Sunday, March 2, 2014

Will of John Blake, Hurstborne Tarrant, Hampshire - Hampshire Record Office 1559A-019, probated 31 Dec 1559

John Blake the testator does not give any ideas as to his siblings or parents. He has one older child since he mentions his daughter Christian Yong and a son in law John Bayly who was perhaps his wife’s child by an earlier marriage or another daughter of John who has married. His wife Annes is pregnant with another child. St Andrews Church is at Hurstborne Priors. The church at Hurstborne Tarrant is St Peter.

There is on Family Search under index M14667-1 a marriage between John Blake and Agnes Hendy at Hurstbourne Tarrant. Under FreeReg the marriage date is given a 15 Aug 1558.

There are a number of Blake marriages at Hurstbourne Tarrant:

Thomas Blake married Elizabeth Dowling 19 Oct 1601
Mr John Blake married Mrs Alice Reade 21 Jun 1664
John Blake married Margaret Harehood[sp] 27 Oct 1673
Peter Blake married An Godfery 24 Jun 1677
William Blake married Sarah Green 9 May 1749
John Blake married Mary Johnson 12 May 1773
Mary Blake married Edward Piper 18 Nov 1775
William Blake married Joanna Beer 19 Jul 1779
Mary Blake married Lazarus Guy 9 May 1785
Elizabeth Blake married Robert Worman 20 Jul 1795
Thomas Blake married Elizabeth Veryman 22 Dec 1806
Mary Blake married William Park 29 Apr 1811

And at Hurstbourne Priors

Sarah Blake married Silvester Deane 14 Nov 1607
Thomas Blake married Mary Harfell 12 May 1756
Mary Blake married William May 9 Apr 1780
Thomas Blake married Francis Appleton 12 Jun 1780
Thomas Blake married Jane Hull 29 May 1784
Sarah Blake married Thomas Self 18 Jan 1787

No baptisms or burials were entered into this database for Hurstbourne Tarrant or Hurstbourne Priors.

Could John be a son of Thomas who left his will in 1541?

Another Inventory with its very interesting items. This is a huge document I suspect as my copy is 11 inches by 17 inches on two pages. The handwriting is very large. These Hampshire wills appear to be the original documents printed probably from the microfilm. Having the similar surnames for witnesses is interesting – Munday, Goldyng. Does make one suspect that this is perhaps the same Blake family however the Munday and Goldyng families were also large in the areas.

I have just one will left from my bundle of 14 Hampshire wills that I got for Christmas. Such a very good idea and will pursue that thought in the future! The last will is for William Crowtch as he names his sister Margaret Blake so had to have that particular one. Acquiring this particular set of wills was as a result of the work of Charlou Dolan who painstakingly went through the Indexes for Hampshire Wills and prepared a list of over 100 pertinent wills for the Blake family. I have been ordering them from the Record Office and from Family Search. I will borrow the indexes eventually to collect the details for the wills from 1700 to 1900 for the Blake families in Hampshire.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 20 Feb 2014
Source: Hampshire Record Office, 1559A-019
Testator: John Blake
Place: Hurstborne Tarrant (burial location), Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 23 Dec 1558, probated 31 Dec 1559
Condition: 16th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: 1559A-019

1    In the name of God Amen In the yere of o[u]r lorde god
2    an[n]o D[omin]I etc lviii th and the xxiij th day of December y
3    Joh[ahn]n[is] Blake beying sicke yn bodye but (thancks
4    be gevyn unto god) of a good mynde and memorie
5    do make my testament and last wyll after the
6    forme and man[ner] folowying first y gyve and
7    bequeth my sowle unto almyghtty god o[u] blesyd
8    lady seynte mary and all the holy co[m]pany yn hevyn
9    and my body to be buryed yn th[e] churchyard of seynt
10    androwys yn husb[or]n tarawnt It[em] y geve to th[e]
11    churche of husb[or]n tarawnt a shepe It[e]m y geve
12    to chrystyan yong my dowter vi shpe and my
13    best coverlet It[e]m y geve to the child that my
14    wyfe hath wyth[in] all vi shepe and a bullock
15    yf yt leve and be chryscenyd It[e]m y bequeth
16    to John bayly my son yn law a cow the The
17    rest of my goods not bequethyd y geve and
18    bequeth to annes my wyfe whome y mak
19    my hole executrix these being wytnessys to
20    this my last wyll Sy[r] Thomas statwood vicar
21    Robert munday John lake and George goldyng
22    Probate pe l[as]te day 1559___
23    etc etc
    [Page 2]
24    In primis    ij horssys    xiij s
25    It[e]m    xx shepe    xxxiij s iiij d
26    It[e]m    a weynlyng calf    iiij s
27    It[e]m    iiij pygs    x s
28    It[em]    iiij hens and a cock    xv d
29    It[em]    ij gess and a gander    xiij d
30    It[em]    iiij acars and an halfe of whete y[n] ye fleds     xvj s
31    It[em]     xij busshells of barley    x s
32    It[em]     a plow and a lytt and a lyttyll cart w[i]th all thynes longng unto the same    vij s
33    It[em]     ij brasse potts and ij posnetts    v s
34    It[em]    a cawdry and v kyttylls    x s
35    It[em]     vi platters iij potygers and iij sawcers    v s
36    It[em]    iij lyttyll candylstycke    vi d
37    It[em]    ij flocke beds and ij bolsters    v s
38    It[em]    iiij coverleds and iij pere of shetes    vj s viij d
39    It[em]    vj cofers    iiij s
40    It[e]m    a vate ij kevers and iiij barells and iiij kyvers and my tubbes    vj s viij d
41    It[e]m    a cubbert    ij s
43    It[em]    an ax and a byll    viij s
44    It[em]    a pot of ashes a pott hanggells and a broche    xij s
45    It[e]m    a borde and a forme    vj s
46        Su[mme] to[ta]ls    vij li ij s vij d

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