioned expressed and [blurred] Item I give devise and
66    bequeath the rest and residue of all my Estate reall and personall that shall bee and
67    remaine after the satisfaction of all my aforesaid Legacies herein before by mee bequeathed
68    together with all my Estate reall and personall in Case all my said Children die unmarried
69    and without Issue to my deare and loveing Wife Anne Buller And of this my last Will
70    and Testament I make ordaine and appoint my said deare and loveing Wife Anne
71    Bukller to bee my full whole and sole Executrix in trust for and to the uses intents
72    and purposes aforesaid and to noe other use intent or purpose whatsoever And I doe
73    hereby Revoake and annull all and other former Testaments Wills and Executors by mee
74    in any wise before this time made or pronounced Ratifyeing and Confirming this and
75    none other to bee my last Will and Testament In wittnesse whereof I have
76    hereunto sett my hand and Seale the day and yeare above Written Anth: Buller
77    Signed Sealed Published Pronounced and declared by the said Anthony Buller Esq[uie]r
78    as his last Will and Testament in the presence of Mr Duke Gibbs Susanna Lucas
79    Charles Cutts Phil: Lewis

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