Monday, June 1, 2020

Frost - a perennial happening in June

We had a frost warning last night but looking out it doesn't look like we had any frost. Will uncover the plants that we covered in a little while. It is 7 degrees centigrade outside now. With a high of 15 degrees celsius it will be a cooler day today. Good weather for growing lettuce and grass!

Hard to believe that we are nearly three months under lockdown although restrictions eased a little today. We will continue with our face masks for the foreseeable future I would imagine. We wash our hands frequently as suggested and we spray the bottoms of our shoes when ever we leave our home. We also use lysol wipes to clean anything coming in except fresh food we wash on arrival home.

If I had been attending Church I would be really missing it; I miss it anyway but have now found work arounds that keep me close to my religious preferences. My mother was raised United Church becoming an Anglican in her teen years. My uncle and grandmother always attended the United Church. I sort of grew up with a foot in both although I am an Anglican and discovered as an adult that I really prefer being an Anglican although did attend my husband's United Church for about twenty five years whilst our children were small. He wanted his children to experience the United Church atmosphere that he grew up in and it was really easy for me to raise them as closet Anglicans anyway. It broadens one's mind to attend different churches I think and I would never have denied that to my children when my husband felt strongly about it.

A new week dawned yesterday and it was a beautiful day. I quite enjoyed it. We moved a couple of new growth elderberry bushes out of the lawn into the berry patch and will see if they survive. Somehow new life being aided seems right on Sunday. I try not to work too hard on the Lord's Day but I just feel that he would approve of us taking care of the world around us.

This week my husband will start physiotherapy to help bring him back to a stronger self. His medications seem to be working well for him now; being in the hospital let the doctors exert more control over the dosages. Certainly when I took him in on the 12th I was quite fearful for his life at that point but my husband tends to be a fighter and recovered well. Now he just has to regain his strength to continue his fight against sarcoidosis. He doesn't smoke or drink so makes it so much more difficult in my mind that he has to suffer this particular disease. I help him as much as I can. The doctors he has at the hospital and that he experienced in the hospital were a lot of the reason for his recovery and being home so quickly.

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