Saturday, April 18, 2020

What day of the week is it anyway?

I managed to accidentally publish this as a blank post yesterday. The computer does keep me up to date on the actual day but the navigation bar on the bottom doesn't say the day of the week. Normally I run by laundry days which are generally Wednesday and Saturday. Hence I know by the size of the laundry hamper that this is a laundry day. Looking outside I cannot tell it is Saturday anymore because every day of the week when I look out the window and can see the main road behind us it is pretty much empty. The buses roll by regularly but few cars are speeding about particularly at 7:00 a.m.

Do I need to know the day of the week? From a simple mental health perspective I think it is important to know the day of the week. It keeps you grounded. Just like knowing it was Easter Sunday last Sunday and that Mother's Day is coming up. I tend to think of my mother and my grandmother particularly on that day. I am now also thinking of my other grandmother that I never knew because I have learned so much about her now. My father seldom talked about his mother but occasionally there were glimpses of her; she was a Cook at the Manor House (he did call it the Bishop's Palace) but I think it was the Manor House where her mother actually worked before she was born. This family, in England, still continues I suspect in much the same way all of them knowing each other; visiting back and forth at least before COVID-19. They let me in a little and sent me pictures and I in turn sent them the pictures which we has and some of them they did not have which was quite nice. But a couple of years ago when I suggested DNA testing they closed that little opening and I have not heard from them since. I was wanting to see what I could discover about my grandmother's father I guess was in the back of my mind. Luckily a couple of full 3rd cousins have kindly tested and given me a little help with that but a test by a half second cousin could be more revealing. My grandparents only had my father so no first cousins to help reveal that hidden line. Perhaps it is being in seclusion like this that I have thought more about my paternal grandmother in terms of her father. I could write the people that are matching me on that likely side but I am not ready to do that yet.

I have veered away from the important of knowing the day of the week. I always did like to know the day of the week. It was a sort of grounding point; different things happened on different days of the week and I am a sort of orderly person who likes routines but breaks them just as easily at spontaneous points. Mentally speaking I think it is probably good in the present circumstances to get up, turned on your computer, and note that it is Saturday, the 18th of April and God in His goodness has let us live another day and try to work out how we can get back to what will be the new normal.

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