Monday, March 3, 2014

Will of William Crowtch, Knights Enham, Hampshire - Hampshire Record Office 1573B-36, probated 24 Aug 1573

Of course what interested me in this will of William Crowtch was that he mentioned his sister Margaret Blake. But then he also mentioned his father in law Robert Blake. His mother has remarried and her husband is Robert. Katherine is the name of his mother. He also mentions Elizabeth Elyot and is she also his sister? He mentions John Blake who is a parson at Knights Enham in this time period. John Blake was appointed as Rector 17 Jul 1570 to the parish of Knights Enham. John Blake served this parish from 1570 to 1610. John Blake, Rector, died a natural death 8 Dec 1610. But who was he? Another interesting question considering the presence of at least one John Blake as son of Thomas who left his will in 1541.

No ideas on Margaret Blake at this point either? Two possibilities, one she could be the daughter of Robert Blake his step father or she could be his sister Margaret Crowtch married to a Blake. Thomas mentions three children in his will Robert, John and Margaret. Margaret (his daughter) is known to have died by the time her father’s will was probated in 1541.  Still to determine if Margaret is his sister Margaret Crowtch who married a Blake. Each new bit of information opens all kinds of new queries. 

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 21 Feb 2014
Source: Hampshire Record Office, 1573B-36
Testator: William Crowtch
Place: Knights Enham, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 7 Aug 1573, probated 24 Aug 1573
Condition: 16th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: 1573B-36

1    In the name of God Amen The Sevinth daie of August in the yeare of o[u]r Lorde God 1573 I willm Crowtch of
2    Knights Enham w[i]thin the countie of beinge sick in bodye but thankes be gevin to almightie God in good mynd
3    p[er]fect Remembrance doe make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in man[ne]r and fourme ensuing First I
4    commit my Soule into the handes of almyghtie God through Jesus Christ my Redem[e]r and Savyour according
5    to his Holye promise And my bodye to bee buryed in the Church yarde asforesaide to the pleasure of god
6    in hope of resureccion to lyfe everlasting It[em] I give to the mother Church of wintyon iiij d It[em] to the p[ar]yshe
7    Churche xij d It[em] I give to my Syster Margaret Blake xx s It[em] I give to Elizabeth Elyot xx s I[tem] I give
8    to each of my god children xij d The rest of all my goodes and chattaelles moveable or unmoveable not givin
9    nor bequeathed I give and bequeath to katherin Blake my mother whom I make my sole Executrix of this
10    my last will and Testament to pay all my debtes and discharage all Legaces before gevin and bequithid wytnisse
11    to this my last will and Testament John Blake p[ar]son willm meales and willm golding
12    It[em] Willm golding doth owe unto me a vij s It[em] Robart Blake my father in Law doth owe me a xiij s
13    It[em] nikvllys Talbot ow[et]h me xvij d
14    Probat cora[m] m[agist]ro Johe Kingsoul
15    vicario gen[er]ali 24 Augusti 1573
16    Com[m]missa fuit A[nn]o [do]mi[n]o Executeit
17    sup[r]a nominat etc iurat etc Salvo
18    iure commissa
    [Page 2]
19    In Inventorye made the xvij th daie of August
20    in the yeare of o[u] Lorde god 1573 of the
21    goodes and cattailles of willm Crowtche
22    Latelye deceased w[i]thin the p[ar]ishe of knights
23    Enham praysed by willm Blake senior and willm meales
24    Inprimis    xij sheepe    xxx s
25    It[em]    iiij or acres of Barley    xxxij s
26    It[em]    iiij or acres of peason and a dl    xxx s
27    It[em]    of otes vj acres    xxx s
28    It[em]    one acre of wheat    xij s
29    It[em]    one corne and a dl of fatches    xij s vj d
30    It[em]    one calf    iij s iiij d
31    It[em]    of woll p ij li    xij s
32    It[em]     one cote ij Jerkins ij canvas doblettes ij paires of hoses iiij or shirtes ij paier of shoes hat and cap swerd and dagger and one coffer    xxx s
33    It[em]    in money    xl s

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