Monday, July 29, 2013

Will of Margery Blake of Rattery, Devon - The National Archives PROB 11/1902/280, probated 22 Nov 1838

Hatchlands is a large manor house which is still occupied and in the 1700s was the property of the Earle family. Joseph Earle married Mary Blake sister of Margery Blake the testator. They had the following children mentioned in the will: William, Margery, Rachel and Sarah Ann. Children born to the couple and found on Family Search: Rachel (baptized 18 Oct 1807), Nicholas (baptized 19 Jun 1810), Sarah Ann (baptized 4 Apr 1813), and Nathaniel (baptized 29 Oct 1815). The marriage of their daughter Margery Earle to Edward Whesthorp was 14 May 1828 at East Stonehouse, Devon (Find My Past). No luck at finding the marriage between Joseph Hodge Earle and Mary Blake but there is a World Connect record which seems to somewhat match the details.

The surname of Mary is unknown in this particular entry and the children listed are William, Samuel, Grace, Nicholas and Sarah Ann. William and Grace born at Diptford and Samuel, Nicholas and Sarah Ann born at Rattery. The parents of Joseph were William Earle and Elizabeth Hodge and they married 24 Sep 1763 at Ugborough, Devon. Possibly the same family but unsure.

Her brother in law Daniel Freeman and his daughter Grace Marks and Joseph Freeman are also mentioned. Daniel Freeman and Grace Blake were married 17 Jan 1806 at Rattery, Devon, England. Children born to this couple: Grace (baptized 1 Feb 1807), Daniel (baptized 5 Mar 1809), Mary Ann (baptized 22 Mar 1812), Joseph (baptized 18 Sep 1814), George (baptized 17 Nov 1816), and Elizabeth (baptized 19 Aug 1821). Grace Freeman married John Marks 30 Oct 1834 at Rattery (Find My Past).

There was an Ezekiel Blake baptized 11 Nov 1810 at Plympton St Mary and the son of Ezekiel and Alice Blake. The marriage of Ezekiel Blake and Allice Lethbridge was celebrated 15 Mar 1798 at Plympton St Mary. Peter Lethbridge and John Sullock were witnesses to the marriage. Children listed in the will include: Elizabeth Hilson, James, Grace Sanders, Peter Lethbridge and Ezekiel. Betty Blake married Henry Hilson 5 Apr 1822 at Plympton St Mary. Grace Blake married George Sanders 6 Mar 1829 at Plympton St Mary.

An earlier marriage for an Ezekiel Blake to Thomasin Ash is recorded 18 Jul 1760 at Cornwood Devon (Cornwood is 4.5 miles ENE of Plympton St Mary).

Ezekiel Blake is found on the 1861 census at the home of his son Peter at Plympton St Mary. Also living there is Alice the daughter of Peter (18 years of age). Ezekiel was a widower born circa 1770 at Sidford Devon. His son Peter was born circa 1807.

Ann Ball may be the mother found on the census in 1881 with son in law Francis Shute and daughter Margaret Shute with their child Sarah Shute. They lived at Diptford and Ann was born 1797 at East Allington, Devon. On the 1851 Census there is a James Ball married to Ann with daughter Margaret 15. Ann is said to be 50 years of age and born at East Allington. Margaret is said to be born at Rattery.

The siblings of Margery named in the will: [Grace] Freeman (deceased and not mentioned but assumed), Mary Earle, Ezekiel and the mother of Ann [Ball]. An interesting will and the forename Ezekiel is found in other Blake families in Devon.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 29 Jul 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1902/280
Testator: Margery Blake
Place: Rattery, Devon, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 10 Jun 1837, probated 22 Nov 1838
Condition: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Margery
[Margin]: Blake
[Margin]: 6

1    The last Will and Testament
2    of me Margery Blake now residing at Hatchland in the parish of Rattery in
3    the County of Devon being of a sound mind and Memory do this tenth day of June One
4    thousand Eight hundred and thirty seven and in the eighth year of the Reign of his
5    Majesty King William the fourth make this my Will as follows viz [a vi]t First I will and
6    direct that all my just debts and funeral Expences which is to be at Diptford be paid and
7    discharged by my Executors hereinafter named as well as the legacies herein
8    after named I give and bequeath to my
9    Sister Mary Earle ten pounds of lawful money I give and bequeath unto my brother
10    Ezekiel Blake of the parish of Plympton St Mary fifty pounds of lawful money I
11    give and bequeath unto the five children of the aforesaid Ezekiel Blake namely Elizabeth
12    Hilson James Blake Grace Sanders Peter Lethbridge Blake and Ezekiel Blake ten pounds
13    each of lawful Money I give and bequeath unto Grace Marks and Joseph the children
14    of David Freeman of the parish of Rattery fifty poun each of lawful money I give and
15    bequeath unto my Nephew William Earle Son of Joseph Earle of the parish of Rattery
16    ten pounds of lawful money I give and bequeath unto my brother in law Joseph Earle
o    Of the parish of Rattery aforesaid One hundred pounds of lawful money Upon trust to
18    be applied to the use and disposal of his daughter Margery Westhorp now residing
19    at Sheerness in the County of Kent Free from the power control debts and encumbrances
20    of her husband or any other purpose whatever I give and bequeath unto my Niece
21    Ann Ball of the parish of Rattery aforesaid Thirty pounds of lawful money Free from
22    the power and control of her husband and her Receit alone to be a discharge for the
23    same I give and bequeath unto Margarett the daughter of the aforesaid Ann Ball
24    my six silver tea spoons All the aforesaid legacies heretofore given and bequeathed
    [Page 2]
25    are to be paid by my Executors hereinafter named within one calendar months
26    after my decease I give and bequeath unto Rachel and Sarah Ann the daughters
27    of the aforesaid Joseph Earle All my household Furniture of every description
28    consisting of Bed Bedding chest drawers and Sundrys of other articles Silver Tea
29    spoons already bequeathed excepted I give and bequeath unto the aforesaid Margery
30    Westhorp all my Wearing apparel of every description All the Rest and Residue
31    of my property of every description in the funds money securities for money Goods Chattels
32    not hereinbefore given or bequeathed I give to my two brothers in law Joseph Earle and
33    Daniel Freeman both of the parish of Rattery aforesaid with power to one for all debts Either
34    at Law or in Equity and I also Nominate and appoint the aforesaid Joseph Earle and
35    Daniel Freeman whole and sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament
36    hereby revoking all other Will or Wills by me made In Witness whereof I have here set
37    my hand and seal the day and year above written Margery Blake
38    Signed Sealed published and declared by the testator as and for her last Will and
39    Testament in the presence of us who have hereinto subscribed our names as Witnesses
40    in her presence and in the presence of each other Jno Kingston Elizabeth
41    Kingston
42    Proved at London 22nd November 1838 before the Judge by the Oaths
43    of Joseph Earle and Daniel Freeman the Ex[ecut]ors to whom admon was granted
44    having been first sworn by Commission duly to administer

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